Unpacker Karton Service
A modular Karton Framework service that unpacks common packers like UPX and others using the Qiling Framework.
This project is FREE as in FREE
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Figure 1: Example of UPX Unpacked Children
Figure 2: Qiling Framework Unpacking
shellcode from tests/shellcode.exe
"type": "sample",
"stage": "recognized",
"kind": "runnable",
"platform": "win32"
"type": "sample",
"stage": "recognized",
"kind": "runnable",
"platform": "win64"
"type": "sample",
"stage": "recognized",
"kind": "runnable",
"platform": "linux"
"type": "sample",
"kind": "runnable",
"stage": "recognized",
"platform": <win32|win64|linux> (If PE File in Dump),
"payload": {
"sample": <Resource>,
"parent": <Resource>,
Make sure you have setup the core system: https://github.com/CERT-Polska/karton
Install from PyPi:
$ sudo apt install -y python3-virtualenv python-is-python3
$ virtualenv venv/
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install karton-unpacker
$ git clone https://github.com/c3rb3ru5d3d53c/karton-unpacker-modules.git modules/
$ find modules/ -name "requirements.txt" | while read i; do pip install -r $i; done
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/qilingframework/qiling.git
# Due to distribution restriction, Qiling Framework will not bundle Microsoft Windows DLL files and registry.
# Please use the script qiling/examples/scripts/dllscollector.bat on your Windows machine to collect the required DLLS for the rootfs
# Once the required DLLs have been collected copy them in the rootfs
$ karton-unpacker --config-file karton.ini --modules modules/ --rootfs qiling/examples/rootfs/ --timeout 30 --debug
Install from Source:
$ sudo apt install -y python3-virtualenv python-is-python3
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/c3rb3ru5d3d53c/karton-unpacker.git
$ cd karton-unpacker/
$ virtualenv venv/
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install .
$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/qilingframework/qiling.git
# Due to distribution restriction, Qiling Framework will not bundle Microsoft Windows DLL files and registry.
# Please use the script qiling/examples/scripts/dllscollector.bat on your Windows machine to collect the required DLLS for the rootfs
# Once the required DLLs have been collected copy them in the rootfs
$ karton-unpacker --config-file karton.ini --modules modules/ --rootfs qiling/examples/rootfs/ --timeout 30 --debug
Testing Your Installation
Once you have completed installing karton-unpacker
, try uploading the file tests/shellcode.exe
to mwdb.
If successful, you will see a file in relations with the name unpacked
, this is the extracted shellcode to spawn cmd.exe
If you wish to contribute your own modules to automatically unpack malware, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md