Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter
Data and code accompanying the paper Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter.
In specific:
- the code used for the training of our models (./code/finetune_models.py and ./code/finetune_multi_cv.py)
- a Jupyter Notebook containing the major parts of our analysis (./code/analysis.ipynb)
- the model that was selected and used for the sentiment analysis.
- the manually annotated data used for training are shared (./data/annotation/).
- the ids of tweets that were used in our analyis and control experiments (./data/main/ & ./data/control)
- names, parties and handles of the MPs that were tracked (./data/mps_list.csv).
Annotated Data (./data/annotation/)
- One folder for each language (English, Spanish, Greek).
- In each directory there are three files:
- *_900.csv contains the 900 tweets that annotators labelled individually (300 tweets each annotator).
- *_tiebreak_100.csv contains the initial 100 tweets all annotators labelled. 'annotator_3' indicates the annotator that was used as a tiebreaker.
- *_combined.csv contains all tweets labelled for the language.
While we plan to upload all the models trained for our experiments to huggingface.co, currently only the main model used in our analysis can be currently be find at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_Ngmh-uHGWEbKHFpKmQ1DhVf6LtDTglx/view?usp=sharing
The model, 'xlm-roberta-sentiment-multilingual', is based on the implementation of 'cardiffnlp/twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment' while being further finetuned on the annotated dataset.
Example usage
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification, pipeline
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained('./xlm-roberta-sentiment-multilingual/')
sentiment_analysis_task = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model=model, tokenizer="cardiffnlp/twitter-xlm-roberta-base-sentiment")
sentiment_analysis_task('Today is a good day')
Out: [{'label': 'Positive', 'score': 0.978614866733551}]
Reference paper
For more details, please check the reference paper. If you use the data contained in this repository for your research, please cite the paper using the following bib
title={{Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter: A Large-Scale Cross-Party Sentiment Analysis in Greece, Spain and United Kingdom}},
author={Antypas, Dimosthenis and Preece, Alun and Camacho-Collados, Jose},
booktitle={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.00396},