code for TCL: Vision-Language Pre-Training with Triple Contrastive Learning, CVPR 2022


Vision-Language Pre-Training with Triple Contrastive Learning, CVPR 2022


(03/16/2022) upload retrieval checkpoints finetuned on COCO and Flickr

This is the official PyTorch implementation of TCL



conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
pip install transformers==4.8.1
pip install timm==0.4.9
conda install ruamel_yaml
pip install opencv-python
pip install --upgrade Pillow
pip install einops

Pre-training Datasets:

Downstream-task Datasets:

Json Files from Pre-training and Downstream Tasks:

  • refer to Download in ALBEF
  • you need to change the image path in json files according to your downloaded images

Pre-trained checkpoint:


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/Pretrain.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain

Downstream Tasks:

Image-Text Retrieval

# zero-shot coco 
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/Retrieval_coco.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain_e30_Retrieval_coco_zeroshot \
--checkpoint output/pretrain/checkpoint_29.pth \

# fine-tune flickr
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/Retrieval_flickr.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain_e30_Retrieval_flickr \
--checkpoint output/pretrain/checkpoint_29.pth

# fine-tune coco
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/Retrieval_coco.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain_e30_Retrieval_coco \
--checkpoint output/pretrain/checkpoint_29.pth

# zero-shot flickr 
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/Retrieval_flickr.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain_e30_Retrieval_flickr_zeroshot \
--checkpoint output/pretrain_e30_Retrieval_coco/checkpoint_best.pth \


python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/VQA.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain_e30_vqa \
--checkpoint output/pretrain/checkpoint_29.pth

Visual Entailment

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/VE.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain_e30_VE \
--checkpoint output/pretrain/checkpoint_29.pth


# pre-train nlvr
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/NLVR_pretrain.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain_e30_NLVR_pretrain \
--checkpoint output/pretrain/checkpoint_29.pth

# fine-tune nlvr
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--config ./configs/NLVR.yaml \
--output_dir output/pretrain_e30_NLVR \
--checkpoint output/pretrain_e30_NLVR_pretrain/checkpoint_00.pth


  title={Vision-Language Pre-Training with Triple Contrastive Learning},
  author={Yang, Jinyu and Duan, Jiali and Tran, Son and Xu, Yi and Chanda, Sampath and Chen, Liqun and Zeng, Belinda and Chilimbi, Trishul and Huang, Junzhou},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition},

Our code is largely borrowed from ALBEF

  • loss is nan when pretaining on my own dataset

    loss is nan when pretaining on my own dataset

    hi, thanks for your excellent work firstly. when i train my own chinese dataset (so i change the bert-base-uncased to bert-base-chinese), loss becomes nan after several iterations. i have tried to decrease the lr and add grad_clip, but the problem still exists. image here is my training config: image

    can you give me some suggestion? thanks in advance.

    opened by liangzimei 13
  • No module named 'refTools'

    No module named 'refTools'

    Hi I am trying to reproduce the results from inside a docker container. After installing the dependencies I hit the following error:

      File "", line 30, in <module>
        from dataset import create_dataset, create_sampler, create_loader
      File "/workspace/dataset/", line 6, in <module>
        from dataset.caption_dataset import re_train_dataset, re_eval_dataset, pretrain_dataset
      File "/workspace/dataset/", line 12, in <module>
        from dataset.utils import pre_caption
      File "/workspace/dataset/", line 45, in <module>
        from refTools.evaluation.refEvaluation import RefEvaluation
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'refTools'

    every time when running:

    python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 \ --use_env \ --config ./configs/Pretrain.yaml \ --output_dir output/pretrain

    I have tried pip3 install reftools but it does not solve the issue. Have you run into this issue before?

    opened by PeterDykas 6
  • Roughly how much time does the zero-shot retrieval evaluation take?

    Roughly how much time does the zero-shot retrieval evaluation take?


    Many thanks for the great work and releasing the code. How much time does the inference of zero-shot retrieval take? On 2 V100s, it takes around 2 hours for me on MS-COCO. Is that normal or something is potentially wrong with my setup?

    Many thanks in advance.

    opened by yash0307 5
  • About the loss_distill

    About the loss_distill

    Hi, thank you for the excellent work and the release of the code!

    I am a little confused about the approach to calculating loss_distill in line 1429 of as shown in

                      loss_distill = -torch.sum(F.log_softmax(prediction_scores, dim=1)*soft_labels,dim=-1)

    I think the size of both prediction_scores and soft_labels would be (batch_size, seq_len, vocab_size). And F.softmax is used in the last dimension for soft_labels in line 237 of, as shown in

                      mlm_output = self.text_encoder(input_ids, 
                                                     attention_mask = text.attention_mask,
                                                     encoder_hidden_states = image_embeds,
                                                     encoder_attention_mask = image_atts,      
                                                     return_dict = True,
                                                     labels = labels,   
                                                     soft_labels = F.softmax(logits_m,dim=-1),
                                                     alpha = alpha

    Why is F.log_softmax used in the second dimension (dimension of seq_len) for prediction_scores?

    opened by sushizixin 3
  • Question about Data augmentation for MoCo.

    Question about Data augmentation for MoCo.

    Dear author, I feel thankful of your great masterpiece, and I really appreciate about your work these days.

    Reading your paper with comprehending your code,

    I got in my mind about data augmentation.

    I found that you give data augmentation on Image, then, did you do same thing on text modalities?

    If it is right, then can you check out that line in code?


    opened by celestialxevermore 2
  • About the XBert

    About the XBert

    Hi thanks for this wonderful work. I am confused about the CrossAttention Module, In the code of XBERT,when layer_num>=6, the text_encoder will turn into cross attention, however it will do self-attention on text_embeds and then do cross-attention between the text_embeds and image_embeds. I am confused why do self-attention on text_embeds and then do the cross-attention. Can it do self-attention on image_embeds first and then do cross-attention? or Can it only do the cross-attention? Please help me solve this problem when you are convenient. Thank you again!

    opened by zsmmsz99 2
  • json file problem

    json file problem

    whether the follow json file belong to VQA v2 ?

    train_file: ['../data/json_down/vqa_train.json', '../data/json_down/vqa_val.json',

    test_file: ['../data/json_down/vqa_test.json'] answer_list: '../data/json_down/answer_list.json'

    vqa_root: '../data/VQA/Images/mscoco/' #train2014/ vg_root: '../data/VG/VG_100K/' #image/

    opened by fengmingfeng 1
  • Question about the MLM masking

    Question about the MLM masking


    10% of the time, we replace masked input tokens with random word

        indices_random = torch.bernoulli(torch.full(input_ids.shape, 0.5)).bool() & masked_indices & ~indices_replaced

    Here is the code you use to replace a token with a random word. Is it correct to use 0.5 as the parameter here? Thank you for your answer.

    opened by longkukuhi 1
  • Can not reproduce zero-shot retrieval performance

    Can not reproduce zero-shot retrieval performance

    Hi, I have downloaded the pre-trained checkpoint TCL_4m.pth you provided and prepared Flickr30k.

    I run the following command:

    python -m torch.distributed.launch \
    --nproc_per_node=4 \
    --use_env \
    --config ./configs/Retrieval_flickr.yaml \
    --output_dir output/pretrain_e30_Retrieval_flickr_zeroshot \
    --checkpoint ./data/TCL_4M.pth \

    Here are the results I get:

    {"val_txt_r1": 87.96844181459566, "val_txt_r5": 98.12623274161736, "val_txt_r10": 99.40828402366864, "val_txt_r_mean": 95.16765285996057, "val_img_r1": 72.07100591715977, "val_img_r5": 90.55226824457594, "val_img_r10": 94.5759368836292, "val_img_r_mean": 85.73307034845497, "val_r_mean": 90.45036160420777, "test_txt_r1": 89.4, "test_txt_r5": 98.6, "test_txt_r10": 99.6, "test_txt_r_mean": 95.86666666666667, "test_img_r1": 73.36, "test_img_r5": 92.16, "test_img_r10": 95.52, "test_img_r_mean": 87.01333333333332, "test_r_mean": 91.44, "epoch": 0}

    According to the Table 2 in your paper, zero-shot R@1 performance on Flickr30K test set is 93.0 (text retrieval) and 79.6 (image retrieval). But what I get is test_txt_r1 = 89.4 and text_img_r1 = 73.36.

    Do I make something wrong?

    opened by yangbang18 1
  • How to obtain `T+`?

    How to obtain `T+`?


    Thanks for releasing the codes! Sorry to bother in this busy CVPR week, but here's one minor question:

    It's said in Sec. 3.2 that two sets of textual inputs, T and T+, are to be fed to h(.) and h_hat(.), respectively. Could you point me anywhere that how to obtain T+ exactly?


    opened by juliuswang0728 1
  • About GPU Usage and Training Time

    About GPU Usage and Training Time

    Hi, thanks for your great work and code sharing.

    According to config/Pretrain.yaml, the batch_size is set to 64 (i.e., each GPU will process 64 image-text pairs) during pretraining. I would like to know how much GPU memory will be used and how much time will be taken per epoch (on 4M dataset) under this setting.

    By the way, I have read your excellent paper but can not find the supplementary materials on the web. Could you share a link to download it? Thanks a lot.

    opened by yangbang18 1
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