Neural style transfer in PyTorch.



An implementation of neural style transfer (A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style) in PyTorch, supporting CPUs and Nvidia GPUs. It does automatic multi-scale (coarse-to-fine) stylization to produce high-quality high resolution stylizations, even up to print resolution if the GPUs have sufficient memory. If two GPUs are available, they can both be used to increase the maximum resolution. (Using two GPUs is not faster than using one.)

The algorithm has been modified from that in the literature by:

  • Using the PyTorch pre-trained VGG-19 weights instead of the original VGG-19 weights

  • Changing the padding mode of the first layer of VGG-19 to 'replicate', to reduce edge artifacts

  • When using average or L2 pooling, scaling the result by an empirically derived factor to ensure that the magnitude of the result stays the same on average (Gatys et al. (2015) did not do this)

  • Using an approximation to the MSE loss such that its gradient L1 norm is approximately 1 for content and style losses (in order to approximate the effects of gradient normalization, which produces better visual quality)

  • Normalizing the Gram matrices by the number of elements in each feature map channel rather than by the total number of elements (Johnson et al.) or not normalizing (Gatys et al. (2015))

  • Taking an exponential moving average over the iterates to reduce iterate noise (each new scale is initialized with the previous scale's averaged iterate)

  • Warm-starting the Adam optimizer with scaled-up versions of its first and second moment buffers at the beginning of each new scale, to prevent noise from being added to the iterates at the beginning of each scale

  • Using non-equal weights for the style layers to improve visual quality

  • Stylizing the image at progressively larger scales, each greater by a factor of sqrt(2) (this is improved from the multi-scale scheme given in Gatys et al. (2016))

Example outputs (click for the full-sized version)


Python 3.6+ is required.

PyTorch is required: follow their installation instructions before proceeding. If you do not have an Nvidia GPU, select None for CUDA. On Linux, you can find out your CUDA version using the nvidia-smi command. PyTorch packages for CUDA versions lower than yours will work, but select the highest you can.

To install style-transfer-pytorch, first clone the repository, then run the command:

pip install -e PATH_TO_REPO

This will install the style_transfer CLI tool. style_transfer uses a pre-trained VGG-19 model (Simonyan et al.), which is 548MB in size, and will download it when first run.

If you have a supported GPU and style_transfer is using the CPU, try using the argument --device cuda:0 to force it to try to use the first CUDA GPU. This should print an informative error message.

Basic usage


Input images will be converted to sRGB when loaded, and output images have the sRGB colorspace. If the output image is a TIFF file, it will be written with 16 bits per channel. Alpha channels in the inputs will be ignored.

style_transfer has many optional arguments: run it with the --help argument to see a full list. Particularly notable ones include:

  • --web enables a simple web interface while the program is running that allows you to watch its progress. It runs on port 8080 by default, but you can change it with --port. If you just want to view the current image and refresh it manually, you can go to /image.

  • --devices manually sets the PyTorch device names. It can be set to cpu to force it to run on the CPU on a machine with a supported GPU, or to e.g. cuda:1 (zero indexed) to select the second CUDA GPU. Two GPUs can be specified, for instance --devices cuda:0 cuda:1. style_transfer will automatically use the first visible CUDA GPU, falling back to the CPU, if it is omitted.

  • -s (--end-scale) sets the maximum image dimension (height and width) of the output. A large image (e.g. 2896x2172) can take around fifteen minutes to generate on an RTX 3090 and will require nearly all of its 24GB of memory. Since both memory usage and runtime increase linearly in the number of pixels (quadratically in the value of the --end-scale parameter), users with less GPU memory or who do not want to wait very long are encouraged to use smaller resolutions. The default is 512.

  • -sw (--style-weights) specifies factors for the weighted average of multiple styles if there is more than one style image specified. These factors are automatically normalized to sum to 1. If omitted, the styles will be blended equally.

  • -cw (--content-weight) sets the degree to which features from the content image are included in the output image. The default is 0.015.

  • -tw (--tv-weight) sets the strength of the smoothness prior. The default is 2.


  1. L. Gatys, A. Ecker, M. Bethge (2015), "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style"

  2. L. Gatys, A. Ecker, M. Bethge, A. Hertzmann, E. Shechtman (2016), "Controlling Perceptual Factors in Neural Style Transfer"

  3. J. Johnson, A. Alahi, L. Fei-Fei (2016), "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution"

  4. A. Mahendran, A. Vedaldi (2014), "Understanding Deep Image Representations by Inverting Them"

  5. D. Kingma, J. Ba (2014), "Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization"

  6. K. Simonyan, A. Zisserman (2014), "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition"

  • It is not running on GPU in google colab :/

    It is not running on GPU in google colab :/

    Hi, awesome repo. Thanks for sharing. It throws this error every time I try to run this on GPU.

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/style_transfer", line 33, in <module> sys.exit(load_entry_point('style-transfer-pytorch', 'console_scripts', 'style_transfer')()) File "/content/style-transfer-pytorch/style_transfer/", line 213, in main props = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(device) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/cuda/", line 296, in get_device_properties _lazy_init() # will define _get_device_properties File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/cuda/", line 172, in _lazy_init torch._C._cuda_init() RuntimeError: The NVIDIA driver on your system is too old (found version 10010). Please update your GPU driver by downloading and installing a new version from the URL: Alternatively, go to: to install a PyTorch version that has been compiled with your version of the CUDA driver.

    So I'm forced to run it on the CPU instead and which takes forever. 😪 Can you make it compatible with the old drivers? 😅

    I made this [colab] notebook. You can reproduce the error yourself.

    opened by aertist 10
  • runs with no output runs with no output is running with no output and no error messages. I'm pretty sure it's set up incorrectly. Below are screenshots of my folders: image image main_images, output_images, and style_images are user-created folders. Running the command does nothing: image (this is python [main] [style]) I have tried using the --web interface with localhost:8080 but nothing appears.

    opened by Catalyzzt 2
  • cannot import name '_imagingcms' from 'PIL'

    cannot import name '_imagingcms' from 'PIL'

    I'm getting this (rather colorful) error from the program whenever I try and run style_transfer. It worked once with great results but seems not to want to work again. Capture

    opened by Catalyzzt 1
  • 16-bit (torch.HalfTensor) support possible to save VRAM?

    16-bit (torch.HalfTensor) support possible to save VRAM?

    Is it possible to do the processing using 16-bit float type, using model.half() and torch.HalfTensor data type? it could lower the VRAM requirements for high resolution images.

    opened by arpitest 0
  • Use multiple content images

    Use multiple content images

    Using the colab as an example, I want to scrape the web for multiple content images then use one style image. Basically, I'd like it to be a s close as the colab version as possible.

    opened by DevTopiaGG 0
  • Multi-GPU allocation

    Multi-GPU allocation


    I'm trying to understand device allocation here. I have different GPUs capacities, and the program stops with OOM during backward() even when free space is available.

    In the code, I see two critical parts for GPU alloc:

    1. In class StyleTransfer, you create a device plan to spead the load of the 27ish layers of VGG over GPUs.
     if len(self.devices) == 1:
                device_plan = {0: self.devices[0]}
            elif len(self.devices) == 2:
                device_plan = {0: self.devices[0], 5: self.devices[1]}

    meaning you send 5 first layers to GPU0 and all other to GPU1.

    1. In the stylize main loop, you actually send all images and styles to GPU0:
    self.image =[0])
    content =[0]) 

    so I'm not sure whether the load is spread at all during the backward descent.

    How would you see a version where the load is spread evenly depending of each capacity?

    • Would you send everything to GPU0 until almost loaded, and then send the remaining data to GPU1
    • Or would you keep the ratio of data to each GPU well-balanced during the whole process?

    Regards, J

    opened by jdumont0201 0
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