Progressive Image Deraining Networks: A Better and Simpler Baseline

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Deep Learning PReNet

Progressive Image Deraining Networks: A Better and Simpler Baseline

[arxiv] [pdf] [supp]


This paper provides a better and simpler baseline deraining network by discussing network architecture, input and output, and loss functions. Specifically, by repeatedly unfolding a shallow ResNet, progressive ResNet (PRN) is proposed to take advantage of recursive computation. A recurrent layer is further introduced to exploit the dependencies of deep features across stages, forming our progressive recurrent network (PReNet). Furthermore, intra-stage recursive computation of ResNet can be adopted in PRN and PReNet to notably reduce network parameters with graceful degradation in deraining performance (PRN_r and PReNet_r). For network input and output, we take both stage-wise result and original rainy image as input to each ResNet and finally output the prediction of residual image. As for loss functions, single MSE or negative SSIM losses are sufficient to train PRN and PReNet. Experiments show that PRN and PReNet perform favorably on both synthetic and real rainy images. Considering its simplicity, efficiency and effectiveness, our models are expected to serve as a suitable baseline in future deraining research.


  • Python 3.6, PyTorch >= 0.4.0
  • Requirements: opencv-python, tensorboardX
  • Platforms: Ubuntu 16.04, cuda-8.0 & cuDNN v-5.1 (higher versions also work well)
  • MATLAB for computing evaluation metrics


PRN and PReNet are evaluated on four datasets*: Rain100H [1], Rain100L [1], Rain12 [2] and Rain1400 [3]. Please download the testing datasets from BaiduYun or OneDrive, and place the unzipped folders into ./datasets/test/.

To train the models, please download training datasets: RainTrainH [1], RainTrainL [1] and Rain12600 [3] from BaiduYun or OneDrive, and place the unzipped folders into ./datasets/train/.

*We note that:

(i) The datasets in the website of [1] seem to be modified. But the models and results in recent papers are all based on the previous version, and thus we upload the original training and testing datasets to BaiduYun and OneDrive.

(ii) For RainTrainH, we strictly exclude 546 rainy images that have the same background contents with testing images. All our models are trained on remaining 1,254 training samples.

Getting Started

1) Testing

We have placed our pre-trained models into ./logs/.

Run shell scripts to test the models:

bash   # test models on Rain100H
bash   # test models on Rain100L
bash     # test models on Rain12
bash   # test models on Rain1400 
bash   # test models in Ablation Study
bash       # test PReNet on real rainy images

All the results in the paper are also available at BaiduYun. You can place the downloaded results into ./results/, and directly compute all the evaluation metrics in this paper.

2) Evaluation metrics

We also provide the MATLAB scripts to compute the average PSNR and SSIM values reported in the paper.

 cd ./statistic
 run statistic_Rain100H.m
 run statistic_Rain100L.m
 run statistic_Rain12.m
 run statistic_Rain1400.m
 run statistic_Ablation.m  # compute the metrics in Ablation Study

Average PSNR/SSIM values on four datasets:

Dataset PRN PReNet PRN_r PReNet_r JORDER[1] RESCAN[4]
Rain100H 28.07/0.884 29.46/0.899 27.43/0.874 28.98/0.892 26.54/0.835 28.88/0.866
Rain100L 36.99/0.977 37.48/0.979 36.11/0.973 37.10/0.977 36.61/0.974 ---
Rain12 36.62/0.952 36.66/0.961 36.16/0.961 36.69/0.962 33.92/0.953 ---
Rain1400 31.69/0.941 32.60/0.946 31.31/0.937 32.44/0.944 --- ---

*We note that:

(i) The metrics by JORDER[1] are computed directly based on the deraining images provided by the authors.

(ii) RESCAN[4] is re-trained with their default settings: (1) RESCAN for Rain100H is trained on the full 1800 rainy images, while our models are all trained on the strict 1254 rainy images. (2) The re-trained model of RESCAN is available at here.

(iii) The deraining results by JORDER and RESCAN can be downloaded from here, and their metrics in the above table can be computed by the Matlab scripts.

3) Training

Run shell scripts to train the models:


You can use tensorboard --logdir ./logs/your_model_path to check the training procedures.

Model Configuration

The following tables provide the configurations of options.

Training Mode Configurations

Option Default Description
batchSize 18 Training batch size
recurrent_iter 6 Number of recursive stages
epochs 100 Number of training epochs
milestone [30,50,80] When to decay learning rate
lr 1e-3 Initial learning rate
save_freq 1 save intermediate model
use_GPU True use GPU or not
gpu_id 0 GPU id
data_path N/A path to training images
save_path N/A path to save models and status

Testing Mode Configurations

Option Default Description
use_GPU True use GPU or not
gpu_id 0 GPU id
recurrent_iter 6 Number of recursive stages
logdir N/A path to trained model
data_path N/A path to testing images
save_path N/A path to save results


[1] Yang W, Tan RT, Feng J, Liu J, Guo Z, Yan S. Deep joint rain detection and removal from a single image. In IEEE CVPR 2017.

[2] Li Y, Tan RT, Guo X, Lu J, Brown MS. Rain streak removal using layer priors. In IEEE CVPR 2016.

[3] Fu X, Huang J, Zeng D, Huang Y, Ding X, Paisley J. Removing rain from single images via a deep detail network. In IEEE CVPR 2017.

[4] Li X, Wu J, Lin Z, Liu H, Zha H. Recurrent squeeze-and-excitation context aggregation net for single image deraining.In ECCV 2018.


   title={Progressive Image Deraining Networks: A Better and Simpler Baseline},
   author={Ren, Dongwei and Zuo, Wangmeng and Hu, Qinghua and Zhu, Pengfei and Meng, Deyu},
   booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  • Question of loss and training

    Question of loss and training

    Hello, thank you for your contribution. I have read your thesis, can you answer some questions?

    1. Does Loss only use SSIM and not MSE? What happens if these two Loss are used at the same time?
    2. About four networks. During training, are these 4 written separately when typing commands? For example to train PReNet, I just need to type


    and I don't need to type the remaining three

    bash bash bash

    Looking forward to your answer, thank you

    opened by FUNGERN 4
  • Data set path

    Data set path

    You have 4 .py training files (train_PReNet, train_PRN, train_PReNet_r, train_PRN_r), but you have 3 training datasets (RainTrainH, RainTrainL, and Rain12600). When filling in the path, is there any specific .py corresponding to a specific training set path, or are these three optional?

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    how to train only LSTM models in stages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 and test these 6 models?

    Hi, your work is great. I have a question to ask you if I only want to train the LSTM model in stages 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 . Do I just need to change recurrent_iter=2,3,4,5,6,7 in and I don't quite understand, please tell me, thanks

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  • How to put 100H, 100L and 12600 together to train a model?

    How to put 100H, 100L and 12600 together to train a model?

    Hello, thank you for your contribution! I would like to ask how to put three models of 100H, 100L and 12600 together to train a model? If you train together, will you still train for 100 epochs? Will it be a waste of time? Looking forward to your reply, thanks.

    opened by FUNGERN 3
  • what is h5py version ?

    what is h5py version ?

    I tried to read the datasets, but error shows

      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/h5f.pyx", line 96, in
    OSError: Unable to open file (bad object header version number)

    any suggestion ?

    opened by Stephenfang51 2
  • no file named train_target.h5

    no file named train_target.h5

    hello! thanks a lot for your wonderful code! I want to try ur code on my own dataset, so i create a folder named 'mydatasets' and put it in 'datasets/train/', and put rain and norain images in this folder.

    i run 'python --preprocess True save_path xxxx -- data_path datasets/train/mydatasets' and error occurs as below: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = ' datasets/train/mydatasets/train_target.h5') no such file or directory

    so, how to get the file train_target.h5? looking forward to ur response!!!

    opened by Jamofl 0
  • Guānyú cèshì 4 / 5,000 Translation results About testing

    Guānyú cèshì 4 / 5,000 Translation results About testing

    I entered a 2048 * 2048 picture for test results showing insufficient memory but input small resolution pictures can be, I can ask me to test a big resolution image? image

    opened by BALDman66 0
  • RainTrainL dataset

    RainTrainL dataset

    hello! thanks a lot for your code!! in the RainTrainL dataset, where do rainstreak-xxx.png and rainregion-xxx.png come from? how to get them? if i create a dataset on my own, and there are only norain and rain image pairs(without rainstreak and rainnregion images) is it possilble to train on this dataset? if not, what should i do? thanks a lot!

    opened by Jamofl 0
  • Different stage t output

    Different stage t output

    How to obtain different stages of the derain image, like the Fig.1 t=1,2,4 in your paper? Is it the intermediate output of a complete network or is it the result of constructing different networks to experiment with?

    opened by xuefei0123 0
  • 关于RainTrainL数据集


    有以下几个问题想请教一下作者: 1.请问为什么这个数据集中除了由于无雨图外还有雨痕和雨图,这两个是怎么得到的呢(这个数据集是怎么制作的)? 2.四种图片类型放在同一个文件夹下又是怎么分别读取的呢? 3.在根据sh文件按要求放置数据集后为什么报错UnboundLocalError: local variable 'input_train' referenced before assignment,代码中的input_train和out_train是怎么设置或者读取(得到)的? 非常感谢!期待您的回复

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