[CVPR 2022] PoseTriplet: Co-evolving 3D Human Pose Estimation, Imitation, and Hallucination under Self-supervision (Oral)


PoseTriplet: Co-evolving 3D Human Pose Estimation, Imitation, and Hallucination under Self-supervision

Kehong Gong*, Bingbing Li*, Jianfeng Zhang*, Tao Wang*, Jing Huang, Bi Mi, Jiashi Feng, Xinchao Wang

CVPR 2022 (Oral Presentation, arxiv)



Pose-triplet contains three components: estimator, imitator and hallucinator

The three components form dual-loop during the training process, complementing and strengthening one another. alt text

Improvement through co-evolving

Here is imitated motion of different rounds, the estimator and imitator get improved over the rounds of training, and thus the imitated motion becomes more accurate and realistic from round 1 to 3. alt text

Video demo



Here we compared our results with two recent works Yu et al. and Hu et al.


  • Please refer to README_env.md for the python environment setup.

Data Preparation


Please refer to script-summary for the training process. We also provide a checkpoint folder here with better performance, which support that this framework has the potential to reach the same performance as fully-supervised approaches.
Note: checkpoint for the RL policy is not include due to the size limitation, please following the training code to train the policy.


We provide an inference code here. Please follow the instruction and download the pretrained model for inference on videos.


Here is a slidestalk (PPT in english, speak in chinese).


If you find this code useful for your research, please consider citing the following paper:

  title      = {PoseTriplet: Co-evolving 3D Human Pose Estimation, Imitation, and Hallucination under Self-supervision},
  author     = {Gong, Kehong and Li, Bingbing and Zhang, Jianfeng and Wang, Tao and Huang, Jing and Mi, Michael Bi and Feng, Jiashi and Wang, Xinchao},
  booktitle  = {CVPR},
  year       = {2022}
  • Can this model inference single image?

    Can this model inference single image?

    I want to find out whether this model can inference online. So does it need the frame from future when it inference current frames? or like the question as title, can this model inference single image?

    opened by tiger990111 10
  • ValueError in Inference

    ValueError in Inference

    When I ran the inference script: python videopose-j16-wild-eval_run.py I got folloing errors. Could you help me?

    -------------- prepare video clip spends 0.03 seconds
    -------------- load keypoint spends 0.05 seconds
    Loading checkpoint ./checkpoint/ckpt_ep_045.bin
    -------------- load 3D model spends 3.81 seconds
    -------------- generate reconstruction 3D data spends 0.53 seconds
    Loading checkpoint ./checkpoint/ckpt_ep_045.bin
    -------------- load 3D Traj model spends 0.16 seconds
    -------------- generate reconstruction 3D data spends 0.02 seconds
    Rendering... save to ./wild_eval/333_scale2D_010/bilibili-clip/kunkun_clip_alpha_pose.mp4
    ===========================> This video get 49 frames in total.
      2%|##2                                                                                                          | 1/49 [00:00<00:10,  4.57it/s]Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "videopose-j16-wild-eval_run.py", line 288, in <module>
      File "videopose-j16-wild-eval_run.py", line 44, in redering
      File "videopose-j16-wild-eval_run.py", line 232, in visalizatoin
      File "/mnt/zhoudeyu/project/save_video/dengyuanzhang/posetriplet/PoseTriplet-main/estimator_inference/common/visualization.py", line 195, in render_animation
        anim.save(output, writer=writer)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/animation.py", line 1174, in save
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/contextlib.py", line 99, in __exit__
        self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/animation.py", line 232, in saving
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/animation.py", line 358, in finish
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/site-packages/matplotlib/animation.py", line 395, in cleanup
        out, err = self._proc.communicate()
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 863, in communicate
        stdout, stderr = self._communicate(input, endtime, timeout)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/subprocess.py", line 1525, in _communicate
        selector.register(self.stdout, selectors.EVENT_READ)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/selectors.py", line 351, in register
        key = super().register(fileobj, events, data)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/selectors.py", line 237, in register
        key = SelectorKey(fileobj, self._fileobj_lookup(fileobj), events, data)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/selectors.py", line 224, in _fileobj_lookup
        return _fileobj_to_fd(fileobj)
      File "/root/miniconda3/envs/alphapose/lib/python3.6/selectors.py", line 39, in _fileobj_to_fd
        "{!r}".format(fileobj)) from None
    ValueError: Invalid file object: <_io.BufferedReader name=30>
      6%|######6                                                                                                      | 3/49 [00:00<00:07,  5.99it/s]
    opened by ChawDoe 8
  • How to accelerate the policy training

    How to accelerate the policy training

    Hi, I changed the loss function of the training for the 3D pose estimation. So I should train the policy since the iteration helix_1 and I cannot use the policy trained by you, right? However, I found it is time-consuming to train the policy ( python pose_imitation/pose_mimic.py --cfg subject_h36m_helix_1 --num-threads 52 --mocap-folder ./checkpoint/exp_h36m_gt2d_v5/helix_1). About 11 hours were needed on my server to get a model such as models/iter_0200.p. Would you please tell me how to accelerate the policy training process? Thank you!

    opened by gyou2021 7
  • About custom training and inference

    About custom training and inference

    感谢作者的优秀工作,并且在这分享实现给大家! 我刚刚看了你的视频演讲回放,讲得很棒! 我正在做3D pose的应用,有一些问题想请教一下:

    1. 因为是做应用,所以比较关注estimator。我们在推理的时候,能不能只用estimator?是否还得配合着imitator来用使得这个动作序列更逼真一些?用和不用imitator做推理(不是训练)在性能上差多少呢?
    2. 关于整个framework,我自己理解是这三个模块结构上是可拆解替换的是吗?也就是我可以自定义修改estimator的实现,然后用pretrained的imitator和hallucinator来单独训练estimator的是吗?
    opened by PGogo 5
  •   Training issue: joints' number (17) of the model is not equal to the input 2D joints' number (16) when evaluating S911, 3DHP & 3DHPW

    Training issue: joints' number (17) of the model is not equal to the input 2D joints' number (16) when evaluating S911, 3DHP & 3DHPW

    estimator/common/model.py", line 66, in forward assert x.shape[-2] == self.num_joints_in AssertionError

    Debug in def _model_preparation_pos(self) of posegan_basementclass.py self.poses_valid_2d[0].shape[-2] is 17; self.dataset.skeleton().num_joints() is 16.

    opened by gyou2021 4
  • Lower body skeleton issue

    Lower body skeleton issue

    Hi I am trying to get the 3 pose on upper body and is there a way to filter or remove lower body keypoints completely. I am getting the following output where the legs are distorted but I don't want lower body joints to be visible in my output.

    Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 2 23 37 PM
    opened by Abi5678 4
  • no such file or directory: './data_cross/3dhp/3dhp_testset_bySub.pkl'

    no such file or directory: './data_cross/3dhp/3dhp_testset_bySub.pkl'

    Hello, I am very interesting in your excellenct work! When I run the code in script-summary-gt2d-v5.sh, I get the following error: no such file or directory: './data_cross/3dhp/3dhp_testset_bySub.pkl' How can I get this file? thank you! https://github.com/Garfield-kh/PoseTriplet/blob/eb93132f99161bd776dafbcb713e9fb43e501c36/imitator/script-summary-gt2d-v5.sh#L30

    opened by JiahongWu1995 3
  • multi-person 3D pose estimation

    multi-person 3D pose estimation

    Hi Gong,

    we are using your impressive work for 3D pose reconstruction from video. In general, it works quite well for single-person scenarios. However, when I tried to apply it to the multi-person scenarios, it seems that it only tracks the pose for one character and tracking is not consistent on one person but jumping around on different person. So is that possible to apply for your work on multi-person 3D pose estimation? Thank you!

    opened by dhhjx880713 3
  • Result on H36M

    Result on H36M

    Hi, in your paper, PoseTriplet result is 68.2 on H36M in terms of MPJPE (P1), P2 45.1 using GT 2d pose. I viewed your training result. Is the 68.2 from s911_flip_p1 (tag: eval_P_epoch_real/s911_flip_p1)? However, I found smaller values on the graph. Where are the P1 results for 3DHP and 3DPW from? (from eval_P_epoch_real?) Thank you!

    good first issue 
    opened by gyou2021 2
  • The parameter value of pose_mimic_eval.py

    The parameter value of pose_mimic_eval.py

    Hi, In imitator/script-summary-gt2d-v5.sh, 159 >> inference the RL result using trained model 160 python pose_imitation/pose_mimic_eval.py --cfg subject_h36mrib --data train --num-threads 52 --iter 1200 ..... Why 1200 was selected for --iter? How to select the value? Thank you!

    opened by gyou2021 2
  • Posegan_train


    Hi, In imitator/script-summary-gt2d-v5.sh, since 182 # use default setting #5 if it dose not crash, why should we run posegan_train.py four times from line 175 -180? It seems each posegan_train.py is independent of others. Is it right that we only run 177 CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python posegan_train.py --note vp_5_wrib --add_random_cam...? Thank you.

    opened by gyou2021 2
  • CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    CVE-2007-4559 Patch

    Patching CVE-2007-4559

    Hi, we are security researchers from the Advanced Research Center at Trellix. We have began a campaign to patch a widespread bug named CVE-2007-4559. CVE-2007-4559 is a 15 year old bug in the Python tarfile package. By using extract() or extractall() on a tarfile object without sanitizing input, a maliciously crafted .tar file could perform a directory path traversal attack. We found at least one unsantized extractall() in your codebase and are providing a patch for you via pull request. The patch essentially checks to see if all tarfile members will be extracted safely and throws an exception otherwise. We encourage you to use this patch or your own solution to secure against CVE-2007-4559. Further technical information about the vulnerability can be found in this blog.

    If you have further questions you may contact us through this projects lead researcher Kasimir Schulz.

    opened by TrellixVulnTeam 0
  • How to project the predicted 3D pose to the 2D pose

    How to project the predicted 3D pose to the 2D pose

    Hi, I want to project the predicted 3D pose to the 2D pose to see the difference between this 2D pose and the 2D pose from which the 3D pose is derived of. I wonder whether it is right that I use the method project_to_2d(X, camera_params) of camera.py with the real parameters of the camera that took the images because the real camera parameters were not used in training. How to project the predicted 3D pose to the 2D pose? Thank you.

    opened by gyou2021 4
  • Regarding the distance between the camera and the subject

    Regarding the distance between the camera and the subject

    Hi,Mr. Garfield-kh. Sorry, I have to post a new issue.

    This may be fundamental question, but is there any particular distance between the subject and the camera that is required for this system to accurately produce a 3D image? I am wondering if it has something to do with the "4m" that Mr. Garfield-kh mentioned.

    Also, I feel that the 3D estimation is worse when the subject is a child.Do you know of any way to adjust it?

    Thank you.

    opened by jin-tmoya 4
  • How to extract coordinates of 3D keypoints

    How to extract coordinates of 3D keypoints

    Hi,I am not good at English, so I apologize if my English is misleading.

    I want to extract the coordinates of 3D keypoints(x , y, z), but it doesn't work. As for what we tried, I tried to output the value of prediction.(「videopose-j16-wild-eval_run.py」line 199)

    The results are shown here.(We used a "kunkun_clip.mp4".) -------------- prepare video clip spends 0.02 seconds -------------- load keypoint spends 0.01 seconds Loading checkpoint ./checkpoint/ckpt_ep_045.bin -------------- load 3D model spends 0.08 seconds [[[ 5.93354198e-05 1.70869516e-05 3.85639858e-08] [-1.03275985e-01 -2.98896129e-03 3.72205190e-02] [-2.07049251e-01 4.06995893e-01 -1.07592411e-01] ... [-1.62893653e-01 -4.70567942e-01 -5.11920266e-02] [-1.94243610e-01 -2.81453490e-01 1.39230907e-01] [-2.94799685e-01 -1.80989355e-01 1.17846029e-02]]

    [[ 6.81496749e-05 1.57090817e-05 4.34617711e-08] [-1.01091936e-01 -2.09802575e-03 4.19775918e-02] [-2.11011797e-01 4.05896515e-01 -9.80924964e-02] ... [-1.53813958e-01 -4.74190831e-01 -3.30972932e-02] [-1.90179735e-01 -3.07276726e-01 1.67530388e-01] [-3.05322289e-01 -2.26756632e-01 6.73069879e-02]]

    [[ 7.13446352e-05 1.38120804e-05 4.19068655e-08] [-1.00091867e-01 -7.69968377e-04 4.70813289e-02] [-2.13834763e-01 4.10951346e-01 -9.52427685e-02] ... [-1.51114359e-01 -4.77976769e-01 -2.20416579e-02] [-2.04482198e-01 -3.37212771e-01 1.90199822e-01] [-3.38903546e-01 -2.81002909e-01 1.29762441e-01]]


    [[-6.72895112e-06 1.62988144e-05 -1.20641790e-08] [-1.03694782e-01 6.92390744e-03 5.06759100e-02] [-1.96537614e-01 4.33968723e-01 -1.27974689e-01] ... [-3.33037019e-01 -3.92906040e-01 -1.15641028e-01] [-5.39204121e-01 -3.08923870e-01 3.72153409e-02] [-7.58739769e-01 -2.83981621e-01 -3.50418091e-02]]

    [[ 4.52273525e-08 1.58211951e-05 -1.74119279e-08] [-1.01883560e-01 7.35222874e-03 5.44899777e-02] [-2.18860939e-01 4.36264157e-01 -1.25121012e-01] ... [-3.36887985e-01 -3.93161565e-01 -1.23000994e-01] [-5.36568999e-01 -2.95687914e-01 3.57882604e-02] [-7.49117494e-01 -2.61148334e-01 -4.28803191e-02]]

    [[ 1.09871326e-05 1.75449386e-05 -2.58652264e-08] [-1.00538105e-01 9.60641168e-03 5.87101802e-02] [-2.38827333e-01 4.35711741e-01 -1.21683776e-01] ... [-3.37355673e-01 -3.86507511e-01 -1.32569075e-01] [-5.34336150e-01 -2.70994544e-01 2.65108123e-02] [-7.29883015e-01 -2.23541379e-01 -6.84319139e-02]]] -------------- generate reconstruction 3D data spends 0.03 seconds Loading checkpoint ./checkpoint/ckpt_ep_045.bin -------------- load 3D Traj model spends 0.10 seconds [[[-0.0608316 0.06176288 4.3910446 ]]

    [[-0.06548614 0.07058202 4.388146 ]]

    [[-0.06756089 0.07601852 4.394839 ]]

    [[-0.06937461 0.07606728 4.4062023 ]]

    [[-0.07935582 0.08046775 4.4164486 ]]

    [[-0.08117009 0.08611105 4.454586 ]]

    [[-0.08033934 0.08394711 4.507877 ]]

    [[-0.08038983 0.08460207 4.5325723 ]]

    [[-0.08086307 0.09273802 4.5473223 ]]

    [[-0.08537923 0.11209127 4.5626073 ]]

    [[-0.0958671 0.14113364 4.5830708 ]]

    [[-0.10283907 0.16764934 4.5974092 ]]

    [[-0.10631857 0.20077157 4.6156845 ]]

    [[-0.11503273 0.22333497 4.6380987 ]]

    [[-0.12763707 0.23823354 4.685437 ]]

    [[-0.14130223 0.24021342 4.7722874 ]]

    [[-0.15757567 0.22182588 4.8492317 ]]

    [[-0.17067264 0.19555132 4.9141035 ]]

    [[-0.1773699 0.16885322 4.966269 ]]

    [[-0.18369074 0.14390603 4.9619675 ]]

    [[-0.18909636 0.13704099 4.9318147 ]]

    [[-0.19336607 0.13380723 4.8802266 ]]

    [[-0.19484845 0.13180962 4.823578 ]]

    [[-0.19598952 0.13649382 4.7753596 ]]

    [[-0.19962612 0.14402375 4.781396 ]]

    [[-0.20210056 0.15149407 4.802383 ]]

    [[-0.20000105 0.1506775 4.8272696 ]]

    [[-0.20134133 0.14728308 4.8650827 ]]

    [[-0.20255381 0.15239106 4.8854446 ]]

    [[-0.19994022 0.16628543 4.8886423 ]]

    [[-0.19105588 0.17989056 4.8842635 ]]

    [[-0.1787905 0.20058975 4.8489604 ]]

    [[-0.16615632 0.22787926 4.804517 ]]

    [[-0.15367337 0.2493041 4.7636037 ]]

    [[-0.14456213 0.25460663 4.743619 ]]

    [[-0.13935232 0.24980387 4.7353373 ]]

    [[-0.13870691 0.23478699 4.73121 ]]

    [[-0.14449558 0.21044308 4.72014 ]]

    [[-0.14755204 0.1812517 4.7154474 ]]

    [[-0.1413371 0.1611051 4.6990433 ]]

    [[-0.1335179 0.1436337 4.6672726 ]]

    [[-0.12924318 0.12828264 4.672592 ]]

    [[-0.1243439 0.11969504 4.647041 ]]

    [[-0.11906209 0.11369721 4.621543 ]]

    [[-0.11781553 0.10911711 4.630979 ]]

    [[-0.11602639 0.10793802 4.638523 ]]

    [[-0.1132953 0.10446329 4.6481276 ]]

    [[-0.11169393 0.09817347 4.6719456 ]]

    [[-0.11350296 0.09695254 4.6916246 ]]]

    I am not sure if this way of putting it out is correct or if it is different in the first place. If you know how to do it right, please let me know.Thank you.

    opened by jin-tmoya 13
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