Code for "Human Pose Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estimation", ICCV 2021 Oral


Human Pose Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estimation

[Paper] [arXiv] [Project Page]

Human Pose Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estimation
Jiefeng Li, Siyuan Bian, Ailing Zeng, Can Wang, Bo Pang, Wentao Liu, Cewu Lu
ICCV 2021 Oral

Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estimation


  • Provide minimal implementation of RLE loss.
  • Provide implementation on Human3.6M dataset.
  • Provide implementation on COCO dataset.


  1. Install pytorch >= 1.1.0 following official instruction.
  2. Install rlepose:
pip install cython
python develop
  1. Install COCOAPI.
pip install -U 'git+'
  1. Init data directory:
mkdir data
  1. Download COCO data:
|-- data
`-- |-- coco
    `-- |-- annotations
        |   |-- person_keypoints_train2017.json
        |   `-- person_keypoints_val2017.json
        `-- images
            |-- train2017
            |   |-- 000000000009.jpg
            |   |-- 000000000025.jpg
            |   |-- 000000000030.jpg
            |   |-- ... 
            `-- val2017
                |-- 000000000139.jpg
                |-- 000000000285.jpg
                |-- 000000000632.jpg
                |-- ... 

Train from scratch

./scripts/ ./configs/256x192_res50_regress-flow.yaml train_rle


Download the pretrained model from Google Drive.

./scripts/ ./configs/256x192_res50_regress-flow.yaml ./coco-laplace-rle.pth


If our code helps your research, please consider citing the following paper:

    title={Human Pose Regression with Residual Log-likelihood Estimation},
    author={Li, Jiefeng and Bian, Siyuan and Zeng, Ailing and Wang, Can and Pang, Bo and Liu, Wentao and Lu, Cewu},
  • Question about the norm in linear layer

    Question about the norm in linear layer

    Hi, I am curious about the normaliztion applied for fc_coord. What's the meaning of this line? Why should the output divide the norm of the input?

    opened by sicxu 8
  • How do multiple point detection works?

    How do multiple point detection works?

    I am confused how multiple key point detection works. One-point is easy, just compare the result. Two-point is not, because the model could output A, B or B, A, while the ground truth is a, b. So, multiple-point can have different permutation to compare.

    Another thing is, it is possible the model output shape is (B, N, 2) but the number of points needed to be detected is smaller than N. Then, how do you know the exact number of points dynamically.

    How about model output repeated points? NMS?

    opened by nviwch 7
  • Some related or extended questions

    Some related or extended questions

    I implemented a tensorflow keras version for 2D single point regression with some success. The mu is more accurate (sometimes better than ground truth due to human label error) and sigma do have a meaningful representation.

    But I have some questions,

    I would like to know if sigma bounded by (0, 1) is solely for the ease of classifying missing point or there is another reason. I tried using softplus in sigma so that it is > 0, the result is also very good and the sigma no longer squeezed between (0, 1), a blurry/noisy image can have very high sigma > 4.

    As it is possible that the key point is missing in the image, I used a simple classification output previously, i.e. output one more sigmoid value to represent if the point exists. Now I have sigma, but few normal cases' sigma do overlap with missing point cases' sigma around ~0.5 (using softplus). Previously, I can feed missing point image to train, but now I can't? Just asking for some advice, how do I improve missing point detection?

    opened by nviwch 6
  • Implementation of logQ

    Implementation of logQ Sorry for bothering you, I wonder if I'm right thinking the above line misimplemented the loss from $logQ(\bar\mu)$ in the paper to $logQ(\mu)$?

    opened by Indigo6 5
  • can't reproduce the result present in the paper

    can't reproduce the result present in the paper

    hi @Jeff-sjtu i use the cmd ./scripts/ ./configs/256x192_res50_regress-flow.yaml train_rle_coco to reproduce the result present in the paper, but only get ##### Epoch 255 | gt mAP: 0.7123198166036238 | det mAP: 0.6962231312113063 #####, lower than the released model you provide where gt box: 0.7218652898214926 mAP | det box: 0.7127219006071578 mAP. can u give the complete training pipeline to reproduce the result? thanks

    opened by zimenglan-sysu-512 5
  • The order of height and width of the heatmap in the metrics is different.

    The order of height and width of the heatmap in the metrics is different.

    In this implementation, PCK@50 is used to evaluate the inference results.

    However, I am wondering if the order of the height and width of the heatmap used for normalizing is reversed.

    norm = np.ones((preds.shape[0], 2)) * np.array([hm_w, hm_h]) / 10

    Other implementations of the awesome method (SimpleBaseline, HRNet, DarkPose)are as follows.

    norm = np.ones((pred.shape[0], 2)) * np.array([h, w]) / 10
    opened by katsura-jp 4
  • Error When Installing

    Error When Installing

    Hi, I was just installing this repo, but when I run python develop, I get some errors in Post-processing (stage 2), and I don't know what do they mean. Could you please help me? Thanks a lot!

    Post-processing (stage 2)...
    Building modules...
            Building module "mvn"...
                    Constructing wrapper function "mvnun"...
                      value,inform = mvnun(lower,upper,means,covar,[maxpts,abseps,releps])
                    Constructing wrapper function "mvndst"...
                      error,value,inform = mvndst(lower,upper,infin,correl,[maxpts,abseps,releps])
                    Constructing COMMON block support for "dkblck"...
            Wrote C/API module "mvn" to file "build/src.linux-x86_64-3.8/scipy/stats/mvnmodule.c"
            Fortran 77 wrappers are saved to "build/src.linux-x86_64-3.8/scipy/stats/mvn-f2pywrappers.f"
    no previously-included directories found matching 'benchmarks/env'
    no previously-included directories found matching 'benchmarks/results'
    no previously-included directories found matching 'benchmarks/html'
    no previously-included directories found matching 'benchmarks/scipy'
    no previously-included directories found matching 'scipy/special/tests/data/boost'
    no previously-included directories found matching 'scipy/special/tests/data/gsl'
    no previously-included directories found matching 'scipy/special/tests/data/local'
    no previously-included directories found matching 'doc/build'
    no previously-included directories found matching 'doc/source/generated'
    warning: no previously-included files matching '*~' found anywhere in distribution
    warning: no previously-included files matching '*.bak' found anywhere in distribution
    warning: no previously-included files matching '*.swp' found anywhere in distribution
    warning: no previously-included files matching '*.pyo' found anywhere in distribution
    CCompilerOpt.generate_dispatch_header[2281] : dispatch header dir build/src.linux-x86_64-3.8/numpy/distutils/include does not exist, creating it
    opened by HeegerGao 3
  • performance gap between 2d and 3d data

    performance gap between 2d and 3d data

    Hi, I'm training by mixing 2d and 3d data, but the 3d-prediction performance is much worse than 2d. the training log is like this: POPO20210817-103512

    the pink line is an Integral Pose model, and the green line is RLE. As you can see, the 2d performance is competitive(RLE is better in fact), but the 3d performance is worse Due to I'm doing mix-data training, I calculate my RLE loss as follow:

            is_2d = ~is_3d  # masks of 2d and 3d
            num_3d = is_3d.sum()
            num_2d = is_2d.sum()
            t_cnt = 0
            ### joint loss ###
            jc_loss = 0.
            if num_3d > 0:
                jc_loss += self.joint_loss(joint_coord3d[is_3d], nf_loss[is_3d], sigma[is_3d], target_coord[is_3d])
                t_cnt += 1.
            if num_2d > 0:
                jc_loss += self.joint_loss(joint_coord3d[is_2d, :, :2], nf_loss[is_2d, :, :2], sigma[is_2d, :, :2], target_coord[is_2d, :, :2])
                t_cnt += 1.
            jc_loss /= t_cnt

    Do you have any suggestion?

    opened by Tau-J 3
  • cannot reproduce the results on human3.6m

    cannot reproduce the results on human3.6m

    Hi, I have tried to train the model on human3.6m dataset, but cannot get the same performance as the provided pretrained model 'h36m-laplace-rle.pth'. I was using the annotation files and codes from this repository, and the environment is based on pytorch1.8.

    The training behaives normally at the beginning, but after some epoch, the loss value was increased and MPJPE reached 200.

    Train-9 epoch | loss:-179.81700464 | acc:0.5870
    ##### Epoch 9 | gt results: 78.48804327541252/78.48804327541252 #####
    ############# Starting Epoch 10 | LR: 0.001 #############
    Train-10 epoch | loss:-178.24089413 | acc:0.5794
    ############# Starting Epoch 11 | LR: 0.001 #############
    Train-11 epoch | loss:-105.90890308 | acc:0.2606
    ##### Epoch 11 | gt results: 206.2949851515231/78.48804327541252 #####
    ############# Starting Epoch 12 | LR: 0.001 #############
    Train-12 epoch | loss:-99.68143688 | acc:0.2141
    ############# Starting Epoch 13 | LR: 0.001 #############
    Train-13 epoch | loss:-134.96754921 | acc:0.3854

    Before lr step, the model would collapse.

    ############# Starting Epoch 60 | LR: 0.001 #############
    Train-60 epoch | loss:-99.61992546 | acc:0.2145
    ##### Epoch 60 | gt results: 183.75314692309206/71.80444962169011 #####
    ############# Starting Epoch 61 | LR: 0.001 #############
    Train-61 epoch | loss:16064.89554501 | acc:0.0533
    ##### Epoch 61 | gt results: 973.8534021229914/71.80444962169011 #####
    ############# Starting Epoch 62 | LR: 0.001 #############
    Train-62 epoch | loss:-18.63251462 | acc:0.0071

    I doubted if it was from the very large lr, and then experimented with initial lr 10e-4. The loss value was lower but also increased after some epoch.

    ##### Epoch 64 | gt results: 83.14857669377162/64.38682879287299 #####
    ############# Starting Epoch 65 | LR: 0.0001 #############
    Train-65 epoch | loss:-208.61684037 | acc:0.6639
    ##### Epoch 65 | gt results: 74.92741776420186/64.38682879287299 #####
    ############# Starting Epoch 66 | LR: 0.0001 #############
    Train-66 epoch | loss:-207.51670638 | acc:0.6620
    ##### Epoch 66 | gt results: 77.90103486437523/64.38682879287299 #####
    ############# Starting Epoch 67 | LR: 0.0001 #############
    Train-67 epoch | loss:-176.32472946 | acc:0.5414
    ##### Epoch 67 | gt results: 204.0743792529304/64.38682879287299 #####
    ############# Starting Epoch 68 | LR: 0.0001 #############
    Train-68 epoch | loss:-126.63842224 | acc:0.3175
    ##### Epoch 68 | gt results: 124.20229629684249/64.38682879287299 #####

    If the lr is dropped to 1e-5 before the , I got a final result of 66 MPJPE, compared to the 38 MPJPE by pretrained model.

    Additionally, I have tried to downgrade the pytorch to 1.5, but got similar phenomenon.

    Do you have any suggestions? Thanks a lot for your help.

    opened by a2394797795 3
  • loss gets nan problem

    loss gets nan problem

    Hi Jeff, I still have trouble training with RLE in my project. the loss can decrease correctly at beginning, but after some iters, it increases immediately and finally becomes to nan. I'm using Adam and a cosine scheduler with warm-up strategy. POPO20210809-143648 POPO20210809-143638

    I implement the regression module as follow: (this is a handpose project, I add two fc heads to predict hand validness and handtype(left/right hand))

    class RegressFlow3D(nn.Module):
        def __init__(self, cfg, in_dim):
            super(RegressFlow3D, self).__init__()
            self.num_joints = cfg.joint_num
            self.root_idx = cfg.wrist_joint_idx
            self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
            self.hand_type_fc = make_linear_layers([in_dim, 128, 1], relu_final=False)
            self.hand_valid_fc = make_linear_layers([in_dim, 64, 1], relu_final=False)
            self.fc_coord = Linear(in_dim, self.num_joints * 3)
            self.fc_sigma = Linear(in_dim, self.num_joints * 3)
            # self.fc_layers = [self.fc_coord, self.fc_sigma]
            prior = distributions.MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(2), torch.eye(2), validate_args=False)
            masks = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]] * 3).astype(np.float32))
            prior3d = distributions.MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(3), torch.eye(3), validate_args=False)
            masks3d = torch.from_numpy(np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]] * 3).astype(np.float32))
            self.flow2d = RealNVP(nets, nett, masks, prior)
            self.flow3d = RealNVP(nets3d, nett3d, masks3d, prior3d)
        # def _initialize(self):
        #     for m in self.fc_layers:
        #         if isinstance(m, nn.Linear):
        #             nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight, gain=0.01)
        def forward(self, feat, labels=None):
            BATCH_SIZE = feat.shape[0]
            feat = self.avg_pool(feat).reshape(BATCH_SIZE, -1)
            hand_type = self.hand_type_fc(feat)
            hand_valid = self.hand_valid_fc(feat)
            out_coord = self.fc_coord(feat).reshape(BATCH_SIZE, self.num_joints, 3)
            # (B, N, 3)
            pred_jts = out_coord.reshape(BATCH_SIZE, self.num_joints, 3)
            pred_jts[:, :, 2] = pred_jts[:, :, 2] - pred_jts[:, self.root_idx:self.root_idx + 1, 2]
            if labels is not None:
                gt_uvd = labels['target_coord'].reshape(pred_jts.shape)
                gt_3d_mask = labels['mask3d']
                out_sigma = self.fc_sigma(feat).reshape(BATCH_SIZE, self.num_joints, -1)
                sigma = out_sigma.reshape(BATCH_SIZE, self.num_joints, -1).sigmoid() + 1e-9
                scores = 1 - sigma
                scores = torch.mean(scores, dim=2, keepdim=True)
                bar_mu = (pred_jts - gt_uvd) / sigma
                bar_mu = bar_mu.reshape(-1, 3)
                bar_mu_3d = bar_mu[gt_3d_mask > 0]
                bar_mu_2d = bar_mu[gt_3d_mask < 1][:, :2]
                log_phi = torch.zeros_like(bar_mu[:, 0])
                # (B, K, 3)
                num_3d = bar_mu_3d.shape[0]
                num_2d = bar_mu_2d.shape[0]
                if num_3d:
                    log_phi_3d = self.flow3d.log_prob(bar_mu_3d)
                    log_phi[gt_3d_mask > 0] = log_phi_3d
                if num_2d:
                    log_phi_2d = self.flow2d.log_prob(bar_mu_2d)
                    log_phi[gt_3d_mask < 1] = log_phi_2d
                log_phi = log_phi.reshape(BATCH_SIZE, self.num_joints, 1)
                nf_loss = torch.log(sigma) - log_phi
                return pred_jts, scores, nf_loss, sigma, hand_type, hand_valid
                return pred_jts, hand_type, hand_valid

    and loss as follow:

    class RLELoss3D(nn.Module):
        ''' RLE Regression Loss 3D
        def __init__(self, OUTPUT_3D=False, size_average=True):
            super(RLELoss3D, self).__init__()
            self.size_average = size_average
            self.amp = 1 / math.sqrt(2 * math.pi)
        def logQ(self, gt_uv, pred_jts, sigma):
            return torch.log(sigma / self.amp) + torch.abs(gt_uv - pred_jts) / (math.sqrt(2) * sigma + 1e-9)
        def forward(self, pred_jts, nf_loss, sigma, target):
            gt_uv = target.reshape(pred_jts.shape)
            Q_logprob = self.logQ(gt_uv, pred_jts, sigma)
            loss = nf_loss + Q_logprob
            if self.size_average:
                return loss.sum() / len(loss)
                return loss.sum()


    Could you provide any suggestions about debugging?

    opened by Tau-J 3
  • LogQ in

    LogQ in

    def logQ(self, gt_uv, pred_jts, sigma): return torch.log(sigma / self.amp) + torch.abs(gt_uv - pred_jts) / (math.sqrt(2) * sigma + 1e-9)

    from the function definition, it looks like the Q is laplacian distribution but Q = exp( - abs(x - mu) / b) / 2b, after taking log it is log(1/2b) - abs(x - mu) / b

    when seeing loss = nf_loss + Q_logprob, nf_loss = log(sigma) - log_phi, compare with the paper saying loss = -log(Q(bar_mu)) +log(sigma)-log_phi, I guess the Q_logprob already has the negative sign inside but then, why it is not -log(1/2b) + abs(x-mu)/b? i.e. the first term torch.log(sigma / self.amp) should have the minus sign.

    On the other hand, how do you choose the value of b? in the distribution sense, b = sqrt(variance / 2)

    opened by nviwch 3
  • Some experiment outputs of coco

    Some experiment outputs of coco

    thanks for author The outputs in coco have AP AP.5 AP.75 ...... but in your code's outputs only have mAP So i want to ask how to get Ap.5 ...... more details data?

    opened by Aruisir 0
  • bar_mu computation is different from the paper in Eq (5)

    bar_mu computation is different from the paper in Eq (5)

    Hi there,

    It seems the bar_mu computation is different. Should be multiplying a "-1". (below Eqn (5), bar_mu = (gt - mu_pred) / sigma.

    As shown here:

    This does not affect the computation of log_Q, which basically using the abs of this term. How about the flow model? Not sure if this leads to any difference in the learning of the flow model RealNVP, or did i miss something here?


    opened by superaha 2
  • 数据集的替换问题和实验结果输出


    你好,大佬我是一名本科生对你的工作十分感兴趣。但是在尝试替换loss时遇到了问题。 1.无法直接在其他项目内替换loss(如HRNet的官方代码),我尝试替换数据集定义文件也失败 2.大佬你提供的项目内好像没有可视化以及AP,AR详细精度的结果输出 3.请问如果要更换backbone网络如更改为HourglassNet需要更改为分类网络后在跟nvp适配么,不添加分类头的话会如何呢 谢谢大佬

    opened by Aruisir 0
  • out_coord.shape[2] == 2

    out_coord.shape[2] == 2

    Hello, could you tell me why the third dimension must ensure is 2? " out_coord = self.fc_coord(x).reshape(BATCH_SIZE, self.num_joints, 2) assert out_coord.shape[2] == 2"

    opened by flomok 0
  • about the implement of RLE on two-stage 3D HPE mehtods

    about the implement of RLE on two-stage 3D HPE mehtods

    Hi, I'm interested in RLE. it is a nice job. I notice that you embed RLE into two-stage 3D HPE methods, such as SRnet, but I didn't see it in this repo. can you introduce the implementation detail about this? Is there any else that needs to notice?

    Thanks very much!

    opened by ChenyangWang95 0
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