Firebase Admin Console is a centralized platform for easy viewing and maintenance of Firestore database, the back-end API is a Python Flask app.



Back-end code. Deployed on Heroku. A more detailed and more structured guide can be found at this Notion Notebook.


Firebase Admin Console is a centralized platform for easy viewing and maintenance of Firestore database, the application's front-end is built in ReactJS, and the back-end API is a Python Flask app. This application serves as a starting template for developers to customize, build, and even deploy the desired admin console for their DB.

Python Flask App and Firestore DB Set Up

To clone this repo and install all the required packages:

git clone

pip install -r requirements.txt

Assuming that you already have a Firestore NoSQL database up and running, you can built a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) API using Flask in Python. To set up your Firestore DB, here is a Medium article to help you get started. The objective is to allow your front-end application to access data, or documents in a NoSQL context, stored in your Firestore database on Firebase. Below is the set up for /

import os
import requests
from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, make_response
from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore, initialize_app

app = Flask(__name__)

# Initialize Firestore DB
cred = credentials.Certificate('key.json')
default_app = initialize_app(cred)
db = firestore.client()

port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 8080))
if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=port)

All the necessary libraries required are listed in /requirement.txt.


CRUD Requests

Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) are the basic four back-end operations you should be able to execute upon the DB. And one of the most basic operations you might want to perform is to READ and view all the documents in your DB (in NoSQL DB, datapoints are referred to as "documents"). This can also act as a sanity check for the configuration in your Flask app to connect with your Firestore DB.

@app.route('/list', methods=['GET'])
def read():
        read() : Fetches documents from Firestore collection as JSON
        todo : Return document that matches query ID
        all_todos : Return all documents    """
        # details of the request
        dir_id = request.args.get('collection')  

        print('in collection ' + dir_id)
        curr_dir = db.collection(dir_id)
        all_dirs = [doc.to_dict() for doc in]
        return jsonify(all_dirs), 200

Once you run your flask app, you can navigate to the port it is running on and navigate to PORT_URL/list, the documents should be displayed in JSON format. Now that you can access the existing documents, it's time to implement CREATE.

from datamodel.origamimodule import Origami

@app.route('/add', methods=['POST'])
def create():
        # details of the request
        formData = request.json
        if (formData['collection'] == "Origami"):
            model = Origami(creator=formData['creator_field'], model_name=formData['model_name_field'], 
        elif (formData['collection'] == "Placeholder for some other collection"):
            #some other custom datamodel
        return jsonify({"success": True}), 200
    except Exception as e:
        return f"An Error Occured: {e}"

You probably noticed the import statement for a module named "Origami". I have dedicated a page on Notion with more details on utilizing dataclasses in Python and its compatibility with JSON to simplify creating new documents and standardizing the set of fields each document has. Meanwhile, below is the implementation code for /

from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json 

class Origami:

Next is UPDATE, which is very similar to CREATE. The main distinction is that UPDATE requires you to know the corresponding document ID of which you are attempting to update. In Firestore DB, you can either auto-generate IDs or assign them yourself; here in this template, they are auto-generated.

@app.route('/update', methods=['POST', 'PUT'])
def update():
        update() : Update document in Firestore collection with request body
        Ensure you pass a custom ID as part of json body in post request
        e.g. json={'id': '1', 'title': 'Write a blog post today'}
        # details of the request
        details = request.json
        collection_dir = details['collection']
        name = details['identifier_name']
        value = details['identifier_value']
        # get doc id
        docs = db.collection(collection_dir).where(name, "==", value).get()
        for doc in docs:
            doc_id =
            print("doc id: " + doc_id)

        # details of the UPDATE request
        formData = request.json
        if (formData['collection'] == "Origami"):
            model = Origami(creator=formData['creator_field'], model_name=formData['model_name_field'], 
        return jsonify({"success": True}), 200

    except Exception as e:
        return f"An Error Occured: {e}"

Last but not least, is DELETE.

@app.route('/delete', methods=['GET', 'DELETE'])
def delete():
        # details of the request
        details = request.json
        collection_dir = details['collection']
        name = details['identifier_name']
        value = details['identifier_value']
        print(collection_dir, name, value)
        # check if the document exists
        docs = db.collection(collection_dir).where(name, "==", value).get()
        exists = False
        for doc in docs:
            doc_id =
            exists = True
            print("this doc exists")
        if exists:
            print('deleted successfully for '+value)
            return jsonify({"success": True}), 200
            print("no doc found")
            return jsonify({"fail": "Document you are trying to delete does not exist"})
    except Exception as e:
        return f"An Error Occured: {e}"

Deployment on Heroku!!

Now that you have a fully functioning back-end API, it is time to make it accessible beyond your local machine! For back-end, I decided to deploy the API endpoint on Heroku. The following shell command creates a /Procfile that is necessary for Heroku deployment. The article linked previously has a detailed walk-thru, from creating a Flask App to deployment.

echo "web: gunicorn app:app" > Procfile

Congrats, that is a wrap on the back-end part! Head on over to the Front-end Repo [link to be added].

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  • TypeError: can only concatenate str (not

    TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "TypeError") to str

    Hello, this is exactly what i was looking for!

    I am trying to list data from firebase

    import os
    import requests
    from flask import Flask, jsonify, request, make_response
    from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore, initialize_app
    from flask_cors import CORS
    from datamodel.origamimodule import Origami
    app = Flask(__name__)
    # Initialize Firestore DB
    cred = credentials.Certificate('service-account.json')
    default_app = initialize_app(cred)
    db = firestore.client()
    ori_ref = db.collection('Origami')
    @app.route('/list', methods=['GET'])
    def read():
            read() : Fetches documents from Firestore collection as JSON
            todo : Return document that matches query ID
            all_todos : Return all documents    """
            # details of the request
            dir_id = request.args.get('collection')  
            print('in collection ' + dir_id)
            curr_dir = db.collection(dir_id)
            all_dirs = [doc.to_dict() for doc in]
            return jsonify(all_dirs), 200
        except Exception as e:
            print("error encountered: " + e)
            return f"An Error Occured: {e}"
    port = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 8080))
    if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=port)

    but returns

    app_1  | [2022-01-19 09:26:13,890] ERROR in app: Exception on /list [GET]
    app_1  | Traceback (most recent call last):
    app_1  |   File "/code/app/", line 27, in read
    app_1  |     print('in collection ' + dir_id)
    app_1  | TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "NoneType") to str
    opened by dev852com 2
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