Wordle Solver
The most comprehensive, exhaustive, parameterized command-line wordle (https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/) solver. Wordle is a really popular game made viral by it's inscrutable and quirky emoticon-based game description.
The solver boasts a 99.35%+ accuracy on the 8636 valid 5-letter words. Features:
- Supports 4 modes:
(to show a solution for a specific word),solve
(to solve a puzzle online) andeval
(evaluate the performance) - Deterministic
- Highest accuracy of all solutions evaluated
- Fully tested
- Latency
per run Current dictionary used is the valid Scrabble dictionary.
Solverβs attempt to solve the Jan 10, 2022 wordle for the word query
β¬π¨β¬β¬π¨ AROSE
β¬π©β¬β¬β¬ TUMID
β¬β¬π¨β¬β¬ GLYPH
π©π©π©π©π© QUERY
With the settings for non-strict play, using positional
- Find all candidates that fit the criteria
- Amongst the valid candidates, compute a distribution of letters at each position
- Find a word from all valid guesses which optimizes sum(P(letter at pos i)) + 0.5 * sum(P letter not at pos i)
- Repeat
The 56 failure cases are sakes
, mooed
, jived
, wanes
, jocks
, minks
, wades
, jaded
, zoner
, joker
, wived
, jakes
, mozos
, goxes
, vills
, rover
, zooks
, cozes
, jibes
, wakes
, hajes
, joked
, sinhs
, zaxes
, yaffs
, hiker
, bases
, moved
, bises
, zills
, hided
, eaved
, vined
, surfs
, jiber
, gibed
, dozer
, fuzed
, mixed
, boxed
, waxes
, waves
, vomer
, egged
, mazed
, pests
, hived
, socks
, fazes
, vests
, jibed
, mewed
, hazes
, sooks
, woods
, sinks
For all these words, there are 2-5 candidate words left at the last guess, and with a random last guess, there is a probability of guessing these too.
Play it yourself
python main.py -m play
Guess? tares
Guess? unlit
Guess? raver
Guess? favor
Solved! - favor
Solve for an unknown word
python main.py -m solve
Try the word [TARES]. There are 8636 possible words: ['aahed', 'aalii', 'aargh', 'abaca', 'abaci']...
How did it do (0=β¬, 1=π¨, 2=π©) e.g. 00000? 00000
Try the word [NOILY]. There are 575 possible words: ['biddy', 'biffy', 'bifid', 'bigly', 'bijou']...
How did it do (0=β¬, 1=π¨, 2=π©) e.g. 00000? 02002
Try the word [DHOBI]. There are 39 possible words: ['bobby', 'boggy', 'booby', 'boogy', 'boomy']...
How did it do (0=β¬, 1=π¨, 2=π©) e.g. 00000? 20100
Try the word [DODGY]. There are 3 possible words: ['dodgy', 'doggy', 'dowdy']...
How did it do (0=β¬, 1=π¨, 2=π©) e.g. 00000? 22122
Try the word [DOGGY]. There are 1 possible words: ['doggy']...
How did it do (0=β¬, 1=π¨, 2=π©) e.g. 00000? 22222
Solved! = doggy
Show a solution for a specific word
python main.py -m show -w oozed
Word [OOZED]
Choosing [tares]. Total 8636 candidates: ['aahed', 'aalii', 'aargh', 'abaca', 'abaci']...
Choosing [coled]. Total 288 candidates: ['bedel', 'bedew', 'bevel', 'bezel', 'bided']...
Choosing [howdy]. Total 31 candidates: ['boded', 'boned', 'booed', 'bowed', 'boxed']...
Choosing [bipod]. Total 16 candidates: ['boded', 'boned', 'booed', 'boxed', 'domed']...
Choosing [dozen]. Total 8 candidates: ['domed', 'dozed', 'foxed', 'joked', 'mooed']...
Choosing [oozed]. Total 1 candidates: ['oozed']...
Solved! - oozed
Woohoo! Solver solved it in 6 guesses!
Evaluate its performance
python main.py -m eval -k 1000
Evaluating on 1000 words
k=10: Failed: 1 Accuracy:90.00% Avg Time: 0.258s
k=20: Failed: 1 Accuracy:95.00% Avg Time: 0.250s
k=30: Failed: 1 Accuracy:96.67% Avg Time: 0.249s
k=40: Failed: 1 Accuracy:97.50% Avg Time: 0.244s
k=50: Failed: 1 Accuracy:98.00% Avg Time: 0.239s
k=970: Failed: 10 Accuracy:98.97% Avg Time: 0.236s
k=980: Failed: 10 Accuracy:98.98% Avg Time: 0.236s
k=990: Failed: 10 Accuracy:98.99% Avg Time: 0.236s
Failed on: ['jived', 'hides', 'razer', 'zooks', 'jills', 'gibed', 'wises', 'yipes', 'wipes', 'sises']
Distribution of remaining candidates: [(4, 5), (3, 3), (2, 1), (5, 1)]
K=999: Failed: 10 Accuracy:99.00%
Run Tests
python -m unittest
runs the entire test suite.
Using a dictionary of scrabble words, there are 172,819 total words and around 5% of them are exactly 5 letters long (8,636). The algorithm devised achieves a 99.28% success rate at guessing the right word, failing to get the correct the answer for 62 words.
Other settings achieved:
- Global character frequency heuristic: Couldn't solve for 133 out of 1000 random samples (86.7% Success rate)
- Conditional character frequency heuristic, on candidates left: Couldn't solve for 100 out of 1000 random samples (90.0% Success rate)
- Non-strict solution: Couldn't solve for 46 out of 1000 random samples (95.4% Success rate)
- Position-aware frequency heuristic + bug fixes: Couldn't solve for 9 out of 1000 random samples (99.1% Success rate)
Future Work
- Support passing in solver settings through command line, including the weight of
- Support passing in a custom dictionary through settings
- Expose customizable number of letters in the word (