Cluttered MNIST Dataset


Cluttered MNIST Dataset

A setup script will download MNIST and produce mnist/*.t7 files:

luajit download_mnist.lua

Example usage:

local mnist_cluttered = require 'mnist_cluttered'
-- The observation will have size 1x100x100 with 8 distractors.
local dataConfig = {megapatch_w=100, num_dist=8}
local dataInfo = mnist_cluttered.createData(dataConfig)
local observation, target = unpack(dataInfo.nextExample())
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  • Funny class vector when generating 3 digits?

    Funny class vector when generating 3 digits?


    I was wondering if the following is the intended output?

    I set opt.nDigits = 3 and targetFilling = "mark" , and generated an example using,

    observation , class_vec = unpack(dataInfo_train.nextExample())

    which was a 6 another 6 and a 9,


    and got the class vector as,

    th> class_vec 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 [torch.DoubleTensor of size 10]

    I though this was a bit strange because two 6's were generated? I was just wondering if it should be,

    th> class_vec 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 [torch.DoubleTensor of size 10]

    In general, if I generate 3 digits, two of which are the same, the class vector always show one in each class? Is this intended? If so would it be possible to request a change in the code to give the class vector as the number of digits generated for each class?

    A similar thing happens when I generate two digits, and both are the same?

    Thanks a lot for your help,

    Best regards,


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