A spherical CNN for weather forecasting


DeepSphere-Weather - Deep Learning on the sphere for weather/climate applications.

weather forecast

The code in this repository provides a scalable and flexible framework to apply convolutions on spherical unstructured grids for weather/climate applications.

ATTENTION: The code is subject to changes in the coming weeks / months.

The folder experiments (will) provide examples for:

  • Weather forecasting using autoregressive CNN models
  • Weather field downscaling (aka superesolution) [in preparation].
  • Classication of atmospheric features (i.e. tropical cyclone and atmospheric rivers) [in preparation].

The folder tutorials (will) provide jupyter notebooks describing various features of DeepSphere-Weather.

The folder docs (will) contains slides and notebooks explaining the DeepSphere-Weather concept.


For a local installation, follow the below instructions.

  1. Clone this repository.

    git clone https://github.com/deepsphere/deepsphere-weather.git
    cd deepSphere-weather
  2. Install the dependencies.

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    pip install git+https://github.com/epfl-lts2/pygsp@sphere-graphs
  3. If you don't have a GPU and you plan to work on CPU, please install the follow:

    conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cpuonly -c pytorch
    pip install torch-scatter torch-sparse -f https://pytorch-geometric.com/whl/torch-1.7.0+cpu.html


Reproducing our results



The content of this repository is released under the terms of the MIT license.

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  • module 'pygsp.graphs' has no attribute 'SphereHealpix'

    module 'pygsp.graphs' has no attribute 'SphereHealpix'

    file : 01_define_spherical_samplings.py

    error :module 'pygsp.graphs' has no attribute 'SphereHealpix' I checked the documentation of pygap and did not find the function pg.graphs.SphereHealpix and pg.graphs.SphereEquiangular pg.graphs.SphereCubed . and How do I run these codes?

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Created on Sat Nov 28 13:57:14 2020
    @author: ghiggi
    import os
    import sys
    import numpy as np 
    import pygsp as pg
    import healpy as hp
    from modules.remap import pygsp_to_CDO_grid
    ### Define folder paths
    proj_dir = "/ltenas3/DeepSphere/"
    # proj_dir = "/home/ghiggi/Projects/DeepSphere"
    CDO_grids_dir = os.path.join(proj_dir, "grids", "CDO_grids")
    # Define Spherical Samplings 
    spherical_samplings_dict = {
        # 400 km
        'Healpix_400km': pg.graphs.SphereHealpix(subdivisions=16, k=20, nest=True),
        'Icosahedral_400km': pg.graphs.SphereIcosahedral(subdivisions=16, k=10),
        'O24': pg.graphs.SphereGaussLegendre(nlat=48, nlon='ecmwf-octahedral'),
        'Cubed_400km': pg.graphs.SphereCubed(subdivisions=24),
        'Equiangular_400km': pg.graphs.SphereEquiangular(nlat=36, nlon=72, poles=0),
        'Equiangular_400km_tropics': pg.graphs.SphereEquiangular(nlat=46, nlon=92, poles=0),
        # 100 km 
        'Healpix_100km': pg.graphs.SphereHealpix(subdivisions=64, k=20, nest=True)
    # spherical_sampling = "Healpix_100km"
    # graph = pg.graphs.SphereHealpix(subdivisions=64, k=20, nest=True)
    # Define CDO grid for remapping    
    for spherical_sampling, graph in spherical_samplings_dict.items():     
        # Define filename and filepath of CDO grids
        CDO_grid_fpath = os.path.join(CDO_grids_dir, spherical_sampling)
        # Write CDO grid 
        pygsp_to_CDO_grid(graph = graph,
                          CDO_grid_fpath = CDO_grid_fpath)
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    Hello, I don’t know what the structure of this file is(Healpix64_sample_notime.nc). How to store unstructured healpix in nc format? I think nc file can only store latitude and longitude format. If possible, can you give me a way to save weather data files (.h5 or other Format) Sampled as a sample program for healpix?

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    tutorials dir problem


    There is no such file in the folder you provided, right?

    Could you please provide complete training dataset?

    Thanks in advance

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