Deploy a STAC API and a dynamic mosaic tiler API using AWS CDK.


Earth Observation API

Deploy a STAC API and a dynamic mosaic tiler API using AWS CDK.


Source Code:


The stack is deployed by the AWS CDK utility. Under the hood, CDK will create the deployment packages required for AWS Lambda, upload it to AWS, and handle the creation of the Lambda and API Gateway resources.

  1. Install CDK and connect to your AWS account. This step is only necessary once per AWS account.

    # Download titiler repo
    $ git clone
    # install cdk dependencies
    $ pip install -r deployment/requirements.txt
    $ npm install
    $ npm run cdk bootstrap # Deploys the CDK toolkit stack into an AWS environment
    # in specific region
    $ npm run cdk bootstrap aws://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}/eu-central-1
  2. Pre-Generate CFN template

    $ npm run cdk synth  # Synthesizes and prints the CloudFormation template for this stack
  3. Update settings

    Using environment variable or editing deployment/cdk/

  4. Deploy

    $ EOAPI_STAGE=staging npm run cdk deploy eoapi-staging --profile {my-aws-profile}
    # Deploy in specific region
    $ AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1 AWS_REGION=eu-central-1 npm run cdk deploy eoapi-production --profile {my-aws-profile}

STAC + PgSTAC + TiTiler

The dyanic tiler deployed within eoAPI is built on top of titiler-pgstac and pgstac. It enables large scale mosaic based on results of STAC searches queries:


You can launch the APIs locally using docker. This will start 3 services: database, eoapi.stac, eoapi.raster

$ git clone
$ cd eoAPI
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

Project structure

 ├──demo/                  - items/collections and notebook
 ├──deployment/            - AWS CDK code
    ├── raster/            - eoAPI raster Application package
    ├── stac/              - eoAPI stac Application package
    └── vector/            - eoAPI vector Application package [EXPERIMENTAL]

Contribution & Development





Created by Development Seed

See contributors for a listing of individual contributors.



  • mosaic table in PG database

    mosaic table in PG database

    Enable retrieving mosaic by name instead of mosaicid

    name| mosaicid | minzoom | maxzoom | bounds | default assets | available assets -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- "vincent.mosaic" | "ada12e921qduashdas" | 0 | 24 | [-180, -90, 180, 90] | ["cog"] | ["cog", "thumbnail", "raw"]

    opened by vincentsarago 11
  • Tilejson endpoint redirects to the page which returns 400 Bad Request

    Tilejson endpoint redirects to the page which returns 400 Bad Request

    $ curl -L -v "http://localhost:8081/collections/openaerialmap/items/6136495327f4170005130793/tilejson.json?tile_scale=1"
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to localhost ( port 8081 (#0)
    > GET /collections/openaerialmap/items/6136495327f4170005130793/tilejson.json?tile_scale=1 HTTP/1.1
    > Host: localhost:8081
    > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
    > Accept: */*
    > Referer: 
    < HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
    < date: Thu, 09 Sep 2021 09:25:00 GMT
    < server: uvicorn
    < location:
    < transfer-encoding: chunked
    * Ignoring the response-body
    * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
    * Issue another request to this URL: ''
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to ( port 8082 (#1)
    > GET /stac/tilejson.json?url=stac%3A%2F%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%3D%3D HTTP/1.1
    > Host:
    > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/5.0)
    > Accept: */*
    > Referer: http://localhost:8081/collections/openaerialmap/items/6136495327f4170005130793/tilejson.json?tile_scale=1
    < HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    < date: Thu, 09 Sep 2021 09:25:00 GMT
    < server: uvicorn
    < content-length: 76
    < content-type: application/json
    * Connection #1 to host left intact
    {"detail":"assets must be defined either via expression or assets options."}
    opened by drnextgis 6
  • Added a publicly available basemap (token is not required)

    Added a publicly available basemap (token is not required)

    By now in order to have a basemap for the search viewer user have to provide a mapbox token via environment variable. This PR adds a default basemap (Dark Matter basemaps from Carto) which doesn't require any preconfigurations. image

    opened by drnextgis 3
  • Use

    Use "black" profile when running isort (commit hooks)

    There are some incompatibilities between the standard configurations for isort and black (ref.

    To avoid issues of black and isort continuously reformatting the same file, add the --profile black option to isort

    opened by leothomas 2
  • Error on demo data ingestion

    Error on demo data ingestion

    Hi! I'm trying to upload some data to the database according to this manual:

    $ pypgstac version --dsn postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/postgis
    $ pypgstac load collections oam_collection.json --dsn postgresql://username:password@localhost:5432/postgis --method insert
    loading oam_collection.json into collections using insert
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/bin/pypgstac", line 5, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/typer/", line 214, in __call__
        return get_command(self)(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/click/", line 829, in __call__
        return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/click/", line 782, in main
        rv = self.invoke(ctx)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/click/", line 1259, in invoke
        return _process_result(sub_ctx.command.invoke(sub_ctx))
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/click/", line 1066, in invoke
        return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/click/", line 610, in invoke
        return callback(*args, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/typer/", line 497, in wrapper
        return callback(**use_params)  # type: ignore
      File "/opt/src/pypgstac/pypgstac/", line 43, in load
        typer.echo(, table=table, dsn=dsn, method=method)))
      File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 43, in run
        return loop.run_until_complete(main)
      File "/usr/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 584, in run_until_complete
        return future.result()
      File "/opt/src/pypgstac/pypgstac/", line 246, in load_ndjson
        await load_iterator(f, table, conn, method)
      File "/opt/src/pypgstac/pypgstac/", line 230, in load_iterator
        await copy(iter, table, conn)
      File "/opt/src/pypgstac/pypgstac/", line 125, in copy
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/asyncpg/", line 859, in copy_to_table
        return await self._copy_in(copy_stmt, source, timeout)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/asyncpg/", line 1042, in _copy_in
        copy_stmt, reader, data, None, None, timeout)
      File "asyncpg/protocol/protocol.pyx", line 506, in copy_in
    asyncpg.exceptions.InvalidTextRepresentationError: invalid input syntax for type json
    DETAIL:  The input string ended unexpectedly.
    opened by drnextgis 2
  • Update and Dockerfile.stac pip install issue

    Update and Dockerfile.stac pip install issue

    this updates the readme so the code box can be copied and run in the terminal without error due to the prompt symbol included in the code box $

    it also addresses the issues listed in

    opened by rbavery 1
  • set `db_max_conn_size` to 1 when deployed in AWS Lambda

    set `db_max_conn_size` to 1 when deployed in AWS Lambda

    lambda doesn't need to open a pool of connection because we have a 1:1 request/lambda behaviour

    stac-fastapi: db_min_conn_size / db_max_conn_size timvt: db_min_conn_size / db_max_conn_size tifeatures: db_min_conn_size / db_max_conn_size titiler-pgstac: db_min_conn_size / db_max_conn_size

    opened by vincentsarago 1
  • Fix tuple destructuring overriding class id member.

    Fix tuple destructuring overriding class id member.

    What I am changing

    The variable name used in tuple de-structuring is overriding the class id member resulting in incorrect resource names within the stack. For a simplified example

    id = "an_id"
    gateway_endpoints = [("S3", "s3_service")]
    for (id, service) in gateway_endpoints:

    How I did it

    Changed the name of the de-structuring variable to key

    How you can test it

    Deploy the stack.

    opened by sharkinsspatial 1
  • add mosaic search + other updates

    add mosaic search + other updates

    This PR adds a mosaic/list endpoint to list/search mosaic registered in PgSTAC database



    Other fix/additions

    • Pin mangum to >0.14 (ref
    • update PgSTAC version (
    • Update titiler-pgstac version

    breaking changes

    • add CDK_ prefix to deployment related environment variables
    opened by vincentsarago 1
  • Pin markupsafe version

    Pin markupsafe version

    >>> import jinja2
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/", line 12, in <module>
        from .environment import Environment
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/", line 25, in <module>
        from .defaults import BLOCK_END_STRING
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/", line 3, in <module>
        from .filters import FILTERS as DEFAULT_FILTERS  # noqa: F401
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/jinja2/", line 13, in <module>
        from markupsafe import soft_unicode
    ImportError: cannot import name 'soft_unicode' from 'markupsafe' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/markupsafe/
    opened by drnextgis 1
  • Context STAC extension

    Context STAC extension

    Context extension (to be more precise its matched property) is disabled by default in PGStac. I think we should find a way to make it configurable.

    It seems that it can be easily added to db_handler but what about database service in the docker-compose?

    opened by drnextgis 1
  • replace vector and feature service by Tipg

    replace vector and feature service by Tipg

    When we started we added a simple OGC feature service which is almost a 1:1 with the stac service so it's not really useful. The vector service tried to create MVT from stac searches which could be a nice feature but maybe not scale.

    Let's remove those two service and replace them by a OGC Feature/Tile service based on (but not connected to the pgstac database (for now)


    • pgstac db
    • stac (stac-fastapi) -> pgstac schema in db
    • raster (titiler-pgstac) -> pgstac schema in db
    • vector (tipg) -> public schema in db (we could add the possibility to connect to pgstac schema too)
    opened by vincentsarago 0
  • [CDK] raster <-> stac API connection

    [CDK] raster <-> stac API connection

    using STAC item URL (from eoAPI.stac service) as input of the eoAPI.raster service result in timeout meaning the raster service can't access the STAC service 🤷‍♂️

    opened by vincentsarago 0
  • Issue 1

    Issue 1

    Goal: Create a one command line deployment stack with stac-fastapi and titiler How: Custom stac-fastapi and titiler code + full CDK app Why: Ease setup of stac-fastapi and titiler

    opened by vincentsarago 0
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