TensorFlow implementation of AlexNet and its training and testing on ImageNet ILSVRC 2012 dataset


AlexNet training on ImageNet LSVRC 2012

alt text

This repository contains an implementation of AlexNet convolutional neural network and its training and testing procedures on the ILSVRC 2012 dataset, all using TensorFlow.

Folder tf contains code in the "classic TensorFlow" framework whereas code in the tf_eager directory has been developed with TensorFlow's new impearative style, TensorFlow eager.

The two implementations are independent and refer to the READMEs inside the folders for specific instruction on how to train and to test.


  • Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever and Geoffrey E. Hinton. ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Advances in Neural Inforamtion Processing Systems 25, 2012.
  • Olga Russakovsky°, Jia Deng°, Hao Su, Jonathan Krause, Sanjeev Satheesh, Sean Ma, Zhiheng Huang, Andrej Karpathy, Aditya Khosla, Michael Bernstein, Alexander C. Berg and Li Fei-Fei. (° = equal contribution) ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge. IJCV, 2015
  • model testing

    model testing

    Hi, I have trained my model using ILSVRC2012 dataset, after 10 epochs , I have tested the model with provided image I have got the following output with probabilities

    python classify.py ./lussari.jpg

    alp - score: 0.32444486022 valley, vale - score: 0.176716804504 monastery - score: 0.0272926297039 castle - score: 0.0269635356963 radio telescope, radio reflector - score: 0.0263287965208 stone wall - score: 0.0236576907337 dam, dike, dyke - score: 0.0211586020887 cliff, drop, drop-off - score: 0.0195624642074 church, church building - score: 0.0162345394492 ox - score: 0.0147680761293 mountain tent - score: 0.014573732391 oxcart - score: 0.013046768494 solar dish, solar collector, solar furnace - score: 0.0118312025443 bighorn, bighorn sheep, cimarron, Rocky Mountain bighorn, Rocky Mountain sheep, Ovis canadensis - score: 0.0116224717349 megalith, megalithic structure - score: 0.0104170087725 volcano - score: 0.0089854830876 Siberian husky - score: 0.0086589967832 king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonica - score: 0.00850845314562 fountain - score: 0.00850336998701 dalmatian, coach dog, carriage dog - score: 0.00831394083798

    when I am comparing with calrifai I am not getting the results same as like in clarifai. How will I get same as like clarifai tags

    opened by rakashi 13
  • loss progress

    loss progress

    Hi Matteo,

    I was wondering how was the loss progress during your training? For example, after 3 epochs loss didnt change at all for me. It is around 8.1 and not dropping. I was wondering how much loss was for you when you finished training, and how much we can expect to be after 49 epochs?

    All the best.

    opened by Sh0lim 9
  • Estimate Training Time

    Estimate Training Time

    Hi, I have successfully started training using ILSVRC2012 Train and Validation datasets. The training dataset contains 12,81,167 images and Validation dataset contains 50,000 images. I am running this code on Intel i5 Processor with 16GB RAM and 2TB HDD. I have kept default 90 epochs. How much time it will take to complete 90 epochs. I am expecting for one epoch may be it will take one and half day time. Can we reduce the time to complete training faster ?

    opened by rakashi 4
  • Can PIL be replaced with 'pillow' ?

    Can PIL be replaced with 'pillow' ?

    There is no PIL import for Python 3.6.3, according to this post, PIL is abandoned and shouldn't be used.


    opened by jefflomax 2
  • Please Upload ILSVRC2012 meta.mat,ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt

    Please Upload ILSVRC2012 meta.mat,ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt

    Hi I am training ILSVRC2012 data using Alexnet Architecture, Here I am having train and validation data but I am not having the ILSVRC2012 meta.mat, ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt. So I am using at meta.mat place I kept ILSVRC2014 meta.mat file and also I kept meta.mat ILSVRC2014_validation_ground_truth.txt

    So here I am using 2012 dataset with 2014 meta.mat,ILSVRC2014_validation_ground_truth.txt. I am thinking due to this files I am not getting image tags accurately ?

    Please can any one upload ILSVRC2012 meta.mat and ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt files, I have tried but I didn't get

    opened by rakashi 2
  • IOError: cannot identify image file u'/home/ImageNet/ILSVRC2012/train/n01688243/n01688243_9115.JPEG'

    IOError: cannot identify image file u'/home/ImageNet/ILSVRC2012/train/n01688243/n01688243_9115.JPEG'

    I am getting following error while running your code: IOError: cannot identify image file u'/home/ImageNet/ILSVRC2012/train/n01688243/n01688243_9115.JPEG' I got to know that some files are already corrupt in imageNet dataset. Could you please tell me how to resolve this issue. Thanks

    opened by sakshi404 1
  • Wonder about lrn parameters.

    Wonder about lrn parameters.

    Hi. I am curious about the 'local response normalization' layer parameters you set. The paper case is a little bit different from what you set except 'beta'.

    What does it mean to be different from the actual setting?

    opened by sicnarf1a 1
  • Upload Imagenet text files (provide links to get the text files)

    Upload Imagenet text files (provide links to get the text files)

    Hi While I am training Imagenet data I didn't found the below two files meta.mat ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt Can any one provide the above files

    opened by rakashi 1
  • test model get very low accuracy

    test model get very low accuracy

    hi,i had try my model use 90 epochs.here is my result: image but when i run test.py,i get very low accuracy, image

    i am so confused.i wonder know is something wrong?

    opened by iodncookie 8
  • loss didn't get down

    loss didn't get down

    Hi, I am using your code on both VGG and your original alexnet networks. The way I manage my data is exact following your instructions, and I tried to use np_util.to_categorial() function instead, but the loss is always around 8 even after 100+ epochs, and 16 on the original code. Do you have any idea what's the probable problem of it? Any help is appreciated, thanks a lot!

    opened by chutongz 2
  • TF eager version training and testing

    TF eager version training and testing

    To try the new TensorFlow Eager style, I decided to implement the old scripts using it. They are contained in the tf_eager folder whereas the old code (unchanged) was moved to the tf folder.

    Unfortunately, I do not have the time and the resources to train and test the new scripts on ImageNet. Anyone would like to take this? Only to check the constistency with the old ones. Thank you!

    help wanted 
    opened by matteo-dunnhofer 1
Matteo Dunnhofer
A bear experimenting AI.
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