A collection of video resources for machine learning


Machine Learning Videos

This is a collection of recorded talks at machine learning conferences, workshops, seminars, summer schools, and miscellaneous programs. It is actively maintained; please add to this list by submitting a pull request!

This collection builds off the original compilation from a blog post.


In general the following are excellent resources:

  • VideoLectures.NET is the primary video archive for machine learning. Much of its content focuses on the field, incorporating conferences, workshops, lectures, and even discussions.
  • TechTalks.tv is the second most used archive. Notably, many ICML videos are located here.
  • Slideslive is recently being used by the ML community. Eg: ICML, NeurIPS, ICLR.
  • Youtube contains a few, such as certain AISTATS and ICLR years. It's best for collecting lectures, such as by Nando de Freitas and Alex Smola. Also, the user mathematicalmonk has created several basic mathematical and probability overviews for many ML methods.
  • Models, Inference, & Algorithms at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard has slide decks and a growing playlist on machine learning for biomedical research.

















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    added cvpr 17

    There's no single playlist for all videos but playlist for each categories (which is better). So I think it should be okay (even if the same link has prev year's videos)

    opened by skrish13 5
  • Added mathematicaimonk youtube channel

    Added mathematicaimonk youtube channel


    First off, thanks for putting this together. This will be a fantastic resource that I will utilize and widely share with others. As I've gotten my feet wet in the ML community, the tutorial videos put together by the youtube user mathematicalmonk have been a great way to refresh or introduce basic concepts underpinning much of machine learning.

    I tried my best to adhere to the linking format you put together but wasn't sure if I should include my addition in the current youtube section.

    All the best, Taylor

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    More info: http://deepbayes.ru

    Full disclosure: I am one of the organisers / lecturers.

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