The pytorch implementation of DG-Font: Deformable Generative Networks for Unsupervised Font Generation


DG-Font: Deformable Generative Networks for Unsupervised Font Generation

The source code for 'DG-Font: Deformable Generative Networks for Unsupervised Font Generation', by Yangchen Xie, Xinyuan Chen, Li sun and Yue lu. The paper was accepted by CVPR2021.

Arvix version


image image



pytorch (>=1.0)


please refer to to install the dependencies of deformable convolution.


方正字库 provides free font download for non-commercial users.

Example directory hierarchy

|--- DG-Font
|          |---    
|          |---
|          |--- train
|                 |---
|--- data
       |--- font1
       |--- font2
             |--- 0000.png
             |--- 0001.png
             |--- ...
       |--- ...

How to run

prepare dataset

python --ttf_path ttf_folder --chara character.txt --save_path save_folder --img_size 80 --chara_size CHARACTERSIZE


python --gpu GPU_ID --img_size 80 --data_path /path/to --output_k CLASS_NUM --batch_size BATCHSIZE --val_num TEST_IMGS_NUM_FOR_EACH_CLASS


python --gpu GPU_ID --img_size 80 --data_path /path/to --output_k CLASS_NUM --batch_size BATCHSIZE --validation --load_model $DIR_TO_LOAD


We would like to thank Johnson yue and 上海驿创信息技术有限公司 for their advices in code. Our code is based on TUNIT.


    title={DG-Font: Deformable Generative Networks for Unsupervised Font Generation},
    author={Yangchen Xie, Xinyuan Chen, Li sun, Yue lu},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  • error occur in validation

    error occur in validation

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 400, in main() File "", line 170, in main main_worker(args.gpu, ngpus_per_node, args) File "", line 250, in main_worker validationFunc(val_loader, networks, epoch, args, {'logger': logger}) File "/content/drive/My Drive/DG-Font-main/validation/", line 82, in validateUN x_res_ema_tmp,_ = G_EMA.decode(c_src, s_ref, skip1, skip2) File "/content/drive/My Drive/DG-Font-main/models/", line 51, in decode out = self.decoder(cnt, skip1, skip2) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/content/drive/My Drive/DG-Font-main/models/", line 87, in forward output = self.modeli File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/content/drive/My Drive/DG-Font-main/models/", line 15, in forward return self.model(x) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 139, in forward input = module(input) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/content/drive/My Drive/DG-Font-main/models/", line 32, in forward residual = self.model(x) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 139, in forward input = module(input) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/content/drive/My Drive/DG-Font-main/models/", line 158, in forward x = self.norm(x) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl return forward_call(*input, **kwargs) File "/content/drive/My Drive/DG-Font-main/models/", line 208, in forward True, self.momentum, self.eps) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/", line 2282, in batch_norm input, weight, bias, running_mean, running_var, training, momentum, eps, torch.backends.cudnn.enabled RuntimeError: weight should contain 512 elements not 2560

    opened by zhangfengyo 8
  • Questions about the training process

    Questions about the training process

    Questions about the training process

    Hello, during the training process, when epoch[2 / 250] 100% is reached, the training did not continue. In the result folder, character images are continuously generated, which takes a lot of time. Duration of this process: 9.2~17:00-now. May I ask if this is normal? In addition, is it convenient to inform you of your GPU information and the total training time?


    Epoch: [2/250] [900/1000] MODE[GAN_EMA] Avg Loss: D[2.04] G[0.03] 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▉| 999/1000 [34:33<00:02, 2.08s/it]Epoch: [2/250] [1000/1000] MODE[GAN_EMA] Avg Loss: D[2.03] G[0.04] 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000/1000 [34:35<00:00, 2.08s/it]

    Now, there is no output in the terminal. In the result file, images are continuously generated.

    opened by Fyzjym 6
  • How to batch infer character image from a txt file?

    How to batch infer character image from a txt file?

    Thanks for your wonderful work! I have finished the trainning, but I do not know how to infer lots of character via a txt file by a special font type ? I did these works: 1\ trained the repo and finished it. python --gpu 0 --img_size 80 --data_path ./data --output_k 4 --batch_size 8 --val_num190 2\ use to change the character into image , the dir is data, and the number of character is 52.

    3\ python --gpu 0 --img_size 80 --data_path ./data --output_k 4 --batch_size 8 --validation --load_model GAN_20211130-124006.

    4\ finnally get 32 images with only 10 character in them. but not 52 .

    question: 1\ how to get all of these character in images. 2\ actually I just want the special style transfer, example font2 to font 4 , how can I do this work?

    Could you help to give some advice ? Many thanks for your kindly help!

    opened by ApolloZhangCN 2
  • Request the character.txt & your CHARACTERSIZE setting

    Request the character.txt & your CHARACTERSIZE setting

    Hello, will you share the character.txt, the setting CHARACTERSIZE and the exact font name that was used to generate your train & test data? It will be much helpful for reproducing the results reported in the paper.

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by songquanpeng 2
  • Question about  fig.7 in paper

    Question about fig.7 in paper

    Hi,sir. I have the same question with #6. But to be honest, I don't understand how this picture is implemented... I'm very sorry, can you elaborate on the implementation details... or are there any examples. Thanks for reading

    opened by Fyzjym 2
  • how to generate a font file use image?

    how to generate a font file use image?

    @ecnuycxie Thanks for sharing your nice work! I tried to use the method you mentioned to generate a font image of a certain style. And now I got 3500 font images of single chinese character, but how to make a .ttf font file use this images? Because I cann't use 3500 images to do design, .ttf or .ttc file will be more easy to use.

    opened by dagongji10 2
  • RuntimeError: weight should contain 1536 elements not 2560

    RuntimeError: weight should contain 1536 elements not 2560

    When I tried to test the model, I got the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 402, in main() File "", line 170, in main main_worker(args.gpu, ngpus_per_node, args) File "", line 221, in main_worker validationFunc(val_loader, networks, 999, args, {'logger': logger}) File "/home/ai/DG-Font-main/validation/", line 80, in validateUN x_res_ema_tmp,_ = G_EMA.decode(c_src, s_ref, skip1, skip2) File "/home/ai/DG-Font-main/models/", line 51, in decode out = self.decoder(cnt, skip1, skip2) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 550, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/ai/DG-Font-main/models/", line 87, in forward output = self.modeli File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 550, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/ai/DG-Font-main/models/", line 15, in forward return self.model(x) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 550, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 100, in forward input = module(input) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 550, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/ai/DG-Font-main/models/", line 32, in forward residual = self.model(x) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 550, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 100, in forward input = module(input) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 550, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/ai/DG-Font-main/models/", line 162, in forward x = self.norm(x) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 550, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/ai/DG-Font-main/models/", line 212, in forward True, self.momentum, self.eps) File "/home/anaconda3/envs/zi2zi-pytorch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 1923, in batch_norm training, momentum, eps, torch.backends.cudnn.enabled RuntimeError: weight should contain 1536 elements not 2560

    my validation cmd is: python --gpu 0 --img_size 80 --data_path ./hk_data/save --output_k 2 --batch_size 32 --validation --load_model ./logs/GAN_20210908-163125 --val_num 6

    Thank you!

    opened by blackpill 2
  • Epochs or styles(fonts)? Which factor is more important for the model performance?

    Epochs or styles(fonts)? Which factor is more important for the model performance?

    If we wanna get better performance for unseen fonts generation, what we should do when training the model?

    Is it helpful when we increase the number of training styles?

    How many epochs we should train at least?

    opened by blackpill 1
  • How many characters are required to generate unseen font characters?

    How many characters are required to generate unseen font characters?

    Hello, thank you for your wonderful work.

    Could you tell me how many characters as style-image are required to generate characters with an unseen font? According to the issue, 20 seems not enough.

    opened by yukistavailable 0
  • Any trained model?

    Any trained model?

    Hi @ecnuycxie Thank you for your work. Could you share a checkpoint of the trained model? I couldn't reproduce the scores on your paper, so I want to see how well it worked for you.

    opened by qqpann 0
  • How to installation DCN

    How to installation DCN

    The DCN link given by github can't be installed. I installed other versions of DCN, but the other versions are missing the functions modulated_deform_conv_forward and DCN.modulated_deform_conv_backward that you call. Can you provide me with the installation method of the version of DCN you are using, or provide these two functions?

    opened by zj916716524 4
  • Inquery about the details of dataset (name of fonts and num of characters)

    Inquery about the details of dataset (name of fonts and num of characters)

    Hello! Thanks for your excellent work and your effort on sharing this code 👍 . Here I have some questions when trying to re-implement it:

    1. According to the paper, 410 fonts are used for experiments. So what is the exact name of the used fonts?
    2. The 410 fonts are randomly splitted into two parts (i.e. 400 and 10). So what is the exact font name of these two parts?
    3. As is proposed by another issue, the 990 commonly-used fonts can be retrieved at However, I found that there are 1000 characters in total. So which 10 characters are not included?

    Again, thanks for reading this issue. I am looking forward to your reply :D

    opened by JingyeChen 0
  • 关于论文图7


    作者你好, 论文的图7非常清晰的说明FDSC的作用,我想知道图是如何实现的。

    1. 论文中提到将可变形卷积的卷积核设置为1*1,这是否意味着需要重新训练够才能可视化offsets呢?
    2. 通过将可变形卷积的卷积核设置为1*1后,我得到了一个(1,2,80,80)的特征图,我应该如何将这个特征图可视化呢,实现这个功能的代码可以提供吗? 非常感谢您的工作,期待您的回复!
    opened by Deepseabro 1
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