The raw CT rock cores are obtained from the Imperial Colloge portal.
The CT rock cores are sub-sampled into 150x150x150 sub-volumes with a variable stride as follow,
- Bentheimer Sandstone: 50 voxles
- Ketton Limestone: 50 voxles
- Berea Sandstone: 25 voxles
- Doddington Sandstone: 50 voxles
- Estaillades Limestone: 50 voxles
- Carbonate (C1): 50 voxles
- Carbonate (C2): 50 voxles
The sub-volumes are simulated for absolute permeability using OpenFOAM and their results are summerized in the provided excel sheet having the following information,
- Number of sub-samples = 65,248
- Labels description:
- casename = sub-sampling index per rock type sample
- porosity = ratio of void fraction
- eff_porosity = the connected porosity
- rock_type = { 1:Bentheimer Sandstone, 2:Ketton Limestone, 3:Berea Sandstone, 4:Doddington Sandstone, 5:Estaillades Limestone, 6:Carbonate (C1), 7:Carbonate (C2) }
- AR = anisotropy ratio
- DOA = degree of anisotropy
- k = absolute permeability