C3DPO - Canonical 3D Pose Networks for Non-rigid Structure From Motion.


C3DPO: Canonical 3D Pose Networks for Non-Rigid Structure From Motion

By: David Novotny, Nikhila Ravi, Benjamin Graham, Natalia Neverova, Andrea Vedaldi

This is the official implementation of C3DPO: Canonical 3D Pose Networks for Non-Rigid Structure From Motion in PyTorch.

Link to paper | Project page

alt text


This is a Python 3.6 package. Required packages can be installed with e.g. pip and conda:

> conda create -n c3dpo python=3.6
> pip install -r requirements.txt

The complete list of dependencies:

  • pytorch (version==1.1.0)
  • numpy
  • tqdm
  • matplotlib
  • visdom
  • pyyaml
  • tabulate


demo.py downloads and runs a pre-trained C3DPO model on a sample skeleton from the Human36m dataset and generates a 3D figure with a video of the predicted 3D skeleton:

> python ./demo.py

Note that all the outputs are dumped to a local Visdom server. You can start a Visdom server with:

> python -m visdom.server

Images are also stored to the ./data directory. The video will get exported only if there's a functioning ffmpeg callable from the command line.

Downloading data / models

Whenever needed, all datasets / pre-trained models are automatically downloaded to various folders under the ./data directory. Hence, there's no need to bother with a complicated data setup :). In case you would like to cache all the datasets for your own use, simply run the evaluate.py which downloads all the needed data during its run.

Quick start = pre-trained network evaluation

Pre-trained networks can be evaluated by calling evaluate.py:

> python evaluate.py

Note that we provide pre-trained models that will get auto-downloaded during the run of the script to the ./data/exps/ directory. Furthermore, the datasets will also be automatically downloaded in case they are not stored in ./data/datasets/.

Network training + evaluation

Launch experiment.py with the argument cfg_file set to the yaml file corresponding the relevant dataset., e.g.:

> python ./experiment.py --cfg_file ./cfgs/h36m.yaml

will train a C3DPO model for the Human3.6m dataset.

Note that the code supports visualisation in Visdom. In order to enable Visdom visualisations, first start a visdom server with:

> python -m visdom.server

The experiment will output learning curves as well as visualisations of the intermediate outputs to the visdom server.

Furthermore, the results of the evaluation will be periodically updated after every training epoch in ./data/exps/c3dpo/<dataset_name>/eval_results.json. The metrics reported in the paper correspond to 'EVAL_MPJPE_best' and 'EVAL_stress'.

For the list of all possible yaml config files, please see the ./cfgs/ directory. Each config .yaml file corresponds to a training on a different dataset (matching the name of the .yaml file). Expected quantitative results are the same as for the evaluate.py script.


If you find our work useful, please cite it using the following bibtex reference.

  title={C3DPO: Canonical 3D Pose Networks for Non-Rigid Structure From Motion},
  author={Novotny, David and Ravi, Nikhila and Graham, Benjamin and Neverova, Natalia and Vedaldi, Andrea},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision},


C3DPO is distributed under the MIT license, as found in the LICENSE file.

Expected outputs of evaluate.py

Below are the results of the supplied pre-trained models for all datasets:

dataset               MPJPE      Stress
--------------  -----------  ----------
h36m             95.6338     41.5864
h36m_hourglass  145.021      84.693
pascal3d_hrnet   56.8909     40.1775
pascal3d         36.6413     31.0768
up3d_79kp         0.0672771   0.0406902

Note that the models have better performance than published mainly due to letting the models to train for longer.

Notes for reproducibility

Note that the performance reported above was obtained with PyTorch v1.1. If you notice differences in performance make sure to use PyTorch v1.1.

  • No output when implementing evaluate.py

    No output when implementing evaluate.py

    Hi, I am trying to implement c3dpo_nrsfm as in github to learn it. I am neither getting any extracted 3D points nor an error. It stays as below image

    I tried the following commands in the sequence

    1. python -m visdom.server
    2. python ./experiment.py --cfg_file ./cfgs/h36m.yaml


    1. python -m visdom.server
    2. python ./demo.py

    thanks Mritula

    opened by MritulaC 2
  • Applying to other dataset

    Applying to other dataset

    Hi, I have several images of humans in .jpg format. I am trying to extract 3D poses from these images. How am I to apply c3dpo_nrsfm to my input images?

    Thanks Mritula

    opened by MritulaC 2
  • Request error when running demo.py

    Request error when running demo.py

    Error info:

    requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8097): Max retries exceeded with url: /events (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x000002413CA92E10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10061] 由于目标计算机积极拒绝,无法连接。',))

    opened by WinstonDeng 2
  • Dependencies updated in the README.md

    Dependencies updated in the README.md


    While installing Dependencies from requirements.txt throwing Error c3dpo_nrsfm_error_ss So after some searching, I get to know that in order to install torch==1.1.0 we have to specifically provide "-f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html" with pip command otherwise it throws errors because by default pip search for a package in https://pypi.org/simple only and torch 1.1.0 isn't available there that's why we give source URL for torch 1.1.0 separately( https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html ). So I added it in requirements.txt c3dpo_nrsfm_requir_txt_error_ss although it doesn't work. c3dpo_nrsfm_second_error_ss and after searching and trial&error i got this way working perfectly in installation. "pip install -r requirements.txt -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html" So I decided to update it in README.md file to save other people's time to eliminating errors in the installation. Thank you

    CLA Signed 
    opened by parthpatadiya 1
  • human scale

    human scale

    Hey, it seems that you assumed the scale of the person is known, so if we run the model on a new dataset, and don't have human scale, we can not predict absolute 3d keypoints coordinates, right?

    opened by xjturobocon 1
  • Visdom of demo program

    Visdom of demo program

    Hello, we are very interested in your research, but we need to download the sample file from visdom to run the program. Due to the limitation of Chinese network, visdom cannot be installed and used normally. Can you provide the static folder of visdom for us to manually replace the static file in the visdom directory. Thanks.

    opened by Vandejun 1
  • demo run error

    demo run error

    urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError: <urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7fb4322c4e10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused

    opened by mathpopo 1
  • How to make it work on face

    How to make it work on face

    I am trying to train the model to make it work for 3D reconstruction for face. I used a 2D face landmark detector to detect 2D landmarks on face images. Then I trained the model using the same config file h36m.yaml except I set shape_basis_size=1000 as in your ICCV presentation talk slides. The training converges very fast, but when I test it, the result is not as good as seen from the image I pasted. Could you point me to how to make it work for 3D reconstruction for face? Thank you. image image

    opened by zhaoruiqiff 0
  • where is projection matrix

    where is projection matrix

    when set projection_type: perspective in exconfig.yaml and run demo.py but assert K is not None in def forward(self, kp_loc=None, kp_vis=None, class_mask=None, K=None, **kwargs):

    opened by azuryl 1
  • Dependencies updated in the README.md

    Dependencies updated in the README.md


    While installing Dependencies from requirements.txt throwing Error c3dpo_nrsfm_error_ss

    So after some searching, I get to know that in order to install torch==1.1.0 we have to specifically provide "-f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html" with pip command otherwise it throws errors because by default pip search for a package in https://pypi.org/simple only and torch 1.1.0 isn't available there that's why we give source URL for torch 1.1.0 separately( https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html ). So I added it in requirements.txt c3dpo_nrsfm_requir_txt_error_ss

    although it doesn't work. c3dpo_nrsfm_second_error_ss

    and after searching and trial&error i got this way working perfectly in installation. "pip install -r requirements.txt -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html" So I decided to update it in README.md file to save other people's time to eliminating errors in the installation. Thank you

    CLA Signed 
    opened by parthpatadiya 0
  • About visualization

    About visualization

    Hi, I run the demo.py but find the visualization results look totally different from the video of your project pages. (Your demo video is cooler! ) How can I draw the 3D pose just like the one on your project pages? Many thanks!

    opened by sjtuxcx 5
  • Visualizing PASCAL3D+ Results

    Visualizing PASCAL3D+ Results

    Hi, How do I visualize the results on PASCAL3D+ dataset. The models and the keypoint annotations given are with respect to 124 keypoints. However, for example for a car I wish to visualize only the valid keypoints (12 in the case of PASCAL3D+). When I try to visualize by changing the model in demo.py, it plots the invalid keypoints as well. Would really appreciate some help!

    opened by aadilmehdis 0
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