Official repository for MixFaceNets: Extremely Efficient Face Recognition Networks



This is the official repository of the paper: MixFaceNets: Extremely Efficient Face Recognition Networks.

(Accepted in IJCB2021)

Paper Arxiv

Model MFLOPs Params (M) LFW% AgeDB-30% IJB-B( TAR at FAR1e–6) IJB-C( TAR at FAR1e–6) Pretrained model
MixFaceNet-M 626.1 3.95 99.68 97.05 91.55 93.42 pretrained-mode
ShuffleMixFaceNet-M 626.1 3.95 99.60 96.98 91.47 93.5 pretrained-mode
MixFaceNet-S 451.7 3.07 99.60 96.63 90.17 92.30 pretrained-mode
ShuffleMixFaceNet-S 451.7 3.07 99.58 97.05 90.94 93.08 pretrained-mode
MixFaceNet-XS 161.9 1.04 99.60 95.85 88.48 90.73 pretrained-mode
ShuffleMixFaceNet-XS 161.9 1.04 99.53 95.62 87.86 90.43 pretrained-mode

FLOPs vs. performance on LFW (accuracy), AgeDB-30 (accuracy), MegaFace (TAR at FAR1e-6), IJB-B (TAR at FAR1e-4), IJB-C (TAR at FAR1e-4) and refined version of MegaFace, noted as MegaFace (R), (TAR at FAR1e-6). Our MixFaceNet models are highlighted with triangle marker and red edge color.


AgeDb-30 LFW

MegaFace LFW

MegaFace(R) LFW



If you find MixFaceNets useful in your research, please cite the following paper:


  author={Boutros, Fadi and Damer, Naser and Fang, Meiling and Kirchbuchner, Florian and Kuijper, Arjan},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB)}, 
  title={MixFaceNets: Extremely Efficient Face Recognition Networks}, 

The model is trained with ArcFace loss using Partial-FC algorithms. If you train the MixfaceNets with ArcFace and Partial-FC, please follow their distribution licenses.


  title={Arcface: Additive angular margin loss for deep face recognition},
  author={Deng, Jiankang and Guo, Jia and Xue, Niannan and Zafeiriou, Stefanos},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  title={Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine},
  author={An, Xiang and Zhu, Xuhan and Xiao, Yang and Wu, Lan and Zhang, Ming and Gao, Yuan and Qin, Bin and
  Zhang, Debing and Fu Ying},
  booktitle={Arxiv 2010.05222},
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  • Underwelming results of

    Underwelming results of


    I tried to run the using the evaluation dataset (MS1M-ArcFace), but the results for the MixFaceNet-S are suboptimal...

    Log file: Training: 2021-09-16 10:52:06,829-[lfw][295672]XNorm: 289.635608 Training: 2021-09-16 10:52:06,837-[lfw][295672]Accuracy-Flip: 0.58800+-0.01770 Training: 2021-09-16 10:52:06,837-[lfw][295672]Accuracy-Highest: 0.58800 Training: 2021-09-16 10:55:39,481-[cfp_fp][295672]XNorm: 2203.600646 Training: 2021-09-16 10:55:39,481-[cfp_fp][295672]Accuracy-Flip: 0.50171+-0.01464 Training: 2021-09-16 10:55:39,481-[cfp_fp][295672]Accuracy-Highest: 0.50171 Training: 2021-09-16 10:58:48,704-[agedb_30][295672]XNorm: 434.067380 Training: 2021-09-16 10:58:48,705-[agedb_30][295672]Accuracy-Flip: 0.49850+-0.00444 Training: 2021-09-16 10:58:48,705-[agedb_30][295672]Accuracy-Highest: 0.49850

    I used the '295672backbone.pth' in the output folder.

    Thanks for the help in advance!

    opened by stbunda 1
  • Underwhelimg results when testing with personal images (+ bug fix)

    Underwhelimg results when testing with personal images (+ bug fix)


    First of all, thank you for sharing your code. I ran into a few problems when trying to run your code, it would seem like the value of config.gdw_size under the condition if (config.net_size == "s"): should be 1024 instead of 512, without which the model will crash when loaded.

    That being fixed, I tried running the model on some of my images and I'm running into some pretty underwhelming results. I haven't tried reproducing your results with existing datasets, but I have no doubt your reported metrics are accurate, so I must be missing a step on my end. This is what I have tried so far

    import logging
    import os
    import sys
    import torch
    import backbones.mixnetm as mx
    from utils.utils_callbacks import CallBackVerification
    from utils.utils_logging import init_logging
    import numpy as np
    from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
    from config import config as cfg
    from cv2 import imread, resize
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        img1 = imread("o1.jpg")
        img2 = imread("o2.jpg")
        img1 = resize(img1, (112, 112)) / 255
        img2 = resize(img2, (112, 112)) / 255
        img1 = (img1 - 0.5) / 0.5
        img2 = (img2 - 0.5) / 0.5
        backbone = mx.mixnet_s(embedding_size=cfg.embedding_size, width_scale=cfg.scale, gdw_size=cfg.gdw_size).to("cpu")
        backbone.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join('147836backbone.pth'), map_location=torch.device('cpu')))
        model = torch.nn.DataParallel(backbone)
        img1_embeddings = model(
            torch.tensor(np.expand_dims(np.moveaxis(img1, -1, 0), axis=0)).type(torch.float)).detach().cpu().numpy()
        img2_embeddings = model(
            torch.tensor(np.expand_dims(np.moveaxis(img2, -1, 0), axis=0)).type(torch.float)).detach().cpu().numpy()
        cos_sim = 1 - cdist(img1_embeddings, img2_embeddings, 'cosine')

    o1.jpg and o2.jpg are faces detected and aligned by MTCNN, as you did in your paper. As you can see, I reduce the RGB values to the [0,1] range and normalize them with mean and std 0.5, as I saw you did elsewhere in your code. I am not sure what is missing, could you provide me with some assistance, please?

    You can find an example of two faces below, I get the cos_sim 0.92102719 when comparing them, which seems too high.

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