Fully-automated scripts for collecting AI-related papers



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Web demo: https://ai-paper-collector.vercel.app/ (recommended)

Colab notebook: here


Fully-automated scripts for collecting AI-related papers. Support fuzzy and exact search for paper titles.


Search Categories

- [ACL 2019-2021] [EMNLP 2019-2021] [NAACL 2019-2021] [COLING 2020]
- [CVPR 2019-2021] [ECCV 2020] [ICCV2019] [ACMMM 2019-2021]
- [ICLR 2019-2022] [ICML 2019-2021] [AAAI 2019-2021] [IJCAI 2019-2021]
- [SIGIR 2019-2021] [KDD 2019-2021] [CIKM 2019-2021] [WSDM 2019-2022]
- [WWW 2019-2021] [ECIR 2019-2022] [NIPS 2019-2021] [ICASSP 2019-2021]
- [ISWC 2019-2021] [MLSys 2020-2022] [JMLR 2019-2022] [VLDB 2019-2021]
- [COLT 2019-2021] [AISTATS 2019-2021]


Current installation is to clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/MLNLP-World/AI-Paper-Collector.git
cd AI-Paper-Collector
pip install -r requirements.txt


We provide three usage modes, the first is interactive (main.py), the second is command-line (cli_main.py) and the other is web interface (app.py). The interactive mode is recommended for the first time users.

Interactive Usage with Example

To start the interactive, type:

python main.py

Serveral steps to interactively search paper.

  1. the keyword query
  2. search mode (exact or fuzzy)
  3. (fuzzy) threshold
  4. the limit of results
  5. a list of conferences, separated by comma
  6. the file path of the output (top-5 for command preview, all results in this file)


[+] Initializing System...
[+] Loading from cache...
[+] Enter your query: few-shot

[+] Select search mode:
	[1] Exact
	[2] Fuzzy
[+] Enter a number between 1 to 2: 2
[+] Enter threshold between 0 and 100 (default: 50):
[+] Enter limit >= 0 (default: None):
[+] Enter the list of confs separated by comma
	E.g. "ACL,CVPR" or "AAAI" or enter nothing for all confs
[+] Enter your list of conferences (default: All Confs): SIGIR,WSDM,CIKM

[+] Search Results:
[=] Only show Top-5, Please Save results to see all.
[1] [CIKM2021] REFORM: Error-Aware Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion.
[2] [CIKM2021] Boosting Few-shot Abstractive Summarization with Auxiliary Tasks.
[3] [CIKM2021] Multi-objective Few-shot Learning for Fair Classification.
[4] [CIKM2020] Graph Few-shot Learning with Attribute Matching.
[5] [CIKM2020] Few-shot Insider Threat Detection.

[+] Enter Save filename:
[+] Writing results to output/fuzzy_None_SIGIR_WSDM_CIKM_few-shot.txt
[+] Writing results Done!

Command-line Usage

For command-line usage, you can use the following commands:

# -q, --query:     the input query, and the content with multiple words should be wrapped in quotation marks
# -m, --mode:      the search mode: fuzzy or exact, default is exact
# -t, --threshold: the threshold for the fuzzy search, default is 50
# -l, --limit:     the limit num of the fuzzy search result, default is None
# -c, --conf:      the list of the conferences needs to search, default is all
# -o, --output:    the output file name, default is [mode]_[threshold]_[confs]_[query].txt
# -f, --force:     force to update the cache file incrementally
python cli_main.py --query QUERY \
    [--mode {fuzzy,exact}] \
    [--threshold THRESHOLD] [--limit LIMIT] [--conf CONF] \
    [--output OUTPUT] [--force]


# Note that the input query must be enclosed in `""`, such as "few shot".
python cli_main.py -q "few shot" -m fuzzy -l 10 -t 10 -c AAAI,ACL -o results.txt

Web interface Usage

For web interface usage, you can use the following commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python app.py

Then open the following URL: http://localhost:5000

E.g. web

How to add new conferences from DBLP

Automatically Updating via an issue-triggered workflow

If anyone wants to add a new list of conferences. please raise an issue following the format of this one. We will check and label it, then the workflow will run automatically. issue format

For users who clone the project to use

  • add new conferences by modifying the conf/dblp_conf.json file
    # add the name and dblp_url of the new conf
        "name": "WWW2021",
        "url": "https://dblp.org/db/conf/www/www2021.html"
  • run the script
# force to update the cache file incrementally
python cli_main.py --query '' --force


Since the tool is in the development stage, we can not guarantee that the papers found will meet your needs. I hope for your understanding. In addition, all the results come from DBLP, ACL, NIPS, OpenReview, if this violates your copyright, you can contact us at any time, we will delete it as soon as possible, thank you:)



Thanks to the contributors:



    [ { 'name':'JMLR2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/jmlr/jmlr22.html', 'source': 'dblp', }, { 'name':'JMLR2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/jmlr/jmlr21.html', 'source': 'dblp', }, { 'name':'JMLR2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/jmlr/jmlr20.html', 'source': 'dblp', }, { 'name':'JMLR2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/jmlr/jmlr19.html', 'source': 'dblp' }, { 'name':'VLDB2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/pvldb/pvldb13.html', 'source': 'dblp', }, { 'name':'VLDB2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/pvldb/pvldb14.html', 'source': 'dblp', }, { 'name':'VLDB2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/pvldb/pvldb15.html', 'source': 'dblp', }, ]

    require to update cache 
    opened by yinxiangshi 10
  • The schedule of required features

    The schedule of required features

    • [x] Add code links and paper links @LightChen233
    • [x] The optimization of front-end (need more details) @beiyuouo
    • [x] search by sessions @SivilTaram
    • [x] search in the last search results @beiyuouo
    • [x] Refactor the current workflow @Doragd
    • [ ] fix: search ACL and return NAACL/ACL
    • [x] format: year, conf, ...
    • [x] provide the list of confs before search
    • [ ] multi-process crawl
    Official Development 
    opened by Doragd 2
  • app方式完全用不了,什么时候能修复?


    Question Add your question here app方式完全用不了,什么时候能修复? Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. Ubuntu]
    • Version [e.g. 0.1.7]
    opened by wgfrhebnr 1
  • [BUG]


    This error happens when you input list of conferences.

    [+] Enter your list of conferences (default: All Confs): ACL,EMNLP,NAACL,COLING,ICLR,AAAI
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "main.py", line 60, in <module>
      File "main.py", line 43, in main
        results = exec_search(indexes, candidates, query, mode, threshold, confs, limit)
      File "/cephfs/zhoutong/work/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 179, in exec_search
        results = exact_search(indexes, query, confs)
      File "/cephfs/zhoutong/work/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 86, in exact_search
        results = [item for item in indexes if query in item[1].lower()]
      File "/cephfs/zhoutong/work/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 86, in <listcomp>
        results = [item for item in indexes if query in item[1].lower()]
    AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'lower'
    opened by zhou6140919 1
  • [BUG] Search papers by author

    [BUG] Search papers by author

    Describe the bug 在 Advanced Setting - Specific Author 中搜索作者,会包含一些错误的结果,比如搜索“Ming Li”,除了正确的结果外,还会包含错误的结果如“Xiaoming Li”,“Xiaoming Liu” (名字是我瞎说的,仅作错误示意)

    Expected behavior 希望只包含正确的结果,如果可以将搜索作者高亮显示就更好啦~💕

    opened by LingyvKong 1
  • [Add] MICCAI

    [Add] MICCAI

    [ { 'name':'MICCAI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2022-1.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2022-2.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2022-3.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2022-4.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2022-5.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2022-6.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2022-7.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2022-8.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2021-1.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2021-2.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2021-3.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2021-4.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2021-5.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2021-6.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2021-7.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2021-8.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2020-1.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2020-2.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2020-3.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2020-4.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2020-5.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2020-6.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2020-7.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2019-1.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2019-2.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2019-3.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2019-4.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2019-5.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'MICCAI2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/miccai/miccai2019-6.html', 'source':'dblp', }, ]

    require to update cache 
    opened by Doragd 1
  • feat: add boolean search

    feat: add boolean search

    The boolean query allows you to search exactly the key-words that you are interested in. Besides, it also helps to include the near-synonyms (like dialog, dialogue and conversation) and exclude the words that you are not interested in (like the second example).

    opened by EricLee8 1
  • [Add] new confs

    [Add] new confs

    [ { 'name':'TIP2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tip/tip31.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TIP2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tip/tip30.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TIP2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tip/tip29.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TPAMI2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/pami/pami44.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TPAMI2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/pami/pami43.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TPAMI2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/pami/pami42.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'RecSys2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/recsys/recsys2021.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'RecSys2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/recsys/recsys2020.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'RecSys2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/recsys/recsys2019.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TKDE2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tkde/tkde34.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TKDE2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tkde/tkde33.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TKDE2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tkde/tkde32.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TOIS2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tois/tois40.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TOIS2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tois/tois39.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TOIS2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/tois/tois38.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'ICDM2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/icdm/icdm2021.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'ICDM2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/icdm/icdm2020.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'ICDM2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/icdm/icdm2019.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TASLP2022', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/taslp/taslp30.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TASLP2021', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/taslp/taslp29.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'TASLP2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/journals/taslp/taslp28.html', 'source':'dblp', }, ]

    require to update cache 
    opened by Doragd 1
  • Boolean Search

    Boolean Search

    Can you add boolean search function? Especially on the web demo page.

    The Boolean Queries are like:

    • language AND generation AND pre-train
    • dialogue AND generation AND NOT (response AND selection)
    • toxic AND (dialogue OR conversation OR dialog)
    opened by EricLee8 1
  • [Add] Interspeech

    [Add] Interspeech

    [ { 'name':'Interspeech2020', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2020.html', 'source':'dblp', }, { 'name':'Interspeech2019', 'url':'https://dblp.org/db/conf/interspeech/interspeech2019.html', 'source':'dblp', }, ]

    require to update cache 
    opened by ddlBoJack 1
  • [Add] AISTAT, COLT

    [Add] AISTAT, COLT


    require to update cache 
    opened by yinxiangshi 1
  • [Feature] Web可以增加分页吗?目前版本有点卡

    [Feature] Web可以增加分页吗?目前版本有点卡

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

    1. 所有检索结果都在1个页,导致页面数据过多,很卡,不能点击
    2. 勾选的会议,刷新后又是全选。得重新设置

    Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

    1. 增加分页功能,默认显示10条
    2. 在设置里可以设置单页显示多少条,或显示所有(即原版本)
    3. 记住勾选设置项,本地存储,刷新后保持。强刷页面才刷掉cache
    opened by shliujing 3
  • [BUG]AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'lower'

    [BUG]AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'lower'

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 60, in main() File "main.py", line 43, in main results = exec_search(indexes, candidates, query, mode, threshold, confs, limit) File "/home/zhuzihao/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 179, in exec_search results = exact_search(indexes, query, confs) File "/home/zhuzihao/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 86, in exact_search results = [item for item in indexes if query in item[1].lower()] File "/home/zhuzihao/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 86, in results = [item for item in indexes if query in item[1].lower()] AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'lower'

    opened by zihao-ai 1
  • [Feature] Suggestion: Besides the normal

    [Feature] Suggestion: Besides the normal "search" tab, adding an "advanced search" tab

    Sometimes the normal search results are too many. I suggest adding an "advanced search" tab. So I can use regular expression as the input to narrow down the search scope. Thanks!

    opened by canyuchen 3
  • [Feature] Suggestion: grouping the conferences into different fields

    [Feature] Suggestion: grouping the conferences into different fields

    Hi, I suggest adding a feature to group the conferences into different fields like the csranking.org website. So it is more convenient to search papers in a specific field because we do not need to select every conference in the specific field for each search. Hope you could take this suggestion into consideration. Love this tool. Thanks!


    image enhancement 
    opened by canyuchen 1
  • [Question]搜索的时候会出错怎么办


    Question 本地和colab上执行都会出错,请问下这怎么解决呢


    Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 60, in main() File "main.py", line 43, in main results = exec_search(indexes, candidates, query, mode, threshold, confs, limit) File "/content/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 179, in exec_search results = exact_search(indexes, query, confs) File "/content/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 86, in exact_search results = [item for item in indexes if query in item[1].lower()] File "/content/AI-Paper-Collector/searcher.py", line 86, in results = [item for item in indexes if query in item[1].lower()] AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'lower'

    opened by cntommy 1
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