learned_optimization: Training and evaluating learned optimizers in JAX


learned_optimization: Training and evaluating learned optimizers in JAX

learned_optimization is a research codebase for training learned optimizers. It implements hand designed and learned optimizers, tasks to meta-train and meta-test them on, and outer-training algorithms such as ES and PES.

Quick Start Colab Notebooks

  • Introduction notebook: Open In Colab
  • Creating custom tasks: Open In Colab

The fastest way to get started is to copy the Introduction notebook, and experiment using a free accelerator in colab (go to Runtime -> Change runtime type in colab to select a TPU or GPU backend).

Local Installation

We strongly recommend using virtualenv to work with this package.

pip3 install virtualenv
git clone [email protected]:google/learned_optimizers.git
cd learned_optimizers
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -e .

Then run the tests to make sure everything is functioning properly.

python3 -m nose

If something is broken please file an issue and we will take a look!


learned_optimization is not an official Google product.

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    Very Large Memory Consumption for Even A Small Dataset

    Dataset: fashion_mnist Dataset Size: 36.42MB (https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/catalog/fashion_mnist)

    Reproduce the Issue:

    from learned_optimization.tasks import fixed_mlp
    task = fixed_mlp.FashionMnistRelu32_8()


    from learned_optimization.tasks.datasets import base
    image_size=(8, 8)
    splits = ("train[0:80%]", "train[80%:90%]", "train[90%:]", "test")
    stack_channels = 1
    dataset = preload_tfds_image_classification_datasets(

    Issue Description: As you can see, the original FashionMnist dataset is very small. However, when I run the above code, the memory usage became crazy high, such as 10G+.

    In my case, the issues occurs when the program reaches this line which in the function preload_tfds_image_classification_datasets:

      return Datasets(
          *[make_python_iter(split) for split in splits],
          extra_info={"num_classes": num_classes})

    Here is the code of make_python_iter:

      def make_python_iter(split: str) -> Iterator[Batch]:
        # load the entire dataset into memory
        dataset = tfds.load(datasetname, split=split, batch_size=-1)
        data = tfds.as_numpy(_image_map_fn(cfg, dataset))
        use a python iterator as this is faster than TFDS.
        def generator_fn():
          def iter_fn():
            batches = data["image"].shape[0] // batch_size
            idx = onp.arange(data["image"].shape[0])
            while True:
              # every epoch shuffle indicies
              for bi in range(0, batches):
                idxs = idx[bi * batch_size:(bi + 1) * batch_size]
                def index_into(idxs, x):
                  return x[idxs]
                yield jax.tree_map(functools.partial(index_into, idxs), data)
          return prefetch_iterator.PrefetchIterator(iter_fn(), prefetch_batches)
        return ThreadSafeIterator(LazyIterator(generator_fn))

    Could you please suggest a way to reduce the huge memory usage, do you have any idea why it requires so high memory, and do you (or anybody) also have this issue?

    Thank you very much and looking forward to your comments.

    opened by createmomo 5
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    Build a learned optimizer from scratch

    Simple, self-contained, learned optimizer example that does not depend on the learned_optimization library: Open In Colab

    The link goes like this [https://colab.research.google.com/github/google/learned_optimization/blob/main/docs/notebooks/no_dependency_learned_optimizer.ipynb.ipynb]. There's a trailing .ipynb that should not be there.

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