GAN JAX - A toy project to generate images from GANs with JAX

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GAN JAX - A toy project to generate images from GANs with JAX

This project aims to bring the power of JAX, a Python framework developped by Google and DeepMind to train Generative Adversarial Networks for images generation.


JAX logo

JAX is a framework developed by Deep-Mind (Google) that allows to build machine learning models in a more powerful (XLA compilation) and flexible way than its counterpart Tensorflow, using a framework almost entirely based on the nd.array of numpy (but stored on the GPU, or TPU if available). It also provides new utilities for gradient computation (per sample, jacobian with backward propagation and forward-propagation, hessian...) as well as a better seed system (for reproducibility) and a tool to batch complicated operations automatically and efficiently.

Github link:


GAN diagram

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are algorithmic architectures that use two neural networks, pitting one against the other (thus the adversarial) in order to generate new, synthetic instances of data that can pass for real data. They are used widely in image generation, video generation and voice generation. GANs were introduced in a paper by Ian Goodfellow and other researchers at the University of Montreal, including Yoshua Bengio, in 2014. Referring to GANs, Facebook’s AI research director Yann LeCun called adversarial training the most interesting idea in the last 10 years in ML. (source)

Original paper:

Some ideas have improved the training of the GANs by the years. For example:

Deep Convolution GAN (DCGAN) paper:

Progressive Growing GAN (ProGAN) paper:

The goal of this project is to implement these ideas in JAX framework.


You can install JAX following the instruction on JAX - Installation

It is strongly recommended to run JAX on Linux with CUDA available (Windows has no stable support yet). In this case you can install JAX using the following command:

pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda]" -f

Then you can install Tensorflow to benefit from to handle the data and the pre-installed dataset. However, Tensorfow allocate memory of the GPU on use (which is not optimal for running calculation with JAX). Therefore, you should install Tensorflow on the CPU instead of the GPU. Visit this site Tensorflow - Installation with pip to install the CPU-only version of Tensorflow 2 depending on your OS and your Python version.

Exemple with Linux and Python 3.9:

pip install tensorflow -f

Then you can install the other librairies from requirements.txt. It will install Haiku and Optax, two usefull add-on libraries to implement and optimize machine learning models with JAX.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install CelebA dataset (optional)

To use the CelebA dataset, you need to download the dataset from Kaggle and install the images in the folder img_align_celeba/ in data/CelebA/images. It is recommended to download the dataset from this source because the faces are already cropped.

Note: the other datasets will be automatically installed with keras or tensorflow-datasets.

Quick Start

You can test a pretrained GAN model by using apps/ It will download the model from pretrained models (in pre_trained/) and generate pictures. You can change the GAN to test by changing the path in the script.

You can also train your own GAN from scratch with apps/ To change the parameters of the training, you can change the configs in the script. You can also change the dataset or the type of GAN by changing the imports (there is only one workd to change for each).

Example to train a GAN in celeba (64x64):

from import load_images_celeba_64 as load_images

To train a DCGAN:

from gan.dcgan import DCGAN as GAN

Then you can implement your own GAN and train/test them in your own dataset (by overriding the appropriate functions, check the examples in the repository).

Some results of pre-trained models

- Deep Convolution GAN

  • On MNIST:

DCGAN Cifar10

  • On Cifar10:

DCGAN Cifar10

  • On CelebA (64x64):

DCGAN CelebA-64

- Progressive Growing GAN

  • On MNIST:

  • On Cifar10:

  • On CelebA (64x64):

  • On CelebA (128x128):

  • FID implementation

    FID implementation

    This implements Frechet Inception Distance ( Inspired and uses

    To use it, use command "python apps/ --eval FID --dataset_path your/path/to/dataset".

    opened by AntoineAwaida 1
  • Reproducibility


    Reproduire le bug

    1. J'ai créé un mini dataset dans data/CelebA/miniSet contenant 50 images du dataset complet.
    2. J'ai modifié load_images_celeba_xx dans utils/ pour loader automatiquement les images de ce mini data set.
    3. J'ai effectué trois expériences :
    • J'ai run 2 fois app/ avec batch_size = 5, num_epoch = 1 en faisant en sorte d'enregistrer l'historique des loss du generateur et du discriminateur dans des fichiers .npy différents à chaque fois. Après les deux runs, je me retrouve avec 4 fichiers : gen_history.npy, disc_history.npy, gen_history2.npy et disc_history2.npy.
    • Pour le dernier run, je suis retourné dans les data loaders que j'ai modifiés ainsi de sorte à avoir une buffer size inférieure à la taille du dataset (désormais de 50) :
    dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size=5, seed=seed) # Changed buffer size from 1000 to 5

    Les historiques des loss pour cette dernières expériences ont été stockés dans : gen_history3.npy et disc_history3.npy.

    Constater les différences

    Avec ce bout de code, j'ai loadé tous les historiques :

    import jax.numpy as jnp
    path = '' # Path to where the arrays were stored
    gen_loss_history = jnp.load(
    disc_loss_history = jnp.load(
    gen_loss_history2 = jnp.load(
    disc_loss_history2 = jnp.load(
    gen_loss_history3 = jnp.load(
    disc_loss_history3 = jnp.load(
    print(gen_loss_history == gen_loss_history2) # Retourne du true partout
    print(gen_loss_history == gen_loss_history3) # Retourne presque que du False


    Je pense donc que tu avais raison @valentingol, le pb venait du chargement des images avec tf et de cette fameuse buffer size qui doit être de taille supérieure à celle du dataset d'après la doc officielle.

    opened by Bassvelitchkine 1
  • Fixed reproducibility in tf data loading

    Fixed reproducibility in tf data loading

    Fixes #11

    For the CelebA dataset, I just made sure that the buffer size of tf's data loader was larger than the dataset itself, to fix the reproducibility bug.

    opened by Bassvelitchkine 0
  • Initial Commit

    Initial Commit

    • add .gitignore, README, LICENSE
    • add
    • add utils for utilitary functions
    • add apps/train to train any type of GAN
    • add apps/test to test any type of GAN
    • DCGAN implementation: - add gan/dcgan main module for DCGAN - add pretrained CIFAR-10 model
    opened by valentingol 0
  • FID implementation

    FID implementation

    This is an implementation of Frechet Inception Distance (FID).

    To use it :

    1. save generated images, for instance using apps/ script (by specifying a save_images_path argument to save your .pkl file of generated images)
    2. launch the evaluation script with following command : python apps/ --eval FID --dataset_path data/CelebA/img_align_celeba --generated_path ./generated/images.pkl with dataset_path the path towards your directory of real images, and generated_path your path towards you generated images.
    opened by AntoineAwaida 0
  • Progressive Growing GAN implementation

    Progressive Growing GAN implementation

    Implement Progressive Growing GAN ( Run it in MNIST, CelebA and CIFAR-10, add pretrained models and update the readme.

    opened by valentingol 0
Valentin Goldité
Student at CentraleSupelec (top french Engineer School) specialized in machine learning (Computer Vision, NLP, Audio, RL, Time Analysis).
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