Tensorflow 2 implementation of the paper: Learning and Evaluating Representations for Deep One-class Classification published at ICLR 2021


Deep Representation One-class Classification (DROC).

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Tensorflow 2 implementation of the paper: Learning and Evaluating Representations for Deep One-class Classification published at ICLR 2021 as a conference paper by Kihyuk Sohn, Chun-Liang Li, Jinsung Yoon, Minho Jin, and Tomas Pfister.

This directory contains a two-stage framework for deep one-class classification example, which includes the self-supervised deep representation learning from one-class data, and a classifier using generative or discriminative models.


The requirements.txt includes all the dependencies for this project, and an example of install and run the project is given in run.sh.

$sh deep_representation_one_class/run.sh

Download datasets

script/prepare_data.sh includes an instruction how to prepare data for CatVsDog and CelebA datasets. For CatVsDog dataset, the data needs to be downloaded manually. Please uncomment line 2 to set DATA_DIR to download datasets before starting it.


The options for the experiments are specified thru the command line arguments. The detailed explanation can be found in train_and_eval_loop.py. Scripts for running experiments can be found

  • Rotation prediction: script/run_rotation.sh

  • Contrastive learning: script/run_contrastive.sh

  • Contrastive learning with distribution augmentation: script/run_contrastive_da.sh


After running train_and_eval_loop.py, the evaluation results can be found in $MODEL_DIR/stats/summary.json, where MODEL_DIR is specified as model_dir of train_and_eval_loop.py.


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  • Question about reproducing the results

    Question about reproducing the results

    Thanks for your great work.

    I ran your 'contrastive_da.sh' file with

    DATA=cifar10ood SEED=3 CATEGORY=0

    But I got

    { "embed.auc": 63.617005555555565, "embed.gde": 61.748266666666666, "embed.kde": 64.29441111111112, "embed.kocsvm": 63.649888888888896, "embed.locsvm": 66.37852222222223, "pool.auc": 77.99122777777778, "pool.gde": 80.53367777777778, "pool.kde": 74.89410000000001, "pool.kocsvm": 75.82452222222223, "pool.locsvm": 67.06372222222222 }.

    And with other seed 72

    I got

    { "embed.auc": 50.0, "embed.gde": 49.977777777777774, "embed.kde": 50.0, "embed.kocsvm": 49.977777777777774, "embed.locsvm": 50.022222222222226, "pool.auc": 60.998122222222214, "pool.gde": 60.27448888888889, "pool.kde": 56.09522222222223, "pool.kocsvm": 55.180677777777774, "pool.locsvm": 51.08432222222222 }

    Could you let me know how to reproduce your results?! Thank you:)

    opened by e0jun 4
  • Question about paper

    Question about paper"CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization"

    Thanks for your great work. I notice that you are also the authors of paper "CutPaste: Self-Supervised Learning for Anomaly Detection and Localization", and I can't reproduce the Cutpaste(normal cutpaste) results of Experiment with ResNet18 in A.1 section.
    About the experiment setting: Backbone: Resnet 18 + MLP head(Train from scratch) For example, Capsule in mvtec dataset, training epoches: 256, num of training samples: 219, batchsize:64, one epoch needs 4 steps. In paper, "Note that, unlike conventional definition for an epoch, we define 256 parameter update steps as one epoch." So 65536 steps. the other parameters i set is lined with paper(including learning rate, weight_decay, moment). The training loss curve: loss

    The acc curve:

    The lr curve: lr

    The epoch curve: epoch

    I'm not sure 65536 steps is too many. but according the loss curve, it' kind of weird. Finally the ROCAUC is , (paper: 87.9+-0.7), I think my evaluating is correct. I try evaluating pretrained efficientnetb4 and b5 without training(paper, table 3) 4082DA83-F622-42ee-B79B-2A8EA44F3086

    So about the experiment of resnet18, Could you please give me some advice?

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  • Use of projection head

    Use of projection head

    If I understand the code correctly, then the experiments with projection heads (e.g. script/run_contrastive_da.sh) use the projection head at test time and not just training time. This is from looking at resnet_util.ResNet which looks like the output embeds is always the projection head. So, in the notation of the paper (e.g. figure 4), the contrastive results generated by this repo are all Contrastive (DA) g o f

    So then in table 2 of the paper where it says Contrastive (DA) that refers to using g o f`` since the scriptscript/run_contrastive_da.sh` is supposed to reproduce that row?

    That's a little confusing to me since table 4 shows that the best results are obtained without using the projection head at test time (i.e. in the second stage).

    Is my understanding correct?

    opened by ekorman 2
  • TypeError: Expected int32 passed to parameter 'shape' of op 'ScatterNd', got [3, None, 64, 64, 3]

    TypeError: Expected int32 passed to parameter 'shape' of op 'ScatterNd', got [3, None, 64, 64, 3]

    Hi, I am currently having problem trying to replicate the results from celeba. I am running the run_contrastive.sh with these Settings:

    python train_and_eval_loop.py \
      --model_dir="${MODEL_DIR}" \
      --method=${METHOD} \
      --file_path="${DATA}_${PREFIX}_s${SEED}_c${CATEGORY}" \
      --dataset=${DATA} \
      --category=${CATEGORY} \
      --seed=${SEED} \
      --root='' \
      --net_type=ResNet18 \
      --net_width=1 \
      --latent_dim=0 \
      --aug_list="cnr0.5+hflip+jitter_b0.4_c0.4_s0.4_h0.4+gray0.2+blur0.5,+" \
      --aug_list_for_test="x" \
      --input_shape="64,64,3" \
      --optim_type=sgd \
      --sched_type=cos \
      --learning_rate=0.01 \
      --momentum=0.9 \
      --weight_decay=0.0003 \
      --head_dims="512,512,512,512,512,512,512,512,128" \
      --num_epoch=2048 \
      --batch_size=32 \
      --temperature=0.2 \
      --distaug_type 1

    the error I get is this:

    /test/contrastive.py:87 step_fn  *
            y = self.get_target_labels(
        /test/contrastive.py:69 get_target_labels  *
            x_concat = self.cross_replica_concat(x, replica_context=replica_context)
        /test/util/train.py:792 cross_replica_concat  *
            ext_tensor = tf.scatter_nd(
        /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/gen_array_ops.py:8856 scatter_nd  **
            "ScatterNd", indices=indices, updates=updates, shape=shape, name=name)
        /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/op_def_library.py:479 _apply_op_helper
            repr(values), type(values).__name__, err))
        TypeError: Expected int32 passed to parameter 'shape' of op 'ScatterNd', got [3, None, 64, 64, 3] of type 'list' instead. Error: Expected int32, got None of type 'NoneType' instead.

    can you help me fix this?

    opened by Leggin 2
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