Tool for finding PHP source code vulnerabilities.



Tool for finding php source code vulnerabilities.

Scans PHP source code and prints out potentially dangerous lines. This tool is useful for security researchers, pentesters and bug hunters. If any file specified contains line with function call that is inside 'functions.txt' wordlist, it will echo it out.

-h, --help

usage: [-r] [-h] [files ...]

Vulnz, tool for finding php source code vulns.

positional arguments:
  file(s)          Specify php file(s) to look at, '*' for all

optional arguments:
  -r, --recursive  Look recursively from current directory
  -h, --help       Show this help message and exit.

Example 1)

"; ping_equipment.class.php:85 echo ""; ping_equipment.class.php:101 echo Html::scriptBlock("$(document).on('click', '#ping_ip', function(event) { ping_equipment.class.php:129 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 " . $ip, $list); ping_equipment.class.php:131 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); ping_equipment.class.php:146 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 " . $ip, $list); ping_equipment.class.php:148 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 " . $ip, $list, $error); ping_equipment.class.php:163 exec("fping -r1 -c1 -t100 " . $ip, $list); ping_equipment.class.php:165 exec("fping -r1 -c1 -t100 " . $ip, $list, $error); ping_equipment.class.php:180 exec("ping -c 1 -W 1 " . $ip, $list); ping_equipment.class.php:182 exec("ping -c 1 -W 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); ping_equipment.class.php:197 exec("ping -c 1 -t 1 " . $ip, $list); ping_equipment.class.php:199 exec("ping -c 1 -t 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); ping_equipment.class.php:233 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 -a " . $ip, $list, $error); ping_equipment.class.php:238 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 -a " . $ip, $list, $error);">
└─$ vulnz ping_equipment.class.php                                                                                                                                                         
ping_equipment.class.php:75     echo "";
ping_equipment.class.php:85     echo "";
ping_equipment.class.php:101    echo Html::scriptBlock("$(document).on('click', '#ping_ip', function(event) {
ping_equipment.class.php:129    exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 " . $ip, $list);
ping_equipment.class.php:131    exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 " . $ip, $list, $error);
ping_equipment.class.php:146    exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 " . $ip, $list);
ping_equipment.class.php:148    exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 " . $ip, $list, $error);
ping_equipment.class.php:163    exec("fping -r1 -c1 -t100 " . $ip, $list);
ping_equipment.class.php:165    exec("fping -r1 -c1 -t100 " . $ip, $list, $error);
ping_equipment.class.php:180    exec("ping -c 1 -W 1 " . $ip, $list);
ping_equipment.class.php:182    exec("ping -c 1 -W 1 " . $ip, $list, $error);
ping_equipment.class.php:197    exec("ping -c 1 -t 1 " . $ip, $list);
ping_equipment.class.php:199    exec("ping -c 1 -t 1 " . $ip, $list, $error);
ping_equipment.class.php:233    exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 -a " . $ip, $list, $error);
ping_equipment.class.php:238    exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 -a " . $ip, $list, $error);

Example 2)

showReservationForm($_GET["ip"], $_GET['id_addressing'], $_GET['rand']); ajax/addressing.php:37 if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'viewFilter') { ajax/addressing.php:38 if (isset($_POST['items_id']) ajax/addressing.php:39 && isset($_POST["id"])) { ajax/addressing.php:41 $filter->showForm($_POST["id"], ['items_id' => $_POST['items_id']]); ajax/addressing.php:46 } else if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'entities_networkip') { ajax/addressing.php:47 IPNetwork::showIPNetworkProperties($_POST['entities_id']); ajax/addressing.php:49 } else if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'entities_location') { ajax/addressing.php:51 'value' => $_POST["value"], ajax/addressing.php:52 'entity' => $_POST['entities_id']]); ajax/addressing.php:54 } else if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'entities_fqdn') { ajax/addressing.php:56 'value' => $_POST["value"], ajax/addressing.php:57 'entity' => $_POST['entities_id']]); ajax/seePingTab.php:41 echo Html::scriptBlock("$('#ping_item').show();"); ajax/seePingTab.php:31 if (strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "seePingTab.php")) { ajax/seePingTab.php:39 if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "viewPingform") { ajax/seePingTab.php:44 $pingE->showPingForm($_POST['itemtype'], $_POST['items_id']); ajax/seePingTab.php:47 $_POST['name'] = "ping_item"; ajax/seePingTab.php:48 $_POST['rand'] = ""; ajax/seePingTab.php:49 Ajax::commonDropdownUpdateItem($_POST); inc/config.class.php:48 echo "
"; inc/addressing.class.php:221 echo Html::input('name', ['value' => $this->fields['name'], 'size' => 40]); inc/addressing.class.php:253 echo Html::input('_ipdeb0', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/addressing.class.php:258 echo Html::input('_ipdeb1', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/addressing.class.php:263 echo Html::input('_ipdeb2', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/addressing.class.php:268 echo Html::input('_ipdeb3', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/addressing.class.php:318 echo Html::input('_ipfin0', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/addressing.class.php:324 echo Html::input('_ipfin1', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/addressing.class.php:330 echo Html::input('_ipfin2', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/addressing.class.php:336 echo Html::input('_ipfin3', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/addressing.class.php:359 echo Html::hidden('begin_ip', ['value' => $this->fields["begin_ip"], inc/addressing.class.php:361 echo Html::hidden('end_ip', ['value' => $this->fields["end_ip"], inc/addressing.class.php:366 echo Html::scriptBlock('$(document).ready(function() {' . $js . '});'); inc/addressing.class.php:448 echo "".__('Export').""; inc/addressing.class.php:688 echo __('Number of free IP', 'addressing') . " " . $nbipf . "
"; inc/addressing.class.php:692 echo __('Number of reserved IP', 'addressing') . " " . $nbipr . "
"; inc/addressing.class.php:696 echo __('Number of assigned IP (no doubles)', 'addressing') . " " . $nbipt . "
"; inc/addressing.class.php:700 echo __('Number of doubles IP', 'addressing') . " " . $nbipd . "
"; inc/addressing.class.php:741 echo ""; inc/addressing.class.php:744 echo Html::hidden('id', ['value' => $id]); inc/addressing.class.php:849 echo __('Real free IP (Ping=KO)', 'addressing') . " " . $total_realfreeip; inc/addressing.class.php:991 echo Html::hidden($name, ['id' => $name, inc/addressing.class.php:1012 echo ""; inc/addressing.class.php:1014 echo ""; inc/addressing.class.php:471 if (isset($_GET["export"])) { inc/addressing.class.php:867 $item->showReport($_GET); inc/filter.class.php:96 echo Html::hidden('id', ['value' => $ID]); inc/filter.class.php:97 echo Html::hidden('plugin_addressing_addressings_id', ['value' => $options['items_id']]); inc/filter.class.php:100 echo Html::input('name', ['value' => $this->fields['name'], 'size' => 40]); inc/filter.class.php:135 echo Html::input('_ipdeb0', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/filter.class.php:140 echo Html::input('_ipdeb1', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/filter.class.php:145 echo Html::input('_ipdeb2', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/filter.class.php:150 echo Html::input('_ipdeb3', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/filter.class.php:190 echo Html::input('_ipfin0', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/filter.class.php:196 echo Html::input('_ipfin1', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/filter.class.php:202 echo Html::input('_ipfin2', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/filter.class.php:208 echo Html::input('_ipfin3', ['value' => $ipexploded[0], inc/filter.class.php:221 echo Html::hidden('begin_ip', ['id' => 'plugaddr_ipdeb', 'value' => $this->fields["begin_ip"]]); inc/filter.class.php:222 echo Html::hidden('end_ip', ['id' => 'plugaddr_ipfin', 'value' => $this->fields["end_ip"]]); inc/filter.class.php:226 echo Html::scriptBlock('$(document).ready(function() {'.$js.'});'); inc/filter.class.php:265 echo "
\n"; inc/filter.class.php:268 echo "function viewAddFilter" . $item_id . "$rand() {\n"; inc/filter.class.php:295 echo " "; inc/filter.class.php:319 echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end; inc/filter.class.php:330 echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end; inc/filter.class.php:361 echo "function viewEditFilter" . $filter["id"] . "$rand() {\n"; inc/filter.class.php:374 echo " "; inc/filter.class.php:375 echo " "; inc/filter.class.php:377 echo " "; inc/filter.class.php:378 echo " "; inc/filter.class.php:379 echo " "; inc/filter.class.php:49 self::showList($_GET); inc/reserveip.class.php:181 echo Html::hidden('ip', ['value' => $ip]); inc/reserveip.class.php:182 echo Html::hidden('id_addressing', ['value' => $id_addressing]); inc/reserveip.class.php:259 echo Html::input('name_reserveip', $option); inc/profile.class.php:66 echo ""; inc/profile.class.php:96 echo Html::hidden('id', ['value' => $profiles_id]); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:75 echo ""; inc/ping_equipment.class.php:85 echo ""; inc/ping_equipment.class.php:101 echo Html::scriptBlock("$(document).on('click', '#ping_ip', function(event) { inc/ping_equipment.class.php:129 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:131 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:146 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:148 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:163 exec("fping -r1 -c1 -t100 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:165 exec("fping -r1 -c1 -t100 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:180 exec("ping -c 1 -W 1 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:182 exec("ping -c 1 -W 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:197 exec("ping -c 1 -t 1 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:199 exec("ping -c 1 -t 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:233 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 -a " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:238 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 -a " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/pinginfo.class.php:202 echo $content; inc/pinginfo.class.php:206 echo "
" . $filter['name'] . "" . Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $filter['entities_id']) . "" . $types[$filter['type']] . "" . $filter['begin_ip'] . "" . $filter['end_ip'] . "
"; inc/filter.class.php:319 echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end; inc/filter.class.php:330 echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end; inc/filter.class.php:361 echo "function viewEditFilter" . $filter["id"] . "$rand() {\n"; inc/filter.class.php:374 echo ""; inc/filter.class.php:375 echo ""; inc/filter.class.php:377 echo ""; inc/filter.class.php:378 echo ""; inc/filter.class.php:379 echo ""; inc/filter.class.php:49 self::showList($_GET); inc/reserveip.class.php:181 echo Html::hidden('ip', ['value' => $ip]); inc/reserveip.class.php:182 echo Html::hidden('id_addressing', ['value' => $id_addressing]); inc/reserveip.class.php:259 echo Html::input('name_reserveip', $option); inc/profile.class.php:66 echo ""; inc/profile.class.php:96 echo Html::hidden('id', ['value' => $profiles_id]); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:75 echo ""; inc/ping_equipment.class.php:85 echo ""; inc/ping_equipment.class.php:101 echo Html::scriptBlock("$(document).on('click', '#ping_ip', function(event) { inc/ping_equipment.class.php:129 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:131 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:146 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:148 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:163 exec("fping -r1 -c1 -t100 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:165 exec("fping -r1 -c1 -t100 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:180 exec("ping -c 1 -W 1 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:182 exec("ping -c 1 -W 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:197 exec("ping -c 1 -t 1 " . $ip, $list); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:199 exec("ping -c 1 -t 1 " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:233 exec("ping -c 1 -w 1 -a " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/ping_equipment.class.php:238 exec("ping.exe -n 1 -w 100 -i 64 -a " . $ip, $list, $error); inc/pinginfo.class.php:202 echo $content; inc/pinginfo.class.php:206 echo "
" . $filter['name'] . " " . Dropdown::getDropdownName('glpi_entities', $filter['entities_id']) . " " . $types[$filter['type']] . " " . $filter['begin_ip'] . " " . $filter['end_ip'] . "
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