A PyTorch implementation of QANet.




I'm very busy these months. I'll return to this repo in about 10 days.


An implementation of QANet with PyTorch.

Any contributions are welcome!

Current performance

F1 EM Got by
66 ? InitialBug
64 50 BangLiu


  1. Install pytorch 0.4 for Python 3.6+
  2. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install python dependencies.
  3. Run download.sh to download the dataset.
  4. Run python preproc.py to build tensors from the raw dataset.
  5. Run python main.py --mode train to train the model. After training, log/model.pt will be generated.
  6. Run python main.py --mode test to test an pretrained model. Default model file is log/model.pt


preproc.py: downloads dataset and builds input tensors.

main.py: program entry; functions about training and testing.

models.py: QANet structure.

config.py: configurations.

Differences from the paper

  1. The paper doesn't mention which activation function they used. I use relu.
  2. I don't set the embedding of <UNK> trainable.
  3. The connector between embedding layers and embedding encoders may be different from the implementation of Google, since the description in the paper is inconsistent (residual block can't be used because the dimensions of input and output are different) and they don't say how they implemented it.


  • Reduce memory usage
  • Improve converging speed (to reach 60 F1 scores in 1000 iterations)
  • Reach state-of-art scroes of the original paper
  • Performance analysis
  • Test on SQuAD 2.0


  1. InitialBug: found two bugs: (1) positional encodings require gradients; (2) wrong weight sharing among encoders.
  2. linthieda: fixed one issue about dependencies and offered computing resources.
  3. BangLiu: tested the model.
  4. wlhgtc: (1) improved the calculation of Context-Question Attention; (2) fixed a bug that is compacting embeddings before highway nets.
  • Some difference between the paper and the model

    Some difference between the paper and the model

    2018-07-17 8 37 41

    According to the original paper, the dimension of input to Encoder block is 500(200+300). That means we should not change the dimension of word embedding and char embedding in "Embedding Layer" . We should use "Conv" at the start of "Encoder Layer" in order to map it to dimension.

    opened by wlhgtc 1
  • the layer norm

    the layer norm

    nn.LayerNorm is a function with learnable parameters, it not only normalize the input, but also learn the possible data distribution, I think different layers in the encoder block(eg. conv layer,self-attention layer, feed forward layer) should have different learnable layernorm.

    opened by InitialBug 1
  • Position Encoding

    Position Encoding

    In the original paper 《attention is all you need》, it seems the position encoding is direct computed rather than trained. But in your code, the final parameter is wrapped with torch.nn.Parameter, is that OK?

    opened by InitialBug 1
  • why the dim of character vec set to 64?

    why the dim of character vec set to 64?

    hey,hengruo! I've got a question to consult you~ char_dim = 64 #Embedding dimension for char In the paper of QANet, the auther stated ' Each character is represented as a trainable vector of dimension p2 = 200, meaning each word can be viewed as the concatenation of the embedding vectors for each of its characters.' But, I found this in the config.py, char_dim = 64 ? And, when i run this repo,both the values of F1 score and EM were very low(F1 only close to 10). What's more: d_model = 96 #Dimension of connectors of each layer is there should be 128? Do those settings of these values affect the performance of model? Thanks a lot, I'd appreciate that if you have time.

    opened by JewelChen2019 1
  • some issues

    some issues

    Hi, @hengruo When I trained the model, I got an issue below:

    File "/XXX/QANet-pytorch-master/models.py", line 33, in init self.pos_encoding = nn.Parameter(torch.sin(torch.add(torch.mul(pos, freqs), phases)), requires_grad=False) RuntimeError: Expected object of type torch.LongTensor but found type torch.FloatTensor for argument #2 'other'

    Then I modified the code so that I can run it correctly: self.pos_encoding = nn.Parameter(torch.sin(torch.add(torch.mul(pos.float(), freqs), phases)), requires_grad=False)

    I don't know why only I have got the issue. Thank you!

    opened by qjzhzw 0
  • any plans on releasing pretrained model ?

    any plans on releasing pretrained model ?

    It would really be nice, if someone can release partially / fully trained model checkpoints, so I can try restoring from that point, instead of starting from scratch, any plans for that ?


    opened by saurabhvyas 0
  • GPU memory explode after 3 steps

    GPU memory explode after 3 steps

    I use the TiTan x GPU, but the GPU memory is growing rapidly, and after 3 batches, it went out of memory. I have check your code line by line, and I still don't konw what's wrong with it

    opened by InitialBug 31
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