ColossalAI-Benchmark - Performance benchmarking with ColossalAI


Benchmark for Tuning Accuracy and Efficiency


The benchmark includes our efforts in using Colossal-AI to train different tasks to achieve SOTA results. We are interested in both validataion accuracy and training speed, and prefer larger batch size to take advantage of more GPU devices. For example, we trained vision transformer with batch size 512 on CIFAR10 and 4096 on ImageNet1k, which are basically not used in existing works. Some of the results in the benchmark trained with 8x A100 are shown below.

Task Model Training Time Top-1 Accuracy
CIFAR10 ViT-Lite-7/4 ~ 16 min ~ 90.5%
ImageNet1k ViT-S/16 ~ 16.5 h ~ 74.5%

The script in each task runs training with the specific configuration script in configs/ for different parallelisms. Supported parallelisms include data parallel only (ends with vanilla), 1D (ends with 1d), 2D (ends with 2d), 2.5D (ends with 2p5d), 3D (ends with 3d).

Each configuration scripts basically includes the following elements, taking ImageNet1k task as example:



# data parallel only

# parallelism setting
parallel = dict(

fp16 = dict(mode=AMP_TYPE.TORCH, ) # amp setting

gradient_accumulation = 2 # accumulate 2 steps for gradient update

BATCH_SIZE = TOTAL_BATCH_SIZE // gradient_accumulation # actual batch size for dataloader

clip_grad_norm = 1.0 # clip gradient with norm 1.0

Upper case elements are basically what needs, and lower case elements are what Colossal-AI needs to initialize the training.


To start training, use the following command to run each worker:

$ DATA=/path/to/dataset python --world_size=WORLD_SIZE \
                                        --rank=RANK \
                                        --local_rank=LOCAL_RANK \
                                        --host=MASTER_IP_ADDRESS \
                                        --port=MASTER_PORT \

It is also recommended to start training with torchrun as:

$ DATA=/path/to/dataset torchrun --nproc_per_node=NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE \
                                 --nnodes=NUM_NODES \
                                 --node_rank=NODE_RANK \
                                 --master_addr=MASTER_IP_ADDRESS \
                                 --master_port=MASTER_PORT \
  • install problem: installing in NUS HPC, but the GCC is old, and can not install the latest colossalai

    install problem: installing in NUS HPC, but the GCC is old, and can not install the latest colossalai

    πŸ› Describe the bug

    I am installing the latest colossalai using the python install command, and the NUS HPC prompt some errors like: subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ninja', '-v']' returned non-zero exit status 1. #error "You're running a too old version of GCC. We need GCC 5 or later." image

    If I use pip install colossalai, another error happens! image Well, pip install need Internet, and if I am using GPU in NUS, no internet can be accessed, so I have to use python install, but the GCC version is too old...

    Lucky for me (maybe unlucky for other students using the server), I saved the old version's colossalai....

    Thank you!!!


    No response

    opened by Arsmart123 10
  • Add DeepSpeed ZeRO Init Context

    Add DeepSpeed ZeRO Init Context

    Describe the feature

    Zero init context of DeepSpeed is not provided now. Let's add this feature so taht we can benchmark larger models, but need to take care of numel count.

    opened by FrankLeeeee 1
  • Automate submodule commit update

    Automate submodule commit update

    The submodule in ColossalAI should be update its commit ID when there is any update in this repository. This may be done via github action and we should definitely automate this process to save some trouble.

    opened by FrankLeeeee 1
  • Hotfix/flops profiler & GPT dataset

    Hotfix/flops profiler & GPT dataset

    • added synthetic gpt dataset To enable it, add "synthetic": true under "hyperparameter" in your json configuration file (please refer to torch_utils/gpt2_config.json)
    • disabled gpt tokenization caching
    • updated flops&params profiler with deepspeed version
    opened by kurisusnowdeng 0
  • Where is model_zoo module?

    Where is model_zoo module?

    πŸ› Describe the bug

    I try to train vision transformer following instructions in However, it throws an error in imagenet1k/ that there is no module named model_zoo. Corresponding code is from model_zoo.vit import vit_small_patch16_224. I tried to find this module in all repos in hpcaitech organization and required python wheels, but nothing was found.

    My training script is DATA=../dataset/tfrecord torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 --config=configs/ , which is executed in imagenet1k folder.


    CUDA 11.3 Torch 1.12.1 Torchvision 0.13.1

    opened by GhostScreaming 0
  • Prepared a demo dataset for GPT performance benchmarking

    Prepared a demo dataset for GPT performance benchmarking

    πŸ› Describe the bug

    As a place to show the best practice for users, I believe it is necessary to help users to skip the annoying dataset preparation stage.


    No response

    opened by feifeibear 0
  • README of Benchmark is not clear and misleading.

    README of Benchmark is not clear and misleading.

    In 'Usage' part, the first command needs launchers, eg. OpenMPI, but this is not mentioned. It's easy to mislead newbies to waste time and effort if they are running on their local machine.

    Some parameters in the second command seem not necessary, eg. I can run the example by the following command. DATA=/data/cifar-10 torchrun --nproc_per_node=2 --master_port=29501 --config=configs/

    In addition, it's hard for newbies to know what content they should provide for those parameters. eg. how to know the RANK, IP_ADDRESS and PORT. It would be better if you can provide some explanation and example.

    opened by binmakeswell 0
  • Align benchmark with the others

    Align benchmark with the others

    Hello, thanks for the wonderful project. Did you consider aligning the results with some commonly used ones?

    opened by feifeibear 0
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