Implementation of ICCV2021(Oral) paper - VMNet: Voxel-Mesh Network for Geodesic-aware 3D Semantic Segmentation

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Deep Learning VMNet

VMNet: Voxel-Mesh Network for Geodesic-Aware 3D Semantic Segmentation

Framework Fig

Created by Zeyu HU


This work is based on our paper VMNet: Voxel-Mesh Network for Geodesic-Aware 3D Semantic Segmentation, which appears at the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2021.

In recent years, sparse voxel-based methods have become the state-of-the-arts for 3D semantic segmentation of indoor scenes, thanks to the powerful 3D CNNs. Nevertheless, being oblivious to the underlying geometry, voxel-based methods suffer from ambiguous features on spatially close objects and struggle with handling complex and irregular geometries due to the lack of geodesic information. In view of this, we present Voxel-Mesh Network (VMNet), a novel 3D deep architecture that operates on the voxel and mesh representations leveraging both the Euclidean and geodesic information. Intuitively, the Euclidean information extracted from voxels can offer contextual cues representing interactions between nearby objects, while the geodesic information extracted from meshes can help separate objects that are spatially close but have disconnected surfaces. To incorporate such information from the two domains, we design an intra-domain attentive module for effective feature aggregation and an inter-domain attentive module for adaptive feature fusion. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of VMNet: specifically, on the challenging ScanNet dataset for large-scale segmentation of indoor scenes, it outperforms the state-of-the-art SparseConvNet and MinkowskiNet (74.6% vs 72.5% and 73.6% in mIoU) with a simpler network structure (17M vs 30M and 38M parameters).


If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

      title={VMNet: Voxel-Mesh Network for Geodesic-Aware 3D Semantic Segmentation}, 
      author={Zeyu Hu and Xuyang Bai and Jiaxiang Shang and Runze Zhang and Jiayu Dong and Xin Wang and Guangyuan Sun and Hongbo Fu and Chiew-Lan Tai},


  • Our code is based on Pytorch. Please make sure CUDA and cuDNN are installed. One configuration has been tested:

    • Python 3.7
    • Pytorch 1.4.0
    • torchvision 0.5.0
    • CUDA 10.0
    • cudatoolkit 10.0.130
    • cuDNN 7.6.5
  • VMNet depends on the torch-geometric and torchsparse libraries. Please follow their installation instructions. One configuration has been tested, higher versions should work as well:

    • torch-geometric 1.6.3
    • torchsparse 1.1.0
  • We adapted VCGlib to generate pooling trace maps for vertex clustering and quadric error metrics.

    git clone
    cd vcglib/apps/tridecimator/
    cd ../sample/trimesh_clustering

    Please add vcglib/apps/tridecimator and vcglib/apps/sample/trimesh_clustering to your environment path variable.

  • Other dependencies. One configuration has been tested:

    • open3d 0.9.0
    • plyfile 0.7.3
    • scikit-learn 0.24.0
    • scipy 1.6.0

Data Preparation

  • Please refer to and to get access to the ScanNet and Matterport dataset. Our method relies on the .ply as well as the .labels.ply files. We take ScanNet dataset as example for the following instructions.

  • Create directories to store processed data.

    • 'path/to/processed_data/train/'
    • 'path/to/processed_data/val/'
    • 'path/to/processed_data/test/'
  • Prepare train data.

    python --considered_rooms_path dataset/data_split/scannetv2_train.txt --in_path path/to/ScanNet/scans --out_path path/to/processed_data/train/
  • Prepare val data.

    python --considered_rooms_path dataset/data_split/scannetv2_val.txt --in_path path/to/ScanNet/scans --out_path path/to/processed_data/val/
  • Prepare test data.

    python --test_split --considered_rooms_path dataset/data_split/scannetv2_test.txt --in_path path/to/ScanNet/scans_test --out_path path/to/processed_data/test/


  • On train/val/test setting.

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --train --exp_name name_you_want --data_path path/to/processed_data
  • On train+val/test setting (for ScanNet benchmark).

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --train_benchmark --exp_name name_you_want --data_path path/to/processed_data


  • Validation. Pretrained model (73.3% mIoU on ScanNet Val). Please download and put into directory check_points/val_split.

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --val --exp_name val_split --data_path path/to/processed_data
  • Test. Pretrained model (74.6% mIoU on ScanNet Test). Please download and put into directory check_points/test_split. TxT files for benchmark submission will be saved in directory test_results/.

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --test --exp_name test_split --data_path path/to/processed_data


Our code is built upon torch-geometric, torchsparse and dcm-net.


Our code is released under MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).

  • The pretrain model has wrong state_dict keys

    The pretrain model has wrong state_dict keys

    Hi, I get some issue about

    1. I test the the script with pretrain model
    python --test --exp_name test_split --data_path path/to/processed_data

    The output logs are:

    use_cuda: True
    exp_name: test_split
    #parameters 17463870
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 279, in <module>
        test(exp_name, test_files)
      File "", line 139, in test
      File "/home/keroro/Program_Files/miniconda3/envs/tt/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1052, in load_state_dict
        self.__class__.__name__, "\n\t".join(error_msgs)))
    RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for VMNet:
    	Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "Geo_branch.mid_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.mid_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.mid_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.mid_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.cd_5.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.cd_5.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de5_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de5_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de5_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de5_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.cd_4.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.cd_4.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de4_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de4_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de4_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de4_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.cd_3.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.cd_3.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de3_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de3_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de3_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de3_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.cd_2.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.cd_2.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de2_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de2_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de2_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de2_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.cd_1.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.cd_1.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de1_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de1_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de1_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de1_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.cd_0.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.cd_0.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de0_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de0_geo.geo_0.lin_edge.bias", "Geo_branch.de0_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.weight", "Geo_branch.de0_geo.geo_1.lin_edge.bias".

    What are the Unexpected key(s) in state_dict ? does the VMNet not defined?

    1. When I preprocess the data, I had build VCGlib vcglib/apps/tridecimator and vcglib/apps/sample/trimesh_clustering , I add environment path by:
    export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/vcglib/apps/tridecimator:/path/to/vcglib/apps/sample/trimesh_clustering
    # create links
    sudo ln -s /path/to/vcglib/apps/tridecimator/tridecimator /usr/local/bin
    sudo ln -s /path/to/vcglib/apps/sample/trimesh_clustering/trimesh_clustering /usr/local/bin

    But run the preprocess, there is core dumped:

    [0.02, 0.04, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30]
    Processing ../scannet/VMtest/scene0000_00/scene0000_00_vh_clean_2.ply
    curr_dir: ../scannet/VMNet_data/train/scene0000_00
    trimesh_clustering: ../../../vcg/simplex/vertex/component.h:75: vcg::vertex::EmptyCore<TT>::ColorType& vcg::vertex::EmptyCore<TT>::C() [with TT = MyUsedTypes; vcg::vertex::EmptyCore<TT>::ColorType = vcg::Color4<unsigned char>]: Assertion `0' failed.
    Aborted (core dumped)
    trimesh_clustering: ../../../vcg/simplex/vertex/component.h:75: vcg::vertex::EmptyCore<TT>::ColorType& vcg::vertex::EmptyCore<TT>::C() [with TT = MyUsedTypes; vcg::vertex::EmptyCore<TT>::ColorType = vcg::Color4<unsigned char>]: Assertion `0' failed.
    Aborted (core dumped)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/keroro/Program_Files/miniconda3/envs/tt/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/", line 121, in worker
        result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
      File "/home/keroro/Program_Files/miniconda3/envs/tt/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/", line 44, in mapstar
        return list(map(*args))
      File "", line 226, in process_frame
      File "", line 173, in quadric_error_metric
        '.ply', '.csv'), old_vertices=old_vertices, new_vertices=vertices_l)
      File "", line 78, in csv2npy
        with open(in_file_path, 'r') as csvfile:
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../scannet/VMNet_data/train/scene0000_00/curr_mesh.csv'
    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 295, in <module>, file_paths)
      File "/home/keroro/Program_Files/miniconda3/envs/tt/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/", line 268, in map
        return self._map_async(func, iterable, mapstar, chunksize).get()
      File "/home/keroro/Program_Files/miniconda3/envs/tt/lib/python3.7/multiprocessing/", line 657, in get
        raise self._value
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../scannet/VMNet_data/train/scene0000_00/curr_mesh.csv'

    Where should I set the correct environment path for vcglib/apps/tridecimator and vcglib/apps/sample/trimesh_clustering?

    opened by cia1099 13
  • Issue of 'input voxels are not valid'

    Issue of 'input voxels are not valid'

    Hi, authors, thanks for sharing your work.

    When I tried to train VMNet with my own training data, the valid_idxs is not meet the assert condition, like

    I think the problem is related to my own data, but the specific reason for such an issue is unclear. Do you have any suggestions about that?

    PS: I use the script to preprocess my own data, as same as the preprocessing procedure for the ScanNet dataset.

    opened by Hao-HUST 6
  • about downloading ScanNet

    about downloading ScanNet

    Hi, I haven't used ScanNet before, so I'm not familiar with it and need your help. Due to my limited memory space, I want to only download the needed parts of the ScanNet. Since you say:

    Our method relies on the .ply as well as the .labels.ply files.

    so does it mean that I can download the ScanNet only using this two command? -o [directory in which to download] --type _vh_clean_2.ply -o [directory in which to download] --type _vh_clean_2.labels.ply

    In addition, how much memory space is needed to store the processed data?

    opened by cjyiiiing 2
  • Quadric Error Metrics: contraction of non-connected vertices possible?

    Quadric Error Metrics: contraction of non-connected vertices possible?

    Hi there,

    Thanks for your amazing work!

    I would be glad if you could please answer the following question about the usage of QEM in VMNet.
    The publication seems to indicate that for vertex contraction only vertices connected by edges are considered. However, in the original QEM publication, the authors also propose selecting vertex pairs for contraction based on their Euclidean distance. They use a threshold value t for the Euclidean distance.

    Using only vertices connected by edges would imply a threshold of t = 0. In, Tridecimator from VCGlib is called. If I understand the call correctly, the optional argument -e is not passed which specifies the threshold. In the Tridecimator application, the threshold t then defaults to inf, meaning all pairs of vertices would be eligible for contraction.

    Therefore I would like to know: Is contraction of non-connected vertices possible in VMNet?

    Thanks a lot for your time, Benjamin

    opened by BenjaminEpple 1
  • about Matterport3D results

    about Matterport3D results


    Thanks for the great work. I find your work use Matterport3D datatset and get pretty good results showed in the paper.

    But I don’t find any code related to Matterport3D in this repository. I wonder if you can share the Matterport3D related code and give a brief description of how to reproduce the results on Matterport3D.

    Looking forward to your reply and this will help a lot.

    opened by lcysonya 1
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