Dynamic Divide-and-Conquer Adversarial Training for Robust Semantic Segmentation (ICCV2021)


Dynamic Divide-and-Conquer Adversarial Training for Robust Semantic Segmentation

This is a pytorch project for the paper Dynamic Divide-and-Conquer Adversarial Training for Robust Semantic Segmentation by Xiaogang Xu, Hengshuang Zhao and Jiaya Jia presented at ICCV2021.

paper link, arxiv


Adversarial training is promising for improving the robustness of deep neural networks towards adversarial perturbations, especially on the classification task. The effect of this type of training on semantic segmentation, contrarily, just commences. We make the initial attempt to explore the defense strategy on semantic segmentation by formulating a general adversarial training procedure that can perform decently on both adversarial and clean samples. We propose a dynamic divide-and-conquer adversarial training (DDC-AT) strategy to enhance the defense effect, by setting additional branches in the target model during training, and dealing with pixels with diverse properties towards adversarial perturbation. Our dynamical division mechanism divides pixels into multiple branches automatically. Note all these additional branches can be abandoned during inference and thus leave no extra parameter and computation cost. Extensive experiments with various segmentation models are conducted on PASCAL VOC 2012 and Cityscapes datasets, in which DDC-AT yields satisfying performance under both white- and black-box attacks.

Project Setup

For multiprocessing training, we use apex, tested with pytorch 1.0.1.

First install Python 3. We advise you to install Python 3 and PyTorch with Anaconda:

conda create --name py36 python=3.6
source activate py36

Clone the repo and install the complementary requirements:

cd $HOME
git clone --recursive [email protected]:dvlab-research/Robust_Semantic_Segmentation.git
cd Robust_Semantic_Segmentation
pip install -r requirements.txt

The environment of our experiments is CUDA10.2 and TITAN V. And you should install apex for training.


  • Hardware: 4-8 GPUs (better with >=11G GPU memory)


  • Download related datasets and you should modify the relevant paths specified in folder "config"
  • Download ImageNet pre-trained models and put them under folder initmodel for weight initialization.


  • Train the baseline model with no defense on Cityscapes with PSPNet
    sh tool_train/cityscapes/psp_train.sh
  • Train the baseline model with no defense on Cityscapes with DeepLabv3
    sh tool_train/cityscapes/aspp_train.sh
  • Train the model with SAT on Cityscapes with PSPNet
    sh tool_train/cityscapes/psp_train_sat.sh
  • Train the model with SAT on Cityscapes with DeepLabv3
    sh tool_train/cityscapes/aspp_train_sat.sh
  • Train the model with DDCAT on Cityscapes with PSPNet
    sh tool_train/cityscapes/psp_train_ddcat.sh
  • Train the model with DDCAT on Cityscapes with DeepLabv3
    sh tool_train/cityscapes/aspp_train_ddcat.sh


  • Train the baseline model with no defense on VOC2012 with PSPNet
    sh tool_train/voc2012/psp_train.sh
  • Train the baseline model with no defense on VOC2012 with DeepLabv3
    sh tool_train/voc2012/aspp_train.sh
  • Train the model with SAT on VOC2012 with PSPNet
    sh tool_train/voc2012/psp_train_sat.sh
  • Train the model with SAT on VOC2012 with DeepLabv3
    sh tool_train/voc2012/aspp_train_sat.sh
  • Train the model with DDCAT on VOC2012 with PSPNet
    sh tool_train/voc2012/psp_train_ddcat.sh
  • Train the model with DDCAT on VOC2012 with DeepLabv3
    sh tool_train/voc2012/aspp_train_ddcat.sh

You can use the tensorboardX to visualize the training loss, by

tensorboard --logdir=exp/path_to_log


We provide the script for evaluation, reporting the miou on both clean and adversarial samples (the adversarial samples are obtained with attack whose n=2, epsilon=0.03 x 255, alpha=0.01 x 255)


  • Evaluate the PSPNet trained with no defense on Cityscapes
    sh tool_test/cityscapes/psp_test.sh
  • Evaluate the PSPNet trained with SAT on Cityscapes
    sh tool_test/cityscapes/psp_test_sat.sh
  • Evaluate the PSPNet trained with DDCAT on Cityscapes
    sh tool_test/cityscapes/psp_test_ddcat.sh
  • Evaluate the DeepLabv3 trained with no defense on Cityscapes
    sh tool_test/cityscapes/aspp_test.sh
  • Evaluate the DeepLabv3 trained with SAT on Cityscapes
    sh tool_test/cityscapes/aspp_test_sat.sh
  • Evaluate the DeepLabv3 trained with DDCAT on Cityscapes
    sh tool_test/cityscapes/aspp_test_ddcat.sh


  • Evaluate the PSPNet trained with no defense on VOC2012
    sh tool_test/voc2012/psp_test.sh
  • Evaluate the PSPNet trained with SAT on VOC2012
    sh tool_test/voc2012/psp_test_sat.sh
  • Evaluate the PSPNet trained with DDCAT on VOC2012
    sh tool_test/voc2012/psp_test_ddcat.sh
  • Evaluate the DeepLabv3 trained with no defense on VOC2012
    sh tool_test/voc2012/aspp_test.sh
  • Evaluate the DeepLabv3 trained with SAT on VOC2012
    sh tool_test/voc2012/aspp_test_sat.sh
  • Evaluate the DeepLabv3 trained with DDCAT on VOC2012
    sh tool_test/voc2012/aspp_test_ddcat.sh

Pretrained Model

You can download the pretrained models from https://drive.google.com/file/d/120xLY_pGZlm3tqaLxTLVp99e06muBjJC/view?usp=sharing

Cityscapes with PSPNet

The model trained with no defense: pretrain/cityscapes/pspnet/no_defense
The model trained with SAT: pretrain/cityscapes/pspnet/sat
The model trained with DDCAT: pretrain/cityscapes/pspnet/ddcat

Cityscapes with DeepLabv3

The model trained with no defense: pretrain/cityscapes/deeplabv3/no_defense
The model trained with SAT: pretrain/cityscapes/deeplabv3/sat
The model trained with DDCAT: pretrain/cityscapes/deeplabv3/ddcat

VOC2012 with PSPNet

The model trained with no defense: pretrain/voc2012/pspnet/no_defense
The model trained with SAT: pretrain/voc2012/pspnet/sat
The model trained with DDCAT: pretrain/voc2012/pspnet/ddcat

VOC2012 with DeepLabv3

The model trained with no defense: pretrain/voc2012/deeplabv3/no_defense
The model trained with SAT: pretrain/voc2012/deeplabv3/sat
The model trained with DDCAT: pretrain/voc2012/deeplabv3/ddcat

Citation Information

If you find the project useful, please cite:

  title={Dynamic Divide-and-Conquer Adversarial Training for Robust Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Xiaogang Xu, Hengshuang Zhao and Jiaya Jia},


This source code is inspired by semseg.


If you have any questions/comments/bug reports, feel free to e-mail the author Xiaogang Xu ([email protected]).

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  • Cannot be reproduced

    Cannot be reproduced

    Hello I am a computer student, currently reproduced your code on the voc2012 dataset, but the result of the BIM attack is 2 is 33, which is very different from the result in the paper, I encountered this problem during the test, please ask you also encountered it. If you can, you can ask for some suggestions for this problem.Thank you very much. 423ad2b5b3d7bb9f9267fb322a54d8f

    opened by alex1243423 1
  • Corrupt Pre-trained Model

    Corrupt Pre-trained Model


    I saw this message after downloading your provided pre-trained model from Google Drive and type the unzip pretrained_model.zip command.

    Archive:  pretrained_model.zip
    warning [pretrained_model.zip]:  4294967296 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
      (attempting to process anyway)
    file #1:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  4294967296
      (attempting to re-compensate)
       creating: pretrain/
    error: invalid zip file with overlapped components (possible zip bomb)

    I wonder whether it is a corrupt file so that I cannot correctly decode it. Thanks.

    Best, Tsung-Han Wu

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  • Default Training Config

    Default Training Config


    First, thanks for your excellent work. I am a master student major in CS who is now working on adversarial training. I would like to ask whether your provided config is able to reach the comparable result as your paper report.


    1. In ./config/cityscapes/cityscapes_aspp.yaml, is it reasonable to set test_h = 449, test_w = 449 while testing?
    2. In your README, you stated that "For multiprocessing training, we use apex, tested with pytorch 1.0.1.". However, it seems that your config set opt_level: 'O0' and does not use float16 during training.

    I would be very grateful if you could provide me any suggestions or further explanation. Thank you very much.

    Best, Tsung-Han Wu.

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