Python scripts form performing stereo depth estimation using the HITNET model in ONNX.



Python scripts form performing stereo depth estimation using the HITNET model in ONNX.

Hitnet stereo depth estimation ONNX Stereo depth estimation on the cones images from the Middlebury dataset (


  • OpenCV, imread-from-url, onnx and onnxruntime. Also, pafy and youtube-dl are required for youtube video inference.


pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pafy youtube-dl

ONNX model

The original models were converted to different formats (including .onnx) by PINTO0309, download the models from his repository and save them into the models folder.

Original Tensorflow model

The Tensorflow pretrained model was taken from the original repository.


  • Image inference:
  • Video inference:
  • DrivingStereo dataset inference:

Pytorch inference

For performing the inference in Tensorflow, check my other repository HITNET Stereo Depth estimation.

TFLite inference

For performing the inference in TFLite, check my other repository TFLite HITNET Stereo Depth estimation.

Inference video Example

Hitnet stereo depth estimation ONNX


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