Runtime inspection utilities for Python typing module


Typing Inspect

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The typing_inspect module defines experimental API for runtime inspection of types defined in the Python standard typing module. Works with typing version 3.7.4 and later. Example usage:

from typing import Generic, TypeVar, Iterable, Mapping, Union
from typing_inspect import is_generic_type

T = TypeVar('T')

class MyCollection(Generic[T]):
    content: T

assert is_generic_type(Mapping)
assert is_generic_type(Iterable[int])
assert is_generic_type(MyCollection[T])

assert not is_generic_type(int)
assert not is_generic_type(Union[int, T])

Note: The API is still experimental, if you have ideas/suggestions please open an issue on tracker. Currently typing_inspect only supports latest version of typing. This limitation may be lifted if such requests will appear frequently.

Currently provided functions (see functions docstrings for examples of usage):

  • is_generic_type(tp): Test if tp is a generic type. This includes Generic itself, but excludes special typing constructs such as Union, Tuple, Callable, ClassVar.
  • is_callable_type(tp): Test tp is a generic callable type, including subclasses excluding non-generic types and callables.
  • is_tuple_type(tp): Test if tp is a generic tuple type, including subclasses excluding non-generic classes.
  • is_union_type(tp): Test if tp is a union type.
  • is_optional_type(tp): Test if tp is an optional type (either type(None) or a direct union to it such as in Optional[int]). Nesting and TypeVars are not unfolded/inspected in this process.
  • is_literal_type(tp): Test if tp is a literal type.
  • is_final_type(tp): Test if tp is a final type.
  • is_typevar(tp): Test if tp represents a type variable.
  • is_new_type(tp): Test if tp represents a distinct type.
  • is_classvar(tp): Test if tp represents a class variable.
  • get_origin(tp): Get the unsubscripted version of tp. Supports generic types, Union, Callable, and Tuple. Returns None for unsupported types.
  • get_last_origin(tp): Get the last base of (multiply) subscripted type tp. Supports generic types, Union, Callable, and Tuple. Returns None for unsupported types.
  • get_parameters(tp): Return type parameters of a parameterizable type tp as a tuple in lexicographic order. Parameterizable types are generic types, unions, tuple types and callable types.
  • get_args(tp, evaluate=False): Get type arguments of tp with all substitutions performed. For unions, basic simplifications used by Union constructor are performed. If evaluate is False (default), report result as nested tuple, this matches the internal representation of types. If evaluate is True, then all type parameters are applied (this could be time and memory expensive).
  • get_last_args(tp): Get last arguments of (multiply) subscripted type tp. Parameters for Callable are flattened.
  • get_generic_type(obj): Get the generic type of obj if possible, or its runtime class otherwise.
  • get_generic_bases(tp): Get generic base types of tp or empty tuple if not possible.
  • typed_dict_keys(td): Get TypedDict keys and their types, or None if td is not a typed dict.
  • New method is_nonable(t)

    New method is_nonable(t)

    This method would return True if

    • t is the NoneType (t is type(None))
    • t is a (possibly nested) Union to NoneType (this can be the result of using the Optional keyword or of an explicit Union[type(None), ....]
    • t is a TypeVar with either a bound or a constraints set, and one of them is nonable
    opened by smarie 9
  • Fix for Python 3.9+.

    Fix for Python 3.9+.

    opened by Apteryks 6
  • `is_generic_type(List)` is False in 3.9

    `is_generic_type(List)` is False in 3.9

    In [7]: sys.version                                                                                                                                                                  
    Out[7]: '3.9.0b1 (v3.9.0b1:97fe9cfd9f, May 18 2020, 20:39:28) \n[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)]'
    In [8]: from typing import List                                                                                                                                                      
    In [9]: typing_inspect.is_generic_type(List)                                                                                                                                         
    Out[9]: False

    Apparently in 3.9 List became an instance of _SpecialGenericAlias instead of _GenericAlias, which is what typing_inspect checks for.

    opened by JelleZijlstra 6
  • An API to manage most base collection types

    An API to manage most base collection types

    Collection types are an important special case of Generic types. In parsyfiles I ended up writing functions to easily access

    • the type of the key in a Mapping
    • the type of the items in Mapping (values, not keys), and Iterable (but I should probably use Container instead)

    The indent was to at least support Dict[KT, VT], List[VT], Set[VT], and Tuple[VT1, VT2, VT3...].

    Maybe such as API could be of some interest for typing_inspect users ?

    For details about how I used it, please see _extract_collection_base_type in Some tests are available here

    However the way I did it is probably not the best for an api, probably it would be better to provide individual functions such as get_mapping_inner_types and get_container_inner_types. An interesting thing to keep, though, is the capability to detect underspecified types such as Dict (and not Dict[A, B]) and to throw a TypeInformationRequiredError. See above file for details.

    opened by smarie 6
  • is_member_of_type


    The most useful introspection methods I'd like to use from the typing module are basically the functions that were removed in checking whether a concrete object is compatible with a given type. This would be useful for simple runtime type assertions, for exploring the implications of PEP484 in the REPL, and annotations-based dispatch.

    Please let me know what you think; I'd be very interested in helping to implement this. I can also submit a PR if that makes discussion easier.


    Should this be in external tools?

    @1st1 objected to this on the grounds that it should be left to external tools, but it seems like implementing a reference for cases which are unambiguous according to PEP484 would be quite useful, and even helpful to building external tools of that kind.

    For cases where something other than recursive isinstance calls are required (e.g. type variables), a helpful error can be raised at runtime.

    Mutable values

    There was an objection to __instancecheck__ and __subclasscheck__ by BDFL-delegate @markshannon here:

    For example,
    List[int] and List[str] and mutually incompatible types, yet
    isinstance([], List[int]) and isinstance([], List[str))
    both return true.

    This is a bit tricky for mutable types, since [] is a member of List[X] for all X, but the same list object might cease to be in List[X] when elements are added to it. For immutable types, the answer is unambiguous, so Tuple[*] could always deliver an unambiguous answer.

    For List[], Dict[] and other mutable types, my preference would be to check the types of the elements right now, when the method is called, and not at some future time when it may have been mutated. This would be a distinction between mypy and the runtime type checking, but this behavior seems more in keeping with the principle of least surprise, and would accord with the main intended use cases (REPL-based exploration of the type system, and simple runtime type assertions).


    I think the implementation would be roughly like the following:

    def is_member_of_type(obj, tp):
        if has_type_variables(tp):
            raise ValueError('Type variables cannot be determined at runtime')
        if is_union(tp):
            return any(is_member_of_type(obj, s) for s in tp.__args__)
        elif is_tuple(tp):
        elif ...:
            return isinstance(obj, tp)

    Include issubtype to match issubclass?

    issubtype could make sense as an addition, but it would involve introducing much more of the sorts of logic a typechecker should implement, e.g. the following:

    >>> from typing import *
    >>> class MyTuple(NamedTuple):
    ...     foo: int
    ...     bar: str
    >>> issubtype(MyTuple, Tuple[int, str])

    For this reason, I think it would make more sense to leave issubtype out of typing_inspect.

    opened by lucaswiman 6
  • Provide isinstance and issubclass equivalents

    Provide isinstance and issubclass equivalents

    In one of my projects I had to implement this function, I guess it could be useful to share in typing_inspect, and also to provide the equivalent for subclass tests, what do you think ? (I did not find any equivalent in typing nor in typing_inspect)

    from typing import Any, Type
    from typing_inspect import is_union_type, get_args, get_origin
    def robust_isinstance(inst: Any, typ: Type):
        Similar to isinstance, but if 'typ' is a parametrized generic Type, it is first transformed into 
        its base generic class so that the instance check works. It is also robust to Union and Any.
        :param inst: the instance to check against the type
        :param typ: the type
        if typ is Any:
            return True
        elif is_union_type(typ):
            typs = get_args(typ)
            if len(typs) > 0:
                return any(robust_isinstance(inst, t) for t in typs)
                return False
            return isinstance(inst, get_base_generic_type(typ))

    Note that we could also provide a boolean parameter to enable finer-grain subclass/isinstance checks for example for parametrized generic types. For example to make this return False: robust_isinstance([1], List[str])

    opened by smarie 5
  • Breaks `marshmallow_dataclass.NewType`

    Breaks `marshmallow_dataclass.NewType`

    In is_new_type there is an explicit check for the module name being either typing or typing_extensions, so types created via marshmallow_dataclass.NewType are no longer recognised, and therefore cannot be used in marshmallow dataclasses.

    This check on __module__ makes it impossible to define and use any custom NewType implementations, even if they are intended to be accepted as NewType.

    As the pre-3.10 implementations of typing.NewType define only two extra attributes __name__ and __supertype__, I'd suggest a check on these two (besides __qualname__), and on their types:

    ... isinstance(getattr(tp, '__supertype__', None), type) and isinstance(getattr(tp, '__name__'), str) and ...

    This would check everything that we can be sure of, and wouldn't block the custom NewType-implementations.

    opened by gabor-akeero 4
  • Making the is_new_type check more robust then just checking __supertype__ existance

    Making the is_new_type check more robust then just checking __supertype__ existance

    Currently everthing which has an attribute called __supertype__ will be accepted as ‚NewType‘ according to the function is_new_type.

    I find that a bit dangerous, since a user might expect that is_new_type is as reliant as a isinstance call. For example, these are false positives:

    >>>> import typing_inspect
    >>>> class MyClassWrapper:
    ....     def __init__(self):
    ....         self.__supertype__ = 'foobar'
    >>>> mcw = MyClassWrapper()
    >>>> typing_inspect.is_new_type(mcw)
    >>>> class MyClassWrapper:
    ....     __supertype__ = str
    >>>> typing_inspect.is_new_type(MyClassWrapper)

    We cannot do an isinstance check because NewType is a function, but we can add more conditions, which makes it harder for an false positive:

    Now with this MR it is additionally checked that the __qualname__ must be 'NewType..new_type', and that the module where the symbol is defined has the name 'typing'. A user could still fullfill all those conditions in a custom class, but the probability bacame quite low (espacially if it is not on purpose).

    Furtheremore support for python 3.10¹, where NewType is not a function any more but a class, is added. This check is implemented by isincance() and should work always correctly.

    The symbol NewType (i.e. not the call if it NewType()) is now also cosidered as a NewType by doing a tp is NewType check. This is in alignment with other functions, such as is_classvar() which does an tp is ClassVar or is_union_type() which do a tp is Union.

    ¹ To be specific, the first RC of python 3.10, i.e. in all bata versions NewType is still a function. Please also note that the class NewType in python 3.10.0rc has a different __qualname__ then the function NewType before.

    opened by raabf 4
  • Support Python 3.9

    Support Python 3.9

    typing_inspect doesn't really work with Python 3.9 right now. There are issues like #60 and #64, but a variety of things need to be updated. My initial survey (just guessing from poking at implementations; it would be better to have someone review/expand this list who is more intimately familiar with the code-level changes):

    • The typing module in 3.9 introduces a new "_BaseGenericAlias" class that might more correctly correspond to typing_inspect's current uses of "_GenericAlias."
    • Add support and tests for the new plain type hints (e.g. "list[int]" rather than "List[int]"). There seems to be a new "GenericAlias" class (that extends no other classes) for these kind of annotations.
    • Get the current test suite to pass under 3.9.
    • Add 3.9 to the travis config for regression testing.

    Any volunteers willing to give it a try? @ilevkivskyi - any additional guidance? What's wrong/missing in my above list?

    opened by pschanely 4
  • Broken with Python 3.6.3

    Broken with Python 3.6.3

    On python 3.6.3 import of private '_gorg' is failing. See This module should be merged into typing or typing should provide public APIs for the methods needed by this module.

    opened by lhupfeldt 4
  • Get hierarchy of arguments

    Get hierarchy of arguments

    If I want to compare two types which are like:

    class Parent:
    class Child(Parent):
    class Foo(Sequence[Child]):
    compare(Foo, Sequence[Parent])

    It seems hard to do any comparison:

    • inspect.getmro of Foo does not return Sequence[str]
    • I can use get_generic_bases to manually traverse parent classes, but doing that in MRO order is tricky (#6)
    • but what would ideally be is that I would have a method which would return the hierarchy of types and their arguments, so that I could find out that Foo inherits from Sequence[Child], and that there is an argument Child and then compare that with Sequence[Parent]; it seems pretty tricky with current typing_inspect to get from Foo to Child as an argument, no?
    opened by mitar 4
  • `typed_dict_keys` fails to return data on 3.10

    `typed_dict_keys` fails to return data on 3.10

    I presume this issue has something to do with typing_extensions, but not exactly sure how.

    $ pip install typing-inspect==0.8.0
    $ python
    Python 3.10.8 (main, Dec 11 2022, 10:51:27) [Clang 11.0.3 (clang-1103.0.32.29)] on darwin
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> from typing_inspect import typed_dict_keys
    >>> from typing import TypedDict
    >>> class A(TypedDict):
    ...   x: bool
    >>> typed_dict_keys(A)

    On Python 3.9 and 3.11, I get the expected return value of {'x': <class 'bool'>}

    opened by pschanely 1
  • `get_origin()` doesn't support PEP 585 generic types?

    `get_origin()` doesn't support PEP 585 generic types?


    I'm seeing different behavior with get_origin(typing.List) and get_origin(list):

    [ins] In [1]: from typing_extensions import get_origin
    [ins] In [2]: import typing
    [ins] In [3]: get_origin(list[int])
    Out[3]: list
    [ins] In [4]: get_origin(list)
    [ins] In [5]: get_origin(typing.List)
    Out[5]: list
    opened by rouge8 2
  • `typing_inspect.get_args` `Annotated` metadata args

    `typing_inspect.get_args` `Annotated` metadata args

    Is typing_inspect.get_args expected to also return metadata args for Annotated?

    Python 3.9.5:

    >>> import typing
    >>> A = typing.Annotated[int, "some_metadata"]
    >>> typing.get_args(A)
    (<class 'int'>, 'some_metadata')

    Python 3.8.6:

    >>> import typing_extensions  #
    >>> import typing_inspect  # 0.7.1
    >>> A = typing_extensions.Annotated[int, "some_metadata"]
    >>> typing_inspect.get_args(A)
    (<class 'int'>,)
    opened by anders-kiaer 1
  • Fix for Python 3.9.0/1 does not work with typing_extensions 3.7.4.

    Fix for Python 3.9.0/1 does not work with typing_extensions 3.7.4.

    The current version of typing_inspect supports typing_extensions 3.7.4. Running on Python 3.9.0/1 with that version of typing_extensions will result in the following error:

    venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ in <module>
        from typing_extensions import _TypedDictMeta as _TypedDictMeta_TE
    E   ImportError: cannot import name '_TypedDictMeta' from 'typing_extensions'

    The problem stems from typing_extensions 3.7.4 lacking the required Python < 3.9.2 fixes.

    opened by kmonson 1
  • Add a simple is_type(t) method

    Add a simple is_type(t) method

    It should determine if t is meaningful to use in an isinstance check.

    We've got some code in 3.6 that was simply doing:

    isinstance(t, type)

    for this purpose. It worked. typing.List as well as all your basic types passed correctly.

    It blows up in 3.7 onwards because the type of typing.List and friends has changed from type to typing._GenericAlias or typing._SpecialGenericAlias.

    Not having a simple way to answer the question of is something is a type that is meaningfully usable for isinstance checks from other things is frustrating. (I'd argue that such a basic thing should even go in the Python stdlib, but this module may be the best playground for that to start in)

    opened by gpshead 2
  • `is_generic_type` is True for a non-generic Protocol

    `is_generic_type` is True for a non-generic Protocol

    is_generic_type returns True for a non-generic Protocol:

    Tested on Python 3.8.2 and Python 3.6.10:

    from typing import Generic
    from typing_extensions import Protocol, runtime
    from typing_inspect import NEW_TYPING, get_parameters, is_generic_type
    class SomeProtocol(Protocol):
        def a_method(self) -> str:
    assert is_generic_type(SomeProtocol)
    if NEW_TYPING:
        assert isinstance(SomeProtocol, type)
        assert issubclass(SomeProtocol, Generic)
        from typing import GenericMeta
        assert isinstance(SomeProtocol, GenericMeta)
    # typing._check_generic raises 
    # TypeError: <class '__main__.SomeProtocol'> is not a generic class

    implementation of is_generic_type

    opened by kiran 3
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