Python screenshot library, replacement for the Pillow ImageGrab module on Linux.


tldr: Use Pillow

The pyscreenshot module is obsolete in most cases. It was created because PIL ImageGrab module worked on Windows only, but now Linux and macOS are also supported by Pillow. There are some features in pyscreenshot which can be useful in special cases: flexible backends, Wayland support, sometimes better performance, optional subprocessing.

The module can be used to copy the contents of the screen to a Pillow image memory using various back-ends. Replacement for the ImageGrab Module.

For handling image memory (e.g. saving to file, converting,..) please read Pillow documentation.


Build Status

Goal: Pyscreenshot tries to allow to take screenshots without installing 3rd party libraries. It is cross-platform. It is only a pure Python wrapper, a thin layer over existing back-ends. Its strategy should work on most Linux distributions: a lot of back-ends are wrapped, if at least one exists then it works, if not then one back-end should be installed.


Known problems:


$ python3 -m pip install Pillow pyscreenshot


# pyscreenshot/examples/

"Grab the whole screen"
import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab

# grab fullscreen
im = ImageGrab.grab()

# save image file"fullscreen.png")
# pyscreenshot/examples/

"Grab the part of the screen"
import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab

# part of the screen
im = ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(10, 10, 510, 510))  # X1,Y1,X2,Y2

# save image file"box.png")
# pyscreenshot/examples/

"Create screenshot of xmessage with Xvfb"
from time import sleep

from easyprocess import EasyProcess
from pyvirtualdisplay import Display

import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab

with Display(size=(100, 60)) as disp:  # start Xvfb display
    # display is available
    with EasyProcess(["xmessage", "hello"]):  # start xmessage
        sleep(1)  # wait for diplaying window
        img = ImageGrab.grab()"xmessage.png")



The performance can be checked with pyscreenshot.check.speedtest module. Backends are started in a subprocess with default (safest) settings which is necessary to isolate them from the main process and from each other. Disabling this option makes performance much better, but it may cause problems in some cases.

Test on Ubuntu 20.04 X11


$ python3 -m pyscreenshot.check.versions
python               3.8.5
pyscreenshot         2.3
pil                  8.0.1
mss                  6.1.0
scrot                1.2
grim                 ?.?
maim                 5.5.3
imagemagick          6.9.10
pyqt5                5.14.1
pyside2              5.14.0
wx                   4.0.7
pygdk3               3.36.0
gnome_dbus           ?.?
gnome-screenshot     3.36.0
kwin_dbus            ?.?
$ python3 -m pyscreenshot.check.speedtest

default             	1    sec	(  101 ms per call)
pil                 	1.7  sec	(  166 ms per call)
mss                 	1.9  sec	(  191 ms per call)
scrot               	0.97 sec	(   97 ms per call)
maim                	1.4  sec	(  144 ms per call)
imagemagick         	2.4  sec	(  235 ms per call)
pyqt5               	4.3  sec	(  429 ms per call)
pyside2             	4.2  sec	(  423 ms per call)
wx                  	4.1  sec	(  412 ms per call)
pygdk3              	2    sec	(  204 ms per call)
gnome_dbus          	1.4  sec	(  144 ms per call)
gnome-screenshot    	3.8  sec	(  381 ms per call)
$ python3 -m pyscreenshot.check.speedtest --childprocess 0

default             	0.11 sec	(   10 ms per call)
pil                 	0.09 sec	(    8 ms per call)
mss                 	0.15 sec	(   15 ms per call)
scrot               	0.95 sec	(   95 ms per call)
maim                	1.5  sec	(  145 ms per call)
imagemagick         	2.4  sec	(  235 ms per call)
pyqt5               	1.1  sec	(  114 ms per call)
pyside2             	1.2  sec	(  118 ms per call)
wx                  	0.43 sec	(   43 ms per call)
pygdk3              	0.16 sec	(   15 ms per call)
gnome_dbus          	1.5  sec	(  147 ms per call)
gnome-screenshot    	3.8  sec	(  383 ms per call)

You can force a backend:

import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab
im = ImageGrab.grab(backend="scrot")

You can force if subprocess is applied, setting it to False together with mss gives the best performance in most cases:

# best performance
import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab
im = ImageGrab.grab(backend="mss", childprocess=False)


Wayland is supported with two setups:

  1. using D-Bus on GNOME or KDE. Python 3 only.
  2. using Grim on any Wayland compositor with wlr-screencopy-unstable-v1 support. (GNOME:no, KDE:no, Sway:yes)

If both Wayland and X are available then Wayland is preferred because Xwayland can not be used for screenshot.
Rules for decision:

  1. use X if DISPLAY variable exists and XDG_SESSION_TYPE variable != "wayland"
  2. use Wayland if 1. is not successful


Only pure python modules are used:

  1. EasyProcess for calling programs
  2. entrypoint2 for generating command line interface
  3. MSS backend is added because it is very fast and pure and multiplatform
  4. jeepney for D-Bus calls


Alt text

  • pyscreenshot.grab() on Mac, box is additive and not absolute.

    pyscreenshot.grab() on Mac, box is additive and not absolute.

    On linux, the bounding box is absolute, i.e., bounding box (5, 5, 10, 10), it means: point (5,5) and point (10,10). However, on Mac, the bounding box is additive, i.e., it means point (5,5) and point (15, 15). Ugly fix could be:

        def grab_to_file(self, filename, bbox=None, dpi=72):
            # FIXME: Should query dpi from somewhere, e.g for retina displays
            region = self.CG.CGRectMake(bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]-bbox[1], bbox[4]-bbox[2]) if bbox else self.CG.CGRectInfinite
            # Create screenshot as CGImage
            image = self.CG.CGWindowListCreateImage(region,
                                                    self.CG.kCGWindowListOptionOnScreenOnly, self.CG.kCGNullWindowID,
    opened by J-Moravec 15
  • Pillow Installed But Not Working

    Pillow Installed But Not Working

    Installed Pillow-2.7 and pyscreenshot-0.3.3 on Python 2.7.8 32-bit on Windows 7 64-bit. pyscreenshot.grab() continued to generate error:

    import pyscreenshot as pss pss.grab() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.3\lib\site-packages\pyscreenshot-0.3.3-py2.7.egg\", line 71, in grab return grab(to_file=False, childprocess=childprocess, backend=backend, bbox=bbox) File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.3\lib\site-packages\pyscreenshot-0.3.3-py2.7.egg\", line 51, in _grab backend_obj = _get_loader().selected() File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.3\lib\site-packages\pyscreenshot-0.3.3-py2.7.egg\pyscreenshot\", line 75, in selected self.raise_exc() File "C:\Python27\ArcGIS10.3\lib\site-packages\pyscreenshot-0.3.3-py2.7.egg\pyscreenshot\", line 83, in raise_exc raise FailedBackendError(message) pyscreenshot.loader.FailedBackendError: Install at least one backend!

    Updating line 14 of to: from PIL import ImageGrab

    Seemed to resolve the error. That said, not sure if that will cause issues in other places.

    opened by bixb0012 10
  • Import Error

    Import Error

    While easy_install it, I get this:

    File "/tmp/easy_install-32xFOz/pyscreenshot-0.1.0/pyscreenshot/", line 1, in # ImportError: No module named path

    opened by keul 9
  • PyScreenshot: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    PyScreenshot: Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    The first screenshot taken with PyScreenshot is fine: however, after I have taken one screenshot, when I take another, the application crashes. In PyCharm, it finishes with exit code 139. In the terminal, the output is 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)' and the application stops executing.


    opened by lukep4 7
  • Exclude fix import

    Exclude fix import

    Allows Python3 use - see #17. Note this requires all imports to be absolute -- see

    opened by kevinmickey 7
  • pygdk3 backend, using Gdk 3.0+, compatible with Python3 and pretty fa…

    pygdk3 backend, using Gdk 3.0+, compatible with Python3 and pretty fa…

    …st (~70ms for 4K screenshot)

    Fixes / avoids

    N.B. you must use childprocess=False to get good performance!! Unfortunately default Python inter-thread communication/forking/etc. is painfully slow. Compare:

    In [5]: %time pyscreenshot.grab(backend='pygdk3')
    CPU times: user 6.38 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 6.38 ms
    Wall time: 397 ms
    Out[5]: <PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile image mode=RGB size=3840x2160 at 0x7F9721DA4908>
    In [7]: %time pyscreenshot.grab(backend='pygdk3', childprocess=False)
    CPU times: user 59.1 ms, sys: 27.9 ms, total: 87 ms
    Wall time: 102 ms
    Out[7]: <PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=3840x2160 at 0x7F970E57FF28>
    In [8]: %time pyscreenshot.grab(backend='pygdk3', childprocess=False)
    CPU times: user 36.7 ms, sys: 12.1 ms, total: 48.8 ms
    Wall time: 67.9 ms
    Out[8]: <PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=3840x2160 at 0x7F970E5841D0>
    In [9]: %time pyscreenshot.grab(backend='pygdk3', childprocess=False)
    CPU times: user 26.9 ms, sys: 19.4 ms, total: 46.2 ms
    Wall time: 65.3 ms
    Out[9]: <PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGB size=3840x2160 at 0x7F970E584550>

    Backend speedtest (which does not use childprocess=False) results:

    pygdk3                  3.8  sec        (  383 ms per call)
    pyqt5                   7.4  sec        (  741 ms per call)
    imagemagick             11   sec        ( 1062 ms per call)
    gnome-screenshot        8.8  sec        (  883 ms per call)

    but with childprocess=False it is an order of magnitude faster than other backends ^_^. Sorry I don't have scrot/pyside/pyqt/wx/pil backends installed to compare.

    opened by gatoatigrado 6
  • Why so slow?

    Why so slow?

    Is there any reason for the backend code to be structured around writing to files? And also on a separate process? For backends that don't need it (gtk, qt, ...?), it seems performance would be hundreds/thousands of times better if operations are done in memory.

    opened by goncalopp 6
  • Full screen not being captured

    Full screen not being captured

    I am running Windows 10 and Python 3.4.3.

    Whenever I run your full screen example:

    $ python -m pyscreenshot.examples.showgrabfullscreen

    I only get a partial top-left of my screen:


    If I force the size of my screen with grab(bbox=(0,0,3200,1800)) I get the same image and pure black filling out the rest of the area:


    opened by gnychis 6
  • ImageMagick backend

    ImageMagick backend

    Are you sure that the implementation of bbox is correct in this case,

    (bbox[2] - bbox[0], bbox[3] - bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[1])

    Here you are calculating the width and height from points but the other examples are with X,Y, Width, Height

    So using this you will have different behaviors from the different plugins!

    Does it make sense?

    I suggest to change the plugin as

    (bbox[2] , bbox[3], bbox[0], bbox[1])


    opened by gastonrobledo-santex 6
  • Any thoughts about captureing multiple screens?

    Any thoughts about captureing multiple screens?

    Here is the situation, I got more than one screen connected to my computer. And I can not capture the second screen with pyscreenshot. Tried to use coordinates outside the first screen, but only get blackout where I thought there will be the second screen's picture.

    opened by Nriver 5
  • scrot 1.1.1 causing OSError: cannot identify image file

    scrot 1.1.1 causing OSError: cannot identify image file

    System: Pop!_OS v19.10 python3.7

    Using pyscreenshot.grab() causes an OSError using scrot v1.1.1 on my system as it tries to open a file called /tmp/pyscreenshot_scrot_alnh_dsl.png but in the system its called /tmp/pyscreenshot_scrot_alnh_dsl_000.png. This does not occur when using grab(backend=gnome-screenshot) and it does not crash using scrot 0.8 compiled from source.

    I have worked around this issue by adding filename = "_000.".join(filename.split(".")) on line 24 in pyscreenshot/plugins/ but its not really pretty and one of the created files are not removed from /tmp. It looks like some naming is going very wrong somewhere?

    Full traceback:

      File "/home/elias-eriksson/Dev/Project/", line 7, in <module>
        a = grab(backend="scrot")
      File "/home/elias-eriksson/Dev/Project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyscreenshot/", line 67, in grab
        to_file=False, childprocess=childprocess, backend=backend, bbox=bbox)
      File "/home/elias-eriksson/Dev/Project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyscreenshot/", line 46, in _grab
        _grab_simple, imcodec.codec, to_file, backend, bbox, filename)
      File "/home/elias-eriksson/Dev/Project/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyscreenshot/", line 37, in run_in_childprocess
        raise e
    OSError: cannot identify image file '/tmp/pyscreenshot_scrot_alnh_dsl.png'
    opened by EliasEriksson 4
  • "All backends failed" on GNOME 42

    We can not use pyscreenshot on GNOME 42, I believe because the lack of the gnome-screenshot app. Do you know some command line we can use instead? If so maybe I can PR some solution. Thanks!


    opened by jonata 0
  • docs: Fix a few typos

    docs: Fix a few typos

    There are small typos in:

    • pyscreenshot/examples/
    • pyscreenshot/plugins/
    • tests/


    • Should read displaying rather than diplaying.
    • Should read slightly rather than slighly.
    • Should read screenshots rather than screneshots.

    Semi-automated pull request generated by

    opened by timgates42 0
  • No module named 'PIL

    No module named 'PIL


    There is some problem after type: import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab

    error message: No module named 'PIL'

    So i have to do: pip install Pillow

    After i looked it is: -> 4 line: from pyscreenshot.childproc import childprocess_backend_version -> 6 line: from pyscreenshot.imcodec import codec -> 3 line: from PIL import Image

    So I think it needs to be added in:, install_requires

    opened by koroner1 1
  • Screen capture in MacOS

    Screen capture in MacOS


    A Mac-specific code, maybe in PIL or the Python Launcher itself, needs to be added to allow the app to request the screen capture permission BEFORE the code will work on Apple MacOS Catalina or later. As none of the other solutions work on all platforms (Linux, Win10, MacOS), it would be nice if you could get this fix pushed through (or integrated into your code if possible).

    opened by RandyHarr 1
  • how to save clipboard image as file

    how to save clipboard image as file

    I want to convert clipboard image content into an image

    I tried

    from PIL import ImageGrab
    im = ImageGrab.grabclipboard() is macOS and Windows only

    it says ImageGrab.grabclipboard() is macOS and Windows only

    I think using this library its can be possible

    opened by sant527 1
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