Incremental Transformer Structure Enhanced Image Inpainting with Masking Positional Encoding (CVPR2022)


Incremental Transformer Structure Enhanced Image Inpainting with Masking Positional Encoding

by Qiaole Dong*, Chenjie Cao*, Yanwei Fu

Paper and Supplemental Material (arXiv)



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The overview of our ZITS. At first, the TSR model is used to restore structures with low resolutions. Then the simple CNN based upsampler is leveraged to upsample edge and line maps. Moreover, the upsampled sketch space is encoded and added to the FTR through ZeroRA to restore the textures.


We have updated weights of TSR!

Our project page is available at

  • Releasing inference codes.
  • Releasing pre-trained moodel.
  • Releasing training codes.


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  1. Preparing the environment:

    as there are some bugs when using GP loss with DDP (link), we strongly recommend installing Apex without CUDA extensions via torch1.9.0 for the multi-gpu training

    conda create -n train_env python=3.6
    conda activate train_env
    pip install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f
    pip install -r requirement.txt
    git clone
    cd apex
    pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" ./
  2. For training, MST provide irregular and segmentation masks (download) with different masking rates. And you should define the mask file list before the training as in MST.

  3. Download the pretrained masked wireframe detection model to the './ckpt' fold: LSM-HAWP (MST ICCV2021 retrained from HAWP CVPR2020).

  4. Prepare the wireframes:

    as the MST train the LSM-HAWP in Pytorch 1.3.1 and it causes problem (link) when tested in Pytorch 1.9, we recommand to inference the lines(wireframes) with torch==1.3.1. If the line detection is not based on torch1.3.1, the performance may drop a little.

    conda create -n wireframes_inference_env python=3.6
    conda activate wireframes_inference_env
    pip install torch==1.3.1 torchvision==0.4.2
    pip install -r requirement.txt

    then extract wireframes with following code

    python --ckpt_path <best_lsm_hawp.pth> --input_path <input image path> --output_path <output image path> --gpu_ids '0'
  5. If you need to train the model, please download the pretrained models for perceptual loss, provided by LaMa:

    mkdir -p ade20k/ade20k-resnet50dilated-ppm_deepsup/
    wget -P ade20k/ade20k-resnet50dilated-ppm_deepsup/


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Download pretrained models on Places2 here.

Link for BaiduDrive, password:qnm5

Batch Test

For batch test, you need to complete steps 3 and 4 above.

Put the pretrained models to the './ckpt' fold. Then modify the config file according to you image, mask and wireframes path.

Test on 256 images:

conda activate train_env
python --path ./ckpt/zits_places2 --config_file ./config_list/config_ZITS_places2.yml --GPU_ids '0'

Test on 512 images:

conda activate train_env
python --path ./ckpt/zits_places2_hr --config_file ./config_list/config_ZITS_HR_places2.yml --GPU_ids '0'

Single Image Test

Note: For single image test, environment 'wireframes_inference_env' in step 4 is recommended for a better line detection. This code only supports squared images (or they will be center cropped).

conda activate wireframes_inference_env
python --path <ckpt_path> --config_file <config_path> \
 --GPU_ids '0' --img_path ./image.png --mask_path ./mask.png --save_path ./


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⚠️ Warning: The training codes is not fully tested yet after refactoring

Training TSR

python --name places2_continous_edgeline --data_path [training_data_path] \
 --train_line_path [training_wireframes_path] \
 --mask_path ['irregular_mask_list.txt', 'coco_mask_list.txt'] \
 --train_epoch 12 --validation_path [validation_data_path] \
 --val_line_path [validation_wireframes_path] \
 --valid_mask_path [validation_mask] --nodes 1 --gpus 1 --GPU_ids '0' --AMP
python --name places2_continous_edgeline --data_path [training_data_path] \
 --train_line_path [training_wireframes_path] \
 --mask_path ['irregular_mask_list.txt', 'coco_mask_list.txt'] \
 --train_epoch 15 --validation_path [validation_data_path] \
 --val_line_path [validation_wireframes_path] \
 --valid_mask_path [validation_mask] --nodes 1 --gpus 1 --GPU_ids '0' --AMP --MaP

Train SSU

We recommend to use the pretrained SSU. You can also train your SSU refered to

Training LaMa First

python --nodes 1 --gpus 1 --GPU_ids '0' --path ./ckpt/lama_places2 \
--config_file ./config_list/config_LAMA.yml --lama

Training FTR


python --nodes 1 --gpus 2 --GPU_ids '0,1' --path ./ckpt/places2 \
--config_file ./config_list/config_ZITS_places2.yml --DDP


python --nodes 1 --gpus 2 --GPU_ids '0,1' --path ./ckpt/places2_HR \
--config_file ./config_list/config_ZITS_HR_places2.yml --DDP

More 1K Results

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If you found our program helpful, please consider citing:

      title={Incremental Transformer Structure Enhanced Image Inpainting with Masking Positional Encoding}, 
      author={Qiaole Dong and Chenjie Cao and Yanwei Fu},
      booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  • lsm_hawp_inference.py_result_bad


    I try to use the to generate the .pkl of my dataset (place365). I used the best_lsm_hawp.pth which you provided. But the result is really bad. I tried reduce threshold=0.8 > 0.5 but it still has bad result.

    Do you have the best_palce365_lsm_hawp.pth? Or how do we train our own hawp.

    The iamge is the sample from training.(14001.jpg) image

    opened by bobo0303 13
  • Is there a demo code to make inference on custom image and mask

    Is there a demo code to make inference on custom image and mask

    Hi, I tried, but it is hard coded for Places 365 Standard. Is there any simpler demo code to show the results based on a pair of inputs such as image and corresponding mask?

    opened by yijingru 6
  • inpainting_metrics.py中ValueError: axes don't match array错误

    inpainting_metrics.py中ValueError: axes don't match array错误

    作者你好,在文件的这行代码出现上述问题 image 如果此时传入的是indoor数据集的原图像,不是256*256大小的,根据博客: 给出的方法,对图像进行处理后可以正常运行,但是不知道这样是否会对结果产生影响。 image 我想知道你们有遇到过这个问题吗?能否给我一点建议呢?期待您的回复,谢谢

    opened by Ellohiye 4
  • Single image test

    Single image test

    你好,作者,你做的工作非常棒,只是我在进行源码测试时有一些疑问:在下面的配置设置中 python --path <ckpt_path> --config_file <config_path>
    --GPU_ids '0' --img_path ./image.png --mask_path ./mask.png --save_path ./ 权重path使用哪个呢?config_file使用哪个文件呢?我自己设置的设置如下: python --path ./ckpt/zits_places2_hr --config_file ./config_list/config_ZITS_HR_places2.yml --GPU_ids '0' --img_path ./test_i/img1.png --mask_path ./test_i/mask1.png --save_path ./test_i/ 但是出现了下面的错误: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 322, in model = ZITS(config, 0, 0, True) File "D:\pythonProject\7_4\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\src\", line 296, in init min_sigma=min_sigma, max_sigma=max_sigma) File "D:\pythonProject\7_4\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\datasets\", line 178, in init f = open(flist, 'r') FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/wmlce/places365_standard/places2_all/test_sub_list.txt'


    opened by CodeMadUser 4
  • Bad results

    Bad results

    I am getting some very poor results. I am using the single_image script and resizing images to 512,512

    image image image

    Can some of the images + masks from the showed resuts can be shared? This way I could verify if I did something weird

    opened by mhashas 4
  • 可否预上传一份pth样本,直接调试



    transformer_ckpt_path: './ckpt/best_transformer_places2.pth' gen_weights_path0: './ckpt/lama_places2/InpaintingModel_gen.pth' # Not required at the time of eval dis_weights_path0: './ckpt/lama_places2/InpaintingModel_dis.pth' # Not required at the time of eval structure_upsample_path: './ckpt/StructureUpsampling.pth'


    data = torch.load(config.structure_upsample_path, map_location='cpu')

    发生异常: AttributeError 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seek'. You can only torch.load from a file that is seekable. Please pre-load the data into a buffer like io.BytesIO and try to load from it instead.

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    File "D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\src\models\", line 165, in init data = torch.load(config.structure_upsample_path, map_location='cpu') File "D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\src\models\", line 427, in init super().init(*args, gpu=gpu, name='InpaintingModel', rank=rank, test=test, **kwargs) File "D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\src\", line 256, in init self.inpaint_model = DefaultInpaintingTrainingModule(config, gpu=gpu, rank=rank, test=test, **kwargs).to(gpu) File "D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\", line 323, in model = ZITS(config, 0, 0, True)

    PS D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main> & 'D:\pm\python\python38\python.exe' 'c:\Users\Administrator.vscode\extensions\ms-python.python-2022.4.1\pythonFiles\lib\python\debugpy\launcher' '40191' '--' 'd:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\' '--path=D:\pm\python\lama\LaMa_models\lama-places\lama-fourier\models' '--config_file=D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\config_list\config_ZITS_places2.yml' '--GPU_ids=-1' '--img_path=D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\imgs\y\i1.png' '--mask_path=D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\imgs\mask\i1.png' '--save_path=D:\pm\python\inpaint\ZITS_inpainting-main\ZITS_inpainting-main\imgs' Backend TkAgg is interactive backend. Turning interactive mode on. BaseInpaintingTrainingModule init called Loading InpaintingModel StructureUpsampling...

    opened by time888 4
  • ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.3.1

    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.3.1

    Hi, You recommend to inference the wireframes with torch 1.3.1 on README, but could not find the version by pip.

    ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement torch==1.3.1 (from versions: 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.6.0, 1.7.0, 1.7.1, 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 1.10.0, 1.10.1, 1.10.2, 1.11.0)
    ERROR: No matching distribution found for torch==1.3.1

    How did you install the old version?

    opened by naoki7090624 4
  • Question about loss and activation function

    Question about loss and activation function

    Hi, I have questions about activation function and loss.

    1. Why you calculate the loss before the activation function? According to your code, the cross entropy loss is calculated before sigmoid function. In the general CNN, I think the loss is calculated after the activation. Could you tell me why.

    2. Why you use only cross entropy loss? According to your code, only the cross entropy loss is calculated in the TSR. I wonder if you could use other losses (L1 loss, feature matching loss) after upsampling because there are convolution layers after transformer blocks.

    opened by naoki7090624 4
  • Access to the pre-trained model

    Access to the pre-trained model

    Loved the paper! The results compare to LaMa are amazing. Can I have access to the lightest pre-trained model? (Benchmarking on mobile devices)

    Best regards, Roi

    opened by roimulia2 4
  • Pretrained Indoor Model

    Pretrained Indoor Model

    Hi, Can you upload the pretrained Indoor data model - the results of which you share in your paper? Also, can you share the trained models of the comparative methods you show results for in your paper?

    Thank you.

    opened by toshi2k2 3
  • wireframe model is irrelevant

    wireframe model is irrelevant


    I've been playing quite a bit with your model due to the amazing results. Something that i've noticed is that the wireframe model is irrelevant. If I return a full zeros tensor of lines_tensor of the same shape as the actual output in wf_inference_test, I get the same final outputs. Is there a bug somewhere?

    To replicate:

    return torch.zeros_like(lines_tensor.detach()) in wf_inference_test


    It seems that also the edges seem to be useless.

      batch["line_256"] = torch.zeros_like(batch["mask_256"])
      batch["line"] = torch.zeros_like(batch["mask_512"]) 
      batch["edge"] = torch.zeros_like(batch["mask_512"])

    Do this change gives me the same results

    Let me know if im doing something wrong

    opened by mhashas 3
  • the path in config

    the path in config

    modify the image path
    # origin images? TRAIN_FLIST: ./data_list/sp_large_train_list.txt
    VAL_FLIST: ./data_list/sp_large_val_list.txt TEST_FLIST: ./data_list/sp_large_val_list.txt

    set the GT images folder for metrics computation
    # origin Val image? GT_Val_FOLDER: './datasets/inpaint_data/val_images/'

    modify the mask path
    # the mask of random generation? TRAIN_MASK_FLIST: [ './data_list/mask_large_train_list.txt', './data_list/mask_large_train_list.txt' ]

    the real mask of object when object remove? TEST_MASK_FLIST: ./datasets/inpaint_data/val_SH_binary_masks/

    Could you tell me that the mean of these path in my mind is right?

    opened by ErisGe 1
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