Explainability for Vision Transformers (in PyTorch)


Explainability for Vision Transformers (in PyTorch)

This repository implements methods for explainability in Vision Transformers.

See also https://jacobgil.github.io/deeplearning/vision-transformer-explainability

Currently implemented:

  • Attention Rollout.

  • Gradient Attention Rollout for class specific explainability. This is our attempt to further build upon and improve Attention Rollout.

  • TBD Attention flow is work in progress.

Includes some tweaks and tricks to get it working:

  • Different Attention Head fusion methods,
  • Removing the lowest attentions.


  • From code
from vit_grad_rollout import VITAttentionGradRollout

model = torch.hub.load('facebookresearch/deit:main', 
'deit_tiny_patch16_224', pretrained=True)
grad_rollout = VITAttentionGradRollout(model, discard_ratio=0.9, head_fusion='max')
mask = grad_rollout(input_tensor, category_index=243)
  • From the command line:
python vit_explain.py --image_path  --head_fusion  --discard_ratio  --category_index 

If category_index isn't specified, Attention Rollout will be used, otherwise Gradient Attention Rollout will be used.

Notice that by default, this uses the 'Tiny' model from Training data-efficient image transformers & distillation through attention hosted on torch hub.

Where did the Transformer pay attention to in this image?

Image Vanilla Attention Rollout With discard_ratio+max fusion

Gradient Attention Rollout for class specific explainability

The Attention that flows in the transformer passes along information belonging to different classes. Gradient roll out lets us see what locations the network paid attention too, but it tells us nothing about if it ended up using those locations for the final classification.

We can multiply the attention with the gradient of the target class output, and take the average among the attention heads (while masking out negative attentions) to keep only attention that contributes to the target category (or categories).

Where does the Transformer see a Dog (category 243), and a Cat (category 282)?

Where does the Transformer see a Musket dog (category 161) and a Parrot (category 87):

Tricks and Tweaks to get this working

Filtering the lowest attentions in every layer


Removes noise by keeping the strongest attentions.

Results for dIfferent values:

Different Attention Head Fusions

The Attention Rollout method suggests taking the average attention accross the attention heads,

but emperically it looks like taking the Minimum value, Or the Maximum value combined with --discard_ratio, works better.


Image Mean Fusion Min Fusion



pip install timm

  • Code for Google's ViT and complete example

    Code for Google's ViT and complete example

    Hi @jacobgil!

    Thank you for this amazing piece of work. I was wondering if you plan to open-source the code to try out your experiments on Google's ViT (An Image is Worth ...) as well. If it's already there inside the repo, could you point me to it?

    Update: I was able to use timm and make use of the ViT model it comes with:

    timm_vit_model = timm.create_model('vit_large_patch16_384', pretrained=True)
    roller = VITAttentionGradRollout(timm_vit_model, discard_ratio=0.9)
    mask = roller(x.unsqueeze(0), label_idx)

    However, I am still a bit unsure as to how to actually visualize the mask. Could you help?

    opened by sayakpaul 2
  • No separate `head_fusion` strategies for Gradient Attention Rollout?

    No separate `head_fusion` strategies for Gradient Attention Rollout?

    Should there be a condition to allow users to pass the head_fusion method in grad_rollout()?

    Something like -

        for attention, grad in zip(attentions, gradients):                
                weights = grad
                if head_fusion == "mean":
                    attention_heads_fused = (attention*weights).mean(axis=1)
                elif head_fusion == "max":
                    attention_heads_fused = (attention*weights).max(axis=1)[0]
                elif head_fusion == "min":
                     attention_heads_fused = (attention*weights).min(axis=1)[0]
                    raise "Attention head fusion type Not supported"
                attention_heads_fused[attention_heads_fused < 0] = 0
    opened by sayakpaul 1
  • What do we do for an image shape is (256, 128)?

    What do we do for an image shape is (256, 128)?

    How do we change the code when the input image's shape is reshaped to, for example, (256, 128). It seems that the code is only satisfied a square image

    opened by Songyihu 0
  • Error in tensor size mismatch

    Error in tensor size mismatch

    Hi @jacobgil, I am using this project for my swin transformers but it is giving error showing

         35             # print("a : ",a)
         36             # print(a.size())
    ---> 37             a = a / a.sum(dim=-1)
         39             result = torch.matmul(a, result)
    RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (49) must match the size of tensor b (64) at non-singleton dimension 1 ```
    Please a give a solution for the same
    opened by SURAJ28092001 1
  • cv2 is bgr whereas matplotlib is rgb

    cv2 is bgr whereas matplotlib is rgb

    There's a tiny mistake in the function show_mask_on_image. The heatmap you get from cv2 is in bgr format, so you need to convert it to rgb before adding to the img:

    def show_mask_on_image(img, mask):
        heatmap = cv2.cvtColor(heatmap, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        cam = heatmap + np.float32(img)
    opened by samrere 0
  • Shape mismatch for timm vit model

    Shape mismatch for timm vit model

    while applying the attention rollout on a finetuned timm vit model (base_patch32_224) I'm am getting the following error with input tensor of shape: torch.Size([1, 3, 224, 224]):

    RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last) in () ----> 1 mask_1 = attention_rollout(test_image_1_tensor)

    8 frames in reshape_transform(tensor, height, width) 1 def reshape_transform(tensor, height=7, width=7): 2 result = tensor[:, 1 : , :].reshape(tensor.size(0), ----> 3 height, width, tensor.size(2)) 4 5 # Bring the channels to the first dimension,

    RuntimeError: shape '[1, 7, 7, 7]' is invalid for input of size 37583

    Kindly advice on how to properly apply on the model as I'm facing the same issue for FullGrad in [pytorch-grad-cam] on the same model.

    opened by Hammad-Mir 0
  • Evaluating Explanation

    Evaluating Explanation

    Hello @jacobgil ,

    Do u have any recommendations on evaluating explainable methods using tools like Quantus . https://arxiv.org/pdf/2202.06861.pdf

    Best Regards, @jaiswati

    opened by jaiswati 0
  • normalize (sum to 1) attention score seems not right

    normalize (sum to 1) attention score seems not right

    Hi Thanks for sharing nice work.

    I noticed that you've done normalizing attention score (row sum to 1) as mentioned in the original attention rollout paper.

    I = torch.eye(attention_heads_fused.size(-1))
    a = (attention_heads_fused + 1.0*I)/2
    a = a / a.sum(dim=-1)

    But it seems when dividing the summation of row attention score, keepdim=True should be apply to ensure that sum of row attention score after normalization should be 1.

    a = a / a.sum(dim=-1,keepdim=True)

    Maybe I'm wrong, please double check this issue. Thanks

    opened by jihwanp 0
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