Dense Gaussian Processes for Few-Shot Segmentation

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Deep Learning DGPNet

DGPNet - Dense Gaussian Processes for Few-Shot Segmentation

Welcome to the public repository for DGPNet. The paper is available at arxiv: .

How to run

Download data

  1. Download and unzip PASCAL and COCO images
  2. Download and unzip PASCAL and COCO annotations (we provide link here)
  3. Change to point out the images and annotations. Also change if using slurm.
  4. Download and unzip PASCAL and COCO data splits (we provide link here)
  5. Make sure that the data splits are at DGPNet/data_splits

Install dependencies

The dependencies are listed in DGPNet/singularity/Dockerfile21.09

Train and test model

We typically run via slurm, using

sbatch singularity/ runfiles/ --train --test --dataset pascal --fold 0 --add_packages_to_path

Code layout

  • checkpoints - Checkpoints will be stored here at the end of training.
  • data_splits - Defines the different folds.
  • fss - Code is here.
  • - Used to set up paths
  • logs - Used to store slurm checkpoints
  • runfiles - Any experiment we run is defined in a runfile. The runfile is launched as main to start the experiment.
  • singularity - We use singularity/slurm and any files related to that are stored here.
  • visualization - During training and testing, our code stores some visualizations. They go here.
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