Enhancing Column Generation by a Machine-Learning-BasedPricing Heuristic for Graph Coloring (to appear at AAAI 2022)
We propose a machine-learning-based heuristic pricing method to accelarate the progress of column generation. Our code is mainly written in C++ and is organized as follows:
- GCB folder contains Graph Coloring Benchmarks
- CG folder contains code for column generation.
- BP folder contains code for branch-and-price.
The C++ code can then be built with cmake (version >= 3.10) with:
- openMP - https://www.openmp.org/
- Boost - https://www.boost.org/
- Gurobi (9.0.1) - https://www.gurobi.com/ (Acdemic License is Required)
- SCIP (7.0.2) - https://www.scipopt.org/
The python code requires:
- numpy
- scipy
- bayesian-optimization - https://github.com/fmfn/BayesianOptimization
Run scrips to reproduce results:
- python3 01-train-and-optimize.py
- python3 02-cg.py (nCPUs $\in [4,8,12...]$)
- python3 03-bp.py (nCPUs $\in [1,2,3,...]$)
For the second and third step, you can specificy the number of available CPUs in the python script.
The results are in the two newly created folders:
- `results_cg' contains the results for column generation
- `results_bp' containing the results for branch-and-price
The Figures and Tables in our main paper corresonponds to the results files respectively:
- data for Figure 2:
- 'results_cg/small/lp-curve'
- 'results_cg/small/solving-curve'
- data for Figure 3:
- 'results_cg/small/compare_figure.txt'
- 'results_cg/small/compare_number.txt'
- data for Figure 4:
- 'results_cg/cs-large/lp-curve-cg'
- 'results_cg/cs-large/lp-cg'
- data for Figure 5:
- 'results_bp/gap_curve_BP_MLPH_10._1._0.1-BP_def'
- Table 2:
- 'results_cg/large/table_solving_stats.tex'
- Table 3:
- 'results_cg/large/table_rc.tex'
- Table 4-6:
- 'results_bp/table_BP_MLPH_10._1._0.1-BP_def/time_for_all_solved/*.tex'
- 'results_bp/table_BP_MLPH_10._1._0.1-BP_def/gap_for_all_not_solved/*.tex'
- 'results_bp/table_BP_MLPH_10._1._0.1-BP_def/number_solve_for_not_all_solved/*.tex'