Pre-training of Graph Augmented Transformers for Medication Recommendation

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Deep Learning G-Bert


Pre-training of Graph Augmented Transformers for Medication Recommendation


G-Bert combined the power of Graph Neural Networks and BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) for medical code representation and medication recommendation. We use the graph neural networks (GNNs) to represent the structure information of medical codes from a medical ontology. Then we integrate the GNN representation into a transformer-based visit encoder and pre-train it on single-visit EHR data. The pre-trained visit encoder and representation can be fine-tuned for downstream medical prediction tasks. Our model is the first to bring the language model pre-training schema into the healthcare domain and it achieved state-of-the-art performance on the medication recommendation task.


  • pytorch>=0.4
  • python>=3.5
  • torch_geometric==1.0.3


We list the structure of this repo as follows:

├── [4.0K]  code/
│   ├── [ 13K] % transformer models
│   ├── [5.9K] % build ontology
│   ├── [4.3K] % hyperparameters for G-Bert
│   ├── [ 11K] % GAT models
│   ├── [   0]
│   ├── [9.8K] % G-Bert models
│   ├── [ 721] % script to train G-Bert
│   ├── [ 19K] % fine tune G-Bert
│   ├── [ 19K]
│   ├── [ 18K] % pre-train G-Bert
│   ├── [4.4K] # output % save embedding for tsne visualization
│   └── [4.7K]
├── [4.0K]  data/
│   ├── [4.9M]  data-multi-side.pkl 
│   ├── [3.6M]  data-multi-visit.pkl % patients data with multi-visit
│   ├── [4.3M]  data-single-visit.pkl % patients data with singe-visit
│   ├── [ 11K]  dx-vocab-multi.txt % diagnosis codes vocabulary in multi-visit data
│   ├── [ 11K]  dx-vocab.txt % diagnosis codes vocabulary in all data
│   ├── [ 29K]  EDA.ipynb % jupyter version to preprocess data
│   ├── [ 18K] % python version to preprocess data
│   ├── [6.2K]  eval-id.txt % validation data ids
│   ├── [6.9K]  px-vocab-multi.txt % procedure codes vocabulary in multi-visit data
│   ├── [ 725]  rx-vocab-multi.txt % medication codes vocabulary in multi-visit data
│   ├── [2.6K]  rx-vocab.txt % medication codes vocabulary in all data
│   ├── [6.2K]  test-id.txt % test data ids
│   └── [ 23K]  train-id.txt % train data ids
└── [4.0K]  saved/
    └── [4.0K]  GBert-predict/ % model files to reproduce our result
        ├── [ 371]  bert_config.json 
        └── [ 12M]  pytorch_model.bin

Preprocessing Data

We have released the preprocessing codes named data/EDA.ipynb to process data using raw files from MIMIC-III dataset. You can download data files from MIMIC and get necessary mapping files from GAMENet.

Quick Test

To validate the performance of G-Bert, you can run the following script since we have provided the trained model binary file and well-preprocessed data.

cd code/
python --model_name GBert-predict --use_pretrain --pretrain_dir ../saved/GBert-predict --graph


Please cite our paper if you find this code helpful:

  title={Pre-training of Graph Augmented Transformers for Medication Recommendation},
  author={Shang, Junyuan and Ma, Tengfei and Xiao, Cao and Sun, Jimeng},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00346},


Many thanks to the open source repositories and libraries to speed up our coding progress.

  • Segmentation fault - More specifics about the package requirements please

    Segmentation fault - More specifics about the package requirements please

    Hi, can you provide more details on the installation requirements please? For example, which specific combination of the package versions can be used to run G-Bert for:

    • pytorch
    • torch_geometric
    • torch_scatter
    • torch_sparse
    • torch_cluster
    • GCC version (So like not a range of versions, but one example of the combination of specific versions that worked).

    Because I am facing package dependency issues. If I use torch_geometric==1.0.3 I get a segmentation fault in the softmax function line 224 of But if I use torch_geometric==1.2.1 I get a dimension mismatch in line 222 of So it seems to me the code is dependent on package version which more detail would help.

    Thank you!

    opened by yrf1 2
  • package versions

    package versions


    Can you kindly provide the required versions of the following packages in order to run your code?


    I'm using torch_geometric==1.0.3 as the README suggests, but I still get a lot of errors due to either torch-scatter or torch-sparse


    opened by liyenhsu 2
  • Wrong token_type_ids in GBERT_Pretrain

    Wrong token_type_ids in GBERT_Pretrain

    In the class GBERT_Pretrain, foward method, both diagnosis and drugs use the same zero value tensor as argument token_type_ids

    _, dx_bert_pool = self.bert(inputs[:, 0, :], torch.zeros(
                (inputs.size(0), inputs.size(2))).long().to(inputs.device))
    _, rx_bert_pool = self.bert(inputs[:, 1, :], torch.zeros(
                (inputs.size(0), inputs.size(2))).long().to(inputs.device))

    I suppose it is wrong and tensor with values 1 should be used for one of these two cases.

    opened by XiaoLiuAI 0
  • Dataset interpretation

    Dataset interpretation

    Hi @jshang123, must say the repo is really good. I was wondering if you could explain the meaning of the columns of the data-multi-visit.pkl. From the dataframe: What are the nodes of the graph? What are the edges? What do is the meaning of columns: ICD9_CODE and ATC4?

    opened by mosheber 0
  • error while running on CPU

    error while running on CPU

    RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 3. Got 2 and 1 in dimension 0 at /pytorch/aten/src/TH/generic/THTensor.cpp:711

    opened by DivyaWadehra 1
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