Implementations of the algorithms in the paper Approximative Algorithms for Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport and Free-Support Wasserstein Barycenters

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Implementations of the algorithms in the paper Approximative Algorithms for Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport and Free-Support Wasserstein Barycenters (von Lindheim, 2022). Using the emd OT solver from the Python Optimal Transport (POT) package, which is a wrapper of this network simplex solver, which, in turn, is based on an implementation in the LEMON C++ library.


  1. Download the code or clone the Github repository with
git clone
  1. For the code in, there is the following dependencies: numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, the cdist function from scipy.spatial.distance and the emd function from the POT library. You can install them e.g. using pip via
pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib POT

If you want to run the demo notebook, you will also need to have Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab installed.

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