[NeurIPS 2019] Learning Imbalanced Datasets with Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss


Learning Imbalanced Datasets with Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss

Kaidi Cao, Colin Wei, Adrien Gaidon, Nikos Arechiga, Tengyu Ma

This is the official implementation of LDAM-DRW in the paper Learning Imbalanced Datasets with Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss in PyTorch.


The code is built with following libraries:


  • Imbalanced CIFAR. The original data will be downloaded and converted by imbalancec_cifar.py.
  • The paper also reports results on Tiny ImageNet and iNaturalist 2018. We will update the code for those datasets later.


We provide several training examples with this repo:

  • To train the ERM baseline on long-tailed imbalance with ratio of 100
python cifar_train.py --gpu 0 --imb_type exp --imb_factor 0.01 --loss_type CE --train_rule None
  • To train the LDAM Loss along with DRW training on long-tailed imbalance with ratio of 100
python cifar_train.py --gpu 0 --imb_type exp --imb_factor 0.01 --loss_type LDAM --train_rule DRW


If you find our paper and repo useful, please cite as

  title={Learning Imbalanced Datasets with Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss},
  author={Cao, Kaidi and Wei, Colin and Gaidon, Adrien and Arechiga, Nikos and Ma, Tengyu},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  • Questions about the hyper-parameters for LDAM loss

    Questions about the hyper-parameters for LDAM loss

    It was a very interesting paper to read :)

    I have some questions regarding the hyper-parameters for LDAM loss.

    1. What is the values of C, the hyper-parameter to be tuned (according to the paper)? Is it (max_m / np.max(m_list)) introduced in below? https://github.com/kaidic/LDAM-DRW/blob/master/losses.py#L28

    2. Is s=30 in LDAM loss also a hyper-parameter to be tuned? I could not find any explanation in the paper. Did I miss something?

    3. What were the tendency of these hyper-parameters when training? How do these hyper-parameter selections are related to the imbalance level (or different datasets)? The found parameters work for other datasets in the paper (Tiny ImageNet, iNaturalist)?


    opened by hyungwonchoi 3
  • Wrong implementation of focal loss

    Wrong implementation of focal loss


    I believe that you have a wrong implementation of focal loss. I hope I have not misunderstood the code. Although the wrong implementation of focal loss will not effect the method you proposed. I hope the authors will spend some time correcting it.

    You should compute -(1-p)^r * log(p) for every sample in the batch. However, after you use F.cross_entropy at line 21 of losses.py , the output is already a single "value". You then use this value as p to compute focal loss which is completely wrong.

    An obvious indication of the wrong implementation is that you can actually remove the .mean() at line 11 in losses.py without causing any errors. It shows that you're indeed dealing with a single value but not vectors.

    This might explain why your implementation is so different from https://github.com/Hsuxu/Loss_ToolBox-PyTorch/blob/master/FocalLoss/FocalLoss.py or https://github.com/clcarwin/focal_loss_pytorch/blob/master/focalloss.py

    You can also check the previous work you've cited https://github.com/vandit15/Class-balanced-loss-pytorch/blob/master/class_balanced_loss.py where the key point is that they make sure "reduction=none" when using F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits.

    opened by AlanChou 2
  • Focal loss would lead to nan?

    Focal loss would lead to nan?

    Hi @kaidic

    Thanks for your fantastic work, but when I tried to reproduce the focal loss result, I found that when gamma=0.5, the focal loss would lead to nan loss during training, but the focal loss in this repo can make it.

    I checked the two different designed focal loss carefully and found the forward progress of them are the same but model parameters became different after backward, I am quite confused, could you please give me some advice?

    Thanks for your contribution again!

    opened by mitming 1
  • DRW actually use Class-Balance Weight, instead of Inverse of Frequency

    DRW actually use Class-Balance Weight, instead of Inverse of Frequency

    Hello, thanks for the paper and the code. I just want to confirm in the code snip:

    elif args.train_rule == 'DRW':
                train_sampler = None
                idx = epoch // 160
                betas = [0, 0.9999]
                effective_num = 1.0 - np.power(betas[idx], cls_num_list) # when epoch < 160, effective_num=1 (no reweighting). When epoch >160, reweighting with beta=0.9999
                per_cls_weights = (1.0 - betas[idx]) / np.array(effective_num)
                per_cls_weights = per_cls_weights / np.sum(per_cls_weights) * len(cls_num_list)
                per_cls_weights = torch.FloatTensor(per_cls_weights).cuda(args.gpu)

    This is the implementation of Class-Balanced (slightly differ with inverse of freq reported in the paper). Any reason to select Beta=0.9999

    opened by chuong98 1
  • CE+DRW and CE+CB

    CE+DRW and CE+CB

    Thanks for your paper and your code, they are great work and help me a lot. Your article says that DRW is based on the number of samples, but your code is based on the weight of CB. I want to know whether the DRW reported in your article is CE + CB or CE + 1 / N?

    opened by xiaohua-chen 0
  • the learning rate in log_train times 0.1

    the learning rate in log_train times 0.1

    opened by yibuxulong 0
  • Can not achieve similar results For Tiny ImageNet

    Can not achieve similar results For Tiny ImageNet

    Thanks for your paper and your code, they are great work and help me a lot. I did experiments on tiny imagenet dataset following the settings revealed on your paper, howerer i can't achieve similar results, for long tailed 1:100 tiny imagenet, the top-1 validation error I got is: ERM SGD: 80.05 LDAM SGD: 72.8 It has a big gap with the results showed in your paper. So I wonder if there is any setting or trick I have missed? In the you mentioned:<We perform 1 crop test with the validation images.> I wonder how it is done specifically. For ResNet-18, I use: backbone = models.resnet18(pretrained=True) backbone.avgpool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) num_ftrs = backbone.fc.in_features if USE_NORM: backbone.fc = NormedLinear(num_ftrs, 200) else: backbone.fc = nn.Linear(num_ftrs, 200) Is it correct? Looking forward to your reply, thank you very much!

    opened by MapleLeafKiller 0
  • About the LDAM Loss

    About the LDAM Loss

    Thanks for your code a lot! I have read your paper and code, it's really a good idea, but here I have a question about LDAM Loss. It's in the last line where we call the basic cross_entropy function in pytorch.

        def forward(self, x, target):
            index = torch.zeros_like(x, dtype=torch.uint8)
            index.scatter_(1, target.data.view(-1, 1), 1)
            index_float = index.type(torch.cuda.FloatTensor)
            # self.m_list[None, :] add one dimension to the origin m_list
            batch_m = torch.matmul(self.m_list[None, :], index_float.transpose(0, 1))
            # equivalently transpose
            batch_m = batch_m.view((-1, 1))
            x_m = x - batch_m
            # only the target labelpostion is x_m
            output = torch.where(index, x_m, x)
            return F.cross_entropy(self.s * output, target, weight=self.weight)

    why the output is multiplied by s(here is 30 times), just to make the loss greater? However, we didn't do this to the Focal loss

    opened by sakumashirayuki 4
  • more details about your paper

    more details about your paper

    Thanks for your code a lot! I have read your paper and code,it's really a good idea,but here I have a question about Formula 8.


    why here y1 equals C/n^0.25?

    Anyway,thanks a lot!

    opened by zj-jayzhang 0
  • AttributeError: 'IMBALANCECIFAR10' object has no attribute 'data'

    AttributeError: 'IMBALANCECIFAR10' object has no attribute 'data'

    Hi,I meet "AttributeError" when running "cifar_train.py". Could you please tell me how to fix it ?

    Downloading https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar-10-python.tar.gz to ./datasets/imbalance_cifar10/cifar-10-python.tar.gz 212664376it [00:19, 38731722.29it/s]Traceback (most recent call last): File "/xinfu/code/long_tail/BBN/main/train.py", line 69, in train_set = eval(cfg.DATASET.DATASET)("train", cfg) File "/xinfu/code/long_tail/BBN/lib/dataset/imbalance_cifar.py", line 25, in init img_num_list = self.get_img_num_per_cls(self.cls_num, imb_type, imb_factor) File "/xinfu/code/long_tail/BBN/lib/dataset/imbalance_cifar.py", line 44, in get_img_num_per_cls img_max = len(self.data) / cls_num AttributeError: 'IMBALANCECIFAR10' object has no attribute 'data'

    opened by xinfu607 1
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