Implicit Behavior Cloning - PyTorch (wip)
Pytorch implementation of Implicit Behavior Cloning.
conda create -n ibc python=3.8
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Implement the coordinate regression task.
- Implement an explicit policy.
- Generate plot like in Figure 4.
- Implement an implicit EBM model.
- Derivative-free sampler.
for EBM training. - Model class for ingesting both x and y.
- Implement Langevin dynamics.
Explicit Policy | Implicit Policy | |
10 examples | ||
30 examples |
title = {Implicit Behavioral Cloning},
author = {Pete Florence and Corey Lynch and Andy Zeng and Oscar Ramirez and Ayzaan Wahid and Laura Downs and Adrian Wong and Johnny Lee and Igor Mordatch and Jonathan Tompson},
year = {2021},
eprint = {2109.00137},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
primaryClass = {cs.RO}