Observed behavior
Some questions of MagoGenie (mostly questions with images) are visible on the server in the lesson and quiz created but they are incomplete or the image is missing when viewed through the tablet.
Named the error screenshots (taken for the same question) as MG_lesson_error#_server or MG_lesson_error#_tablet.
Some questions of Khan Academy (mostly questions with images) are visible on the server in the lesson and quiz created but they are incomplete or the image is missing when viewed through the tablet.
Some questions/options of Khan Academy are not visible on the server in the lesson and quiz created and they are incomplete or the image is missing when viewed through the tablet.
Named the error screenshots (taken for the same question) as KA_lesson_error#_server or KA_lesson_error#
There are some questions (with or without images) which do not show any error both in the server and in the tablets.
Named the screenshots (taken for the same question) as KA_lesson_no error#_server or KA_lesson_no error#_tablet.
Expected behavior
Images and texts of all the questions/ options must be visible.
User-facing consequences
Users will not be able to read and answer the questions on the tabs.
Errors and logs
Steps to reproduce
- Import the channel
Channel name: Maharashtra State class 3 to 9(English medium)
Channel ID : 8fc515793aad4e52b490b03c48ad21de
Channel token : mizam-zoruk
Create a lesson and a quiz using the chapters (MG and KA resources) of geometry, statistics, Time (that contain images) from grade 8, 7, 6.
Login as a student from the tab and try and solve the questions. The image/ text/ options would not be visible for many questions. You can cross check it with the same questions in the lesson created on the server using the preview feature.
Tell us about your environment, including:
- Kolibri version - 0.12.5
- Operating system ubuntu-14.04 version
- Browser-Google chrome
- Channel- Channel name: Maharashtra State class 3 to 9(English medium) Channel ID : 8fc515793aad4e52b490b03c48ad21de

bug DEV: content changelog