S3 Extract
Extract an archive file (zip file or tar file) stored on AWS S3.
Downloads archive from S3 into memory, then extract and re-upload to given destination.
The following S3 information is expected to be given as Environment Variables:
(optional, defaults to "s3v4")REGION_NAME
(optional, defaults to "us-east-1")
Additionally, these information needed for ClearML remote execution can also be given as Env Variable (optional, args will override env var):
For those not familiar, environment variables can be set through various ways, some being:
in terminal= - can be set in
as well for more permanence
Iteratively extracting a folder of zips/tars is supported as well, through --src-is-dir
usage: run.py [-h] [--src-is-dir] [--dst-bucket DST_BUCKET] [--verbose] [--remote] [--clml-proj CLML_PROJ] [--clml-task-name CLML_TASK_NAME] [--clml-task-type CLML_TASK_TYPE]
[--docker-img DOCKER_IMG] [--queue QUEUE]
src_bucket src_path dst_path
positional arguments:
src_bucket Source bucket
src_path Source path
dst_path Destination path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--src-is-dir Flag to indicate that given src path is a directory. Will iteratively extract any files in it ending with .zip or .tar.
--dst-bucket DST_BUCKET
Destination bucket (optional), will default to Source bucket.
--verbose print out current upload filename as it progresses
--remote use clearml to remotely run job
--clml-proj CLML_PROJ
ClearML Project Name
--clml-task-name CLML_TASK_NAME
ClearML Task Name
--clml-task-type CLML_TASK_TYPE
ClearML Task Type, e.g. training, testing, inference, etc
--docker-img DOCKER_IMG
Base docker image to pull for ClearML remote execution
--queue QUEUE ClearML remote execution queue
Example usage:
python run.py my-bucket dataset/coco/images.tar dataset/coco/ --verbose --remote --clml-proj coco --clml-task-name coco_extraction --docker-img ubuntu/20.04 --queue 1xGPU