Pytorch implementation of



Unofficial Pytorch implementation of "EfficientTTS: An Efficient and High-Quality Text-to-Speech Architecture"(arXiv).

Disclaimer: Somebody mistakenly think I'm one of the authors. In fact, I am not even in the author list of this paper. I am just a TTS enthusiast. Some important information of the implementation is not presented by the paper. Some model parameters in current version is based on my understanding and exepriments, which may not be consistent with those used by the authors.


2020/12/23: Mandarin Chinese Samples uploaded. The experiment setting is exactly the same with the LJSpeech example. A complete description of the usage will be soon uploaded.

2020/12/20: Using the HifiGAN finetuned with Tacotron2 GTA mel spectrograms can increase the quality of the generated samples, please see the newly generated-samples

Current status

  • Implementation of EFTS-CNN + HifiGAN

Setup with virtualenv

$ cd tools
$ make
# If you want to use distributed training, please run following
# command to install apex.
$ make apex

Note: If you want to specify Python version, CUDA version or PyTorch version, please run for example:



Please go to egs/lj folder, and see for example use.


The code framework is from

  • High eval mel loss when training on Mandarin datasets

    High eval mel loss when training on Mandarin datasets

    Hi. Thank you for your implementation. I trained the model on some Mandarin datasets (12000/train_set & 100/eval_set) for about 695k steps. The train/mel loss is about 0.12 and train/dur_loss is about 0.0158. The eval/dur_loss is about 0.07. However, the eval/mel loss is high (~0.84). Besides, I also notice that the model sometimes fails to synthesize reduplicated words (e.g. 嗯嗯、叽叽喳喳)and tone-5 words(轻读 e.g. 哎呀)

    If you don't mind, could you tell me how did you process the DataBaker datasets, what does your input text look like, and how to solve the problems mentioned above? Thank you very much for your help

    opened by Charlottecuc 2
  • questions about code

    questions about code

    I wonder if the code in is correct?It seems two tensors with different size make subtraction,[B,T2,1] and [B,T1,1]

    opened by attitudechunfeng 2
  • synthesizing with HiFi-GAN

    synthesizing with HiFi-GAN

    Hi. Did you try fine-tuing HiFi-GAN( which can alleviate the metal noise and greatly improve the quality of synthesized voice? (Generated mels using efficientTTS with teacher-forcing)

    opened by Charlottecuc 1
  • Inference speed

    Inference speed

    Hello everyone! Great job! I see that is still has metal sound, but my question is about an inference speed. How does it compare to Tacotron 2? Is it much faster, as the paper says? Could you please tell approximate real time ratio on CPU (and CPU model)? Thank you a lot!

    opened by dmazurok 1
  • Metal noise in sample

    Metal noise in sample

    Thanks for your great work. I have already heard some samples at link. There are some metal noises at high pitch and some words are mispronounced. Does longer training overcome this problem? or is it caused by vocoder? I wonder how quality audio of efficient TTS + another vocoder(Melgan)?

    opened by l4zyf9x 1
  • pseudo code in the paper is a little different from the equations of the paper.

    pseudo code in the paper is a little different from the equations of the paper.

    I find the pseudo code in the paper is a little different from the equations of the paper(eg: eq.14 and eq.17). Wondering how the differences affect the results.

    opened by attitudechunfeng 0
  • Can I finetune one people's voice (my own voice) with this model ?And how ?

    Can I finetune one people's voice (my own voice) with this model ?And how ?

    Hi, can you tell me how to finetune one people's voice ,so I can get a specific people's speech?can you tell me the steps ? And how much( or how long ) the duration of this one-people's funetune data should be ?

    opened by Tian14267 0
  • Question about optimizer

    Question about optimizer

    Hi. Thank you for your implementation, and I have a question about the optimizer. It seems that you use Adam optimizer with lr=1e-3 and amsgrad=True.

    Why you choose the options especially the learning rate, even though the original paper says that they train their model with lr=1e-4.

    Did it fail to train your model with lr=1e-3 or amsgrad=False?

    opened by LEEYOONHYUNG 0
  • Reproducing good results (as claimed in paper)

    Reproducing good results (as claimed in paper)

    Somewhat related to issue #2 which was closed, but I think it's safe to say that the latest samples posted do not seem to be close to converging towards the strong results that were claimed by the paper's authors, and it would be good to have an issue tracking speech quality.

    It's somewhat puzzling given that the implementation seems to be on point except for the missing hyperparameter sigma values that you mentioned. I'm doing my own experiments playing with hyperparameters but haven't been able so far to achieve something too competitive. If you have any ideas of what could be tried, let me know.

    opened by ctlaltdefeat 8
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