This repository contains the source code of Auto-Lambda and baselines from the paper, Auto-Lambda: Disentangling Dynamic Task Relationships.



This repository contains the source code of Auto-Lambda and baselines from the paper, Auto-Lambda: Disentangling Dynamic Task Relationships.

We encourage readers to check out our project page, including more interesting discussions and insights which are not covered in our technical paper.

Multi-task Methods

We implemented all weighting and gradient-based baselines presented in the paper for computer vision tasks: Dense Prediction Tasks (for NYUv2 and CityScapes) and Multi-domain Classification Tasks (for CIFAR-100).

Specifically, we have covered the implementation of these following multi-task optimisation methods:



Note: Applying a combination of both weighting and gradient-based methods can further improve performance.


We applied the same data pre-processing following our previous project: MTAN which experimented on:

  • NYUv2 [3 Tasks] - 13 Class Segmentation + Depth Estimation + Surface Normal. [288 x 384] Resolution.
  • CityScapes [3 Tasks] - 19 Class Segmentation + 10 Class Part Segmentation + Disparity (Inverse Depth) Estimation. [256 x 512] Resolution.

Note: We have included a new task: Part Segmentation for CityScapes dataset. The pre-processing file for CityScapes has also been included in the dataset folder.


All experiments were written in PyTorch 1.7 and can be trained with different flags (hyper-parameters) when running each training script. We briefly introduce some important flags below.

Flag Name Usage Comments
network choose multi-task network: split, mtan both architectures are based on ResNet-50; only available in dense prediction tasks
dataset choose dataset: nyuv2, cityscapes only available in dense prediction tasks
weight choose weighting-based method: equal, uncert, dwa, autol only autol will behave differently when set to different primary tasks
grad_method choose gradient-based method: graddrop, pcgrad, cagrad weight and grad_method can be applied together
task choose primary tasks: seg, depth, normal for NYUv2, seg, part_seg, disp for CityScapes, all: a combination of all standard 3 tasks only available in dense prediction tasks
with_noise toggle on to add noise prediction task for training (to evaluate robustness in auxiliary learning setting) only available in dense prediction tasks
subset_id choose domain ID for CIFAR-100, choose -1 for the multi-task learning setting only available in CIFAR-100 tasks
autol_init initialisation of Auto-Lambda, default 0.1 only available when applying Auto-Lambda
autol_lr learning rate of Auto-Lambda, default 1e-4 for NYUv2 and 3e-5 for CityScapes only available when applying Auto-Lambda

Training Auto-Lambda in Multi-task / Auxiliary Learning Mode:

python --dataset [nyuv2, cityscapes] --task [PRIMARY_TASK] --weight autol --gpu 0   # for NYUv2 or CityScapes dataset
python --subset_id [PRIMARY_DOMAIN_ID] --weight autol --gpu 0   # for CIFAR-100 dataset

Training in Single-task Learning Mode:

python --dataset [nyuv2, cityscapes] --task [PRIMARY_TASK]  --gpu 0   # for NYUv2 or CityScapes dataset
python --subset_id [PRIMARY_DOMAIN_ID] --gpu 0   # for CIFAR-100 dataset

Note: All experiments in the original paper were trained from scratch without pre-training.


For standard 3 tasks in NYUv2 (without dense prediction task) in the multi-task learning setting with Split architecture, please follow the results below.

Method Sem. Seg. (mIOU) Depth (aErr.) Normal (mDist.) Delta MTL
Single 43.37 52.24 22.40 -
Equal 44.64 43.32 24.48 +3.57%
DWA 45.14 43.06 24.17 +4.58%
GradDrop 45.39 43.23 24.18 +4.65%
PCGrad 45.15 42.38 24.13 +5.09%
Uncertainty 45.98 41.26 24.09 +6.50%
CAGrad 46.14 41.91 23.52 +7.05%
Auto-Lambda 47.17 40.97 23.68 +8.21%
Auto-Lambda + CAGrad 48.26 39.82 22.81 +11.07%

Note: The results were averaged across three random seeds. You should expect the error range less than +/-1%.


If you found this code/work to be useful in your own research, please considering citing the following:

  title={Auto-Lambda: Disentangling Dynamic Task Relationships},
  author={Liu, Shikun and James, Stephen and Davison, Andrew J and Johns, Edward},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.03091},


We would like to thank @Cranial-XIX for his clean implementation for gradient-based optimisation methods.


If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

  • failed to download the NYU npy dataset

    failed to download the NYU npy dataset

    Hello, I tried many times to download the NYU npy file from the dropbox link, but it always failed in the last minutes.

    I am confusing about the problem because the code can only support the npy format...may be there is some preprocess code for NYU?

    With best regards

    opened by buble-pie 9
  • 损失函数为Nan


    博主您好,非常感谢您的工作,近期我尝试用auto-lambda来优化自己的模型,因为自己的模型中存在一些无法求导的参数,因此我尝试将求取梯度改为以下部分: model_params = [ p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad ] gradients = torch.autograd.grad(loss, shared_params,retain_graph=True,allow_unused=True) 但是这样就存在一些梯度层为None,我个人直接做了一个if判定,直接不操作这些为None的层,代码跑通了,但是训练过程中存在loss 指数上升最后为Nan的情况: 0%| | 1/11807 [01:52<369:46:10, 112.75s/it]tensor(31.6492, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 2/11807 [01:53<259:48:03, 79.23s/it] tensor(408.9402, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 3/11807 [01:54<182:54:59, 55.79s/it]tensor(43848.0703, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 4/11807 [01:55<129:05:55, 39.38s/it]tensor(1.1228e+15, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 5/11807 [01:56<91:24:46, 27.88s/it] tensor(nan, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 6/11807 [01:58<65:00:37, 19.83s/it]tensor(nan, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 7/11807 [01:59<46:34:15, 14.21s/it]tensor(nan, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 8/11807 [02:00<33:45:58, 10.30s/it]tensor(nan, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 9/11807 [02:01<24:43:29, 7.54s/it]tensor(nan, device='cuda:0', grad_fn=) 0%| | 10/11807 [02:02<18:18:33, 5.59s/it]Traceback (most recent call last): 想请教一下您,看看有没有什么建议

    opened by raozhongyu 7
  • Applying a combination of both weighting and gradient-based methods can further improve performance?

    Applying a combination of both weighting and gradient-based methods can further improve performance?

    As we know, weight-based methods search for different task weights, and task weights will act on the loss. Then the loss back-propagation will act on the gradient. In other words, weight-based methods have an effect on the gradient, and gradient-based methods also give different weights to each gradient. It looks like both weighting and gradient-based methods serve the same purpose.

    I have three questions about the combination of both weighting and gradient-based methods :

    1. What is the motivation for the combination of both weighting and gradient-based methods?
    2. It looks like both weighting and gradient-based methods serve the same purpose. Why is it still necessary to combine both weighting and gradient-based methods?
    3. And why the combination of both can further improve performance?

    Thank you very much.

    opened by puhan123 7
  • Question about the multi-task learning

    Question about the multi-task learning


    Thank you so much for sharing the code!

    I am trying to reproduce your results and just wanted to double-check if the following command is for multi-task learning, not for auxiliary learning: python --network split --dataset nyuv2 --task all --weight autol --gpu 3 In other words, this command will give the result of Split Multi-Task Auto-lambda?



    opened by heendung 6
  • batch size changes after update_metric

    batch size changes after update_metric

    Hi, I have a small question here, why the batch size of the model output changes after this line:

    it seems before this line the batch is 4, then it comes to 3.

    since I want to use the output of the model afterloss.backward() in the next it becomes a problem if the batch size change.

    would you kindly give me some idea on this?

    With best regards

    opened by buble-pie 5
  • 关于compute_hessian函数的问题


    您好 我拜读了你的论文 非常感谢您对多任务的贡献 在此有几个问题希望得到您的解答 在代码auto_lambda.py文件夹 compute_hessian函数中,1. 首先对 p += eps * d 后求导self.meta_weights权重,2. 然后 p -= 2 * eps * d,后再一次求导self.meta_weights,3. 最后p += eps * d 计算得到hessian = [(p - n) / (2. * eps) for p, n in zip(d_weight_p, d_weight_n)] (1)我不明白 p先加上eps * d 再减去2*eps * d,再加上eps * d 是不是相当于p没有变化? (2) d_model 是经过最重要的val_loss更新后的网络权重,我不明白p += eps * d这样做的意义? (3)因为我这块方向了解不深入,compute_hessian函数应该是核心算法,但是代码这段代码作用我没看明白,希望得到您的指导 万分感谢

    opened by E18301194 4
  • Normalisation of depth data and depth prediction performance

    Normalisation of depth data and depth prediction performance


    Congratulations on a great paper :)

    Thanks a lot for making your code open-source. I went through your code and it seems like you normalise the input RGB data to [-1, 1] scale whilst the depth data is normalised to [-1, max]. It was my understanding that for Cityscapes, the depth data would be normalised to [-1, 1] after using the map_disparity function and the RGB data normalised to ImageNet stats if for instance using pre-trained weights. Am I wrong?

    I also have a general question about training depth prediction models from Cityscapes. I have tried various flavours of models (DeepLabV3, HRNet) and yet, training single-task depth prediction network seems to yield overly smooth depth maps with convergence of the loss occurring very soon in training regardless of the learning rate (1e-3, 1e-4 etc. for ADAM). For reference, the RGB data is normalised using ImageNet stats (using pre-trained encoders on ImageNet) and the depth data is either normalised to [-1, 1] or [-1, max] (using your disparity mapping functions)

    I was wondering if you could comment based on your experience on the dataset? This would be very helpful. These same networks have been tested on the 19-class segmentation problem.

    Many thanks

    opened by fbragman 2
Shikun Liu
Ph.D. Student, The Dyson Robotics Lab at Imperial College.
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