GAM timeseries modeling with auto-changepoint detection. Inspired by Facebook Prophet and implemented in PyMC3




Pymc3-based universal time series prediction and decomposition library (inspired by Facebook Prophet). However, while Faceook prophet is a well-defined model, pm-prophet allows for total flexibility in the choice of priors and thus is potentially suited for a wider class of estimation problems.

⚠️ Only supports Python 3

Table of Contents

Installing pm-prophet

PM-Prophet installation is straightforward using pip: pip install pmprophet

Note that the key dependency of pm-prophet is PyMc3 a library that depends on Theano.

Key Features

  • Nowcasting & Forecasting
  • Intercept, growth
  • Regressors
  • Holidays
  • Additive & multiplicative seasonality
  • Fitting and plotting
  • Custom choice of priors (not in Facebook's prophet original model)
  • Changepoints in growth
  • Automatic changepoint location detection (not in Facebook's prophet original model)
  • Fitting with NUTS/AVDI/Metropolis

Experimental warning ⚠️

  • Note that automatic changepoint detection is experimental

Differences with Prophet:

  • Saturating growth is not implemented
  • Uncertainty estimation is different
  • All components (including seasonality) need to be explicitly added to the model
  • By design pm-prophet places a big emphasis on posteriors and uncertainty estimates, and therefore it won't use MAP for it's estimates.
  • While Faceook prophet is a well-defined fixed model, pm-prophet allows for total flexibility in the choice of priors and thus is potentially suited for a wider class of estimation problems

Peyton Manning example

Predicting the Peyton Manning timeseries:

import pandas as pd
from pmprophet.model import PMProphet, Sampler

df = pd.read_csv("examples/example_wp_log_peyton_manning.csv")
df = df.head(180)

# Fit both growth and intercept
m = PMProphet(df, growth=True, intercept=True, n_changepoints=25, changepoints_prior_scale=.01, name='model')

# Add monthly seasonality (order: 3)
m.add_seasonality(seasonality=30, fourier_order=3)

# Add weekly seasonality (order: 3)
m.add_seasonality(seasonality=7, fourier_order=3)

# Fit the model (using NUTS)

ddf = m.predict(60, alpha=0.2, include_history=True, plot=True)

Model Seasonality-7 Seasonality-30 Growth Change Points

Custom Priors

One of the main reason why PMProphet was built is to allow custom priors for the modeling.

The default priors are:

Variable Prior Parameters
regressors Laplace loc:0, scale:2.5
holidays Laplace loc:0, scale:2.5
seasonality Laplace loc:0, scale:0.05
growth Laplace loc:0, scale:10
changepoints Laplace loc:0, scale:2.5
intercept Normal loc:y.mean, scale: 2 * y.std
sigma Half Cauchy tau:10

But you can change model priors by inspecting and modifying the distributions stored in


which is a dictionary of {prior: pymc3-distribution}.

In the example below we will model an additive time-series by imposing a "positive coefficients" constraint by using an Exponential distribution instead of a Laplacian distribution for the regressors.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
from pmprophet.model import PMProphet, Sampler

n_timesteps = 100
n_regressors = 20

regressors = np.random.normal(size=(n_timesteps, n_regressors))
coeffs = np.random.exponential(size=n_regressors) + np.random.normal(size=n_regressors)
# Note that min(coeffs) could be negative due to the white noise

regressors_names = [str(i) for i in range(n_regressors)]

df = pd.DataFrame()
df['y'] =, coeffs)
df['ds'] = pd.date_range('2017-01-01', periods=n_timesteps)
for idx, regressor in enumerate(regressors_names):
    df[regressor] = regressors[:, idx]

m = PMProphet(df, growth=False, intercept=False, n_changepoints=0, name='model')

with m.model:
    # Remember to suffix _<model-name> to the custom priors
    m.priors['regressors'] = pm.Exponential('regressors_%s' %, 1, shape=n_regressors)

for regressor in regressors_names:
    draws=10 ** 4,


Automatic changepoint detection ( ⚠️ experimental)

Pm-prophet is equipped with a non-parametric truncated Dirichlet Process allowing it to automatically detect changepoints in the trend.

To enable it simply initialize the model with auto_changepoints=True as follows:

from pmprophet.model import PMProphet, Sampler
import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("examples/example_wp_log_peyton_manning.csv")
df = df.head(180)
m = PMProphet(df, auto_changepoints=True, growth=True, intercept=True, name='model'), draws=2000)
m.predict(60, alpha=0.2, include_history=True, plot=True)

Where n_changepoints is interpreted as the truncation point for the Dirichlet Process.

Pm-prophet will then decide which changepoint values make sense and add a custom weight to them. A call to plot_components() will reveal the changepoint map:


A few caveats exist:

  • It's slow to fit since it's a non-parametric model
  • For best results use NUTS as method
  • It will likely require more than the default number of draws to converge
  • small fix for larger dataframes

    small fix for larger dataframes

    when the size of the dataframe becomes too large (for example if you don't run df = df.head(180) in the peyton_manning.ipynb example) this max function will produce the incorrect amount of draws in predict. This fix gets around this problem

    opened by JoeyFaulkner 8
  • Categorical Variables

    Categorical Variables

    can you package work with multivariate categorical time series and multivariate time series when some features are categorical and some some features are continues

    opened by Sandy4321 7
  • Example not working on Pandas 1.0

    Example not working on Pandas 1.0

    I am really excited about this library but cannot get it to work past fitting the model because of an error where it says "AttributeError": Dataframe object has no attribute 'ix'.

    I have tried downgrading pandas to .19 and .23 but still won't work. Would love to get this working.

    Screen Shot 2020-04-30 at 9 14 23 AM
    opened by zwelitunyiswa 6
  • Example code not working in Python 2.7

    Example code not working in Python 2.7

    I am trying to reproduce the example using example_wp_log_peyton_manning.csv with Python 2.7. I have all of the correct dependencies from the requirements file, but I keep getting the error

    ValueError: Mass matrix contains zeros on the diagonal. 
    The derivative of RV `intercept_model`.ravel()[0] is zero.
    The derivative of RV `changepoints_model`.ravel()[0] is zero.
    The derivative of RV `seasonality_model`.ravel()[2] is zero.
    The derivative of RV `seasonality_model`.ravel()[3] is zero.
    The derivative of RV `seasonality_model`.ravel()[4] is zero.
    The derivative of RV `seasonality_model`.ravel()[5] is zero.
    The derivative of RV `sigma_model_log__`.ravel()[0] is zero.

    The code I used is attached with references to matplotlib removed test.txt with versions: theano == 1.0.3 numpy == 1.15.3 pandas == 0.23.4 pymc3 == 3.5

    opened by danna-naser 6
  • license


    hey there! could you attach a license to this repo? Am I free to fork it and use it? ( Thanks!

    opened by JoeyFaulkner 4
  • Documentation scratch plus some minor changes

    Documentation scratch plus some minor changes


    • I added a scratch for the documentation (large parts blantly copied from the fbprophet docs),
    • Fixed a minor bug (there was a if changepoints and changepoints check),
    • added a licence (MIT is ok?),
    • fit method now returns self (consistent with sklearn and fbprophet),
    • I added the requirements.txt file.


    • Some of the methods should be re-named into "internal" format (e.g. fit_growth -> _fit_growth) or documented,
    • Documentation needs improvements (I lack enough understanding of the package yet for this).
    opened by twolodzko 4
  • Updated readme for project direction?

    Updated readme for project direction?

    As it is, it is hard to gain a sense of where this project is going, or what needs to still be done (and what exactly has been accomplished), which an updated readme would solve.

    Not only would this improve readability, but help others help out with contributions as well.

    opened by michael-ziedalski 3
  • ValueError: Of the three parameters: start, end, and periods, exactly two must be specified

    ValueError: Of the three parameters: start, end, and periods, exactly two must be specified

    When running the examples from and readme I get the following error:

    ValueError: Of the three parameters: start, end, and periods, exactly two must be specified

    opened by twolodzko 3
  • AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'value'

    AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'value'

    Trying to run the same simple model with version 0.2.1, I get the error below.

    m = PMProphet(df_city, name='model')
    # Fit the model (using NUTS)'NUTS')
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.7/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pmprophet/ in fit(self, draws, chains, trace_size, method, map_initialization, finalize, step_kwargs, sample_kwargs)
        610             if draws:
        611                 if method != Sampler.ADVI:
    --> 612                     step_method = method.value(**step_kwargs)
        613                     self.trace = pm.sample(
        614                         draws,
    AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'value'
    opened by clausherther 2
  • UnboundLocalError: local variable 'w' referenced before assignment

    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'w' referenced before assignment

    I tried to run a very simple model with weekly data from a pandas dataframe and get the below error. I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this. I get the same error if I add more explicit params for changepoints etc.

    FYI, this exact dataset has been fit with fbprophet successfully.

    Version: pmprophet-0.2 Python: Python 3.6.7

    m = PMProphet(df_city, name='model')'NUTS')
    ~/.pyenv/versions/3.6.7/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pmprophet/ in generate_priors(self)
        243                 else:
        244                     k = len(self.changepoints)
    --> 245                 cgpt = pm.Deterministic('cgpt', w * pm.Laplace('cgpt_inner', 0, self.changepoints_prior_scale, shape=k))
        246                 self.priors['changepoints'] = pm.Deterministic('changepoints_%s' %, cgpt)
        247             if self.intercept and 'intercept' not in self.priors:
    UnboundLocalError: local variable 'w' referenced before assignment
    opened by clausherther 2
  • additive_seasonality *=

    additive_seasonality *=

    I've been reading through the code and I met this line at, line 293: additive_seasonality *= and in a few other places around the code. Could anyone comment on its exact purpose?

    This seems to me to be related to data standartisation, but data standartisation is also done later, in the model specification: observed=(['y'] -['y'].mean()) /['y'].std()

    At the very least, shouldn't it be additive_seasonality *= to account for the possiblity that, say, range of y is [-1,0] and thus y.max()==0 ?

    opened by dsvolk 2
  • PyMC3 has been renamed PyMC

    PyMC3 has been renamed PyMC

    Hi, PyMC3 has been renamed PyMC. If this affects you and you have questions, or you want someone to direct your rage at I'm available! Do let me know how i, or any of the PyMC devs can help.


    opened by canyon289 0
  • AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'ix'

    AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'ix'

    Hi-- first off. thank you for making this. i have been looking for a pymc3 based prophet alternative for a while (not a fan of the installation process for pystan)..

    I am trying to run this peyton manning example from the read me, and the underlying module is using the deprecated ix function. Any way we could upgrade the module for the latest version of pandas? Ive never submitted a pull requests but I can potentially help.

    opened by rambam613 1
  • [Feature Request] Simplify API for regressors

    [Feature Request] Simplify API for regressors

    1. Can the prior definition for each regressor be moved within the add_regressor() method by passing the distribution object as a parameter?

    2. Can a regressor_coefficients() method be created similar to what Prophet has to get the distribution of coefficients?

    opened by rohan-gt 0
  • Heteroskedasticity



    Great package. I was considering attempting something similar, but was very grateful to find your implementation!

    I'm modelling data that is generally periodic and trending but is heteroskedastic and rather than transform the heteroskedasticity out of the data as is usually recommended, I would like to model it specifically. My sense is that the GAM approach used by Prophet could model the data very well if I could model the varying variance explicitly.

    My initial desire is to try to model the variance itself, as opposed to the original timeseries, and see if I can identify the points where the variance changes.

    To that end, I'm trying to better understand how the truncated dirichlet process used herein and copied below accomplishes this. In particular, I don't understand the use of tt.extra_ops.cumprod(1 - beta)[:-1] is this the stickbreaking function?

    Also, how does the switch work exactly at tt.switch(, 1e-4), x, 0)

                        k = self.n_changepoints
                        alpha = pm.Gamma("alpha_%s" %, 1.0, 1.0)
                        beta = pm.Beta("beta_%s" %, 1.0, alpha, shape=k)
                        w1 = pm.Deterministic(
                            "w1_%s" %,
                            tt.concatenate([[1], tt.extra_ops.cumprod(1 - beta)[:-1]])
                            * beta,
                        w, _ =
                            fn=lambda x: tt.switch(, 1e-4), x, 0), sequences=[w1]
                        self.w = pm.Deterministic("w_%s" %, w)

    can I access the probabilities for a given time-step being a changepoint after sampling?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by arainboldt 0
  • Multiple extra data

    Multiple extra data

    Hello, I use PMProphet with several features. Since I don't know the future value of the features, I generate a lot of scenarios. Is there any way to pass all these scenarios to model so that the uncertainty of the result consists of two (uncertainty of the model coefficients and uncertainty of the features)? Or is there any way to introduce such functionality using the capabilities of pymc3 (without making a loop through the scenarios) ?

    opened by sungulnara2000 0
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