LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool.



LabelImg is a graphical image annotation tool. This project is not updated with new functions now. More functions are supported with LabelImgTool Project(

It is written in Python and uses Qt for its graphical interface.

The annotation file will be saved as an XML file. The annotation format is PASCAL VOC format, and the format is the same as ImageNet

task mode change

DET mode

SEG mode

CLS mode

Brush SEG mode(in development: brush branch)

Release software for windows



Build source and use it

  • Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools

  • Mac install pyqt5

sudo apt-get install python-opencv

pip install lxml

pip install qdarkstyle


  • Windows

$ python

Default file framework


​ |---images_1

​ |---images_2


​ |---images_1

​ |---images_2

the file containing annotations will be created by default.


After cloning the code, you should run $ make all to generate the resource file.

You can then start annotating by running $ ./ For usage instructions you can see Here

At the moment annotations are saved as an XML file. The format is PASCAL VOC format, and the format is the same as ImageNet

You can also see ImageNet Utils to download image, create a label text for machine learning, etc

Label and parsing

support rectangle label and parsing labels

Create pre-defined classes

You can edit the data/predefined_classes.txt to load pre-defined classes

You also can create labels with two levels in data/predefined_sub_classes.txt

And the labels will be ranked by the frequency you use it.

General steps from scratch

  • Build and launch: $ make all; python

  • Click 'Change default saved annotation folder' in Menu/File

  • Click 'Open Dir'

  • Click 'Create RectBox'

The annotation will be saved to the folder you specifiy


  • Ctrl + r : Change the defult target dir which saving annotation files

  • Ctrl + n : Create a bounding box

  • Ctrl + s : Save

  • Right : Next image

  • Left : Previous image

Online image data mode

the server have to make the images in a folder that clint can get from http/https with get function

  • settings

open File -->RemoteDBSettings(ctrl+m) like that

the remote image list is a file contenting the name of the images (a line is a image) .

the image will be cached in a folder created in the software file named database/pics/XXXX and this will take a lot of memory if there are a lot of images,and this will be modified in the future.

open File -->ChangedDefaultSavedAnnotationDir(ctrl+r) to set the folder to save the results

  1. if your settings are right,you will find the Get Images button becomes enabled and click it ,then you can annotate the images as before

Change list

2019-07-03 support pyqt5 and python 3

17-08-14 add class label function

Todo list

  • add more functions while adding parsing labels
  • refine the setting functions

How to contribute

Send a pull request



  • Error: Create RectBox

    Error: Create RectBox


    When I create a RecBox, I get the error below. I can't therefore save the document and the box disappears after changing the image. " Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1124, in newShape self.actions.create.setEnabled(True) AttributeError: 'struct' object has no attribute 'create' "

    opened by pogilon 1
  • Can not save polygon

    Can not save polygon

    Hi, I have trouble with you app when trying to create a polygon in segmentation mode. This is the error

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/manhattan/new_workplace/annotation/labelImgPlus/libs/", line 200, in mousePressEvent
        self.line[0] = self.current[-1]
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'

    I found this may be a bug, and I fixed in file in line 200 from

    if self.current.isClosed():
    self.line[0] = self.current[-1]

    This is bug because if you call self.finalise() the self.current become None. So I fixed to below and it seemed to work

    self.line[0] = self.current[-1]
    if self.current.isClosed():
    opened by se7oluti0n 1
  • AttributeError: 'QListWidget' object has no attribute 'setItemSelected'

    AttributeError: 'QListWidget' object has no attribute 'setItemSelected'

    Hi there.

    When i press click on an image in the list i got this message in console.

    I am running python 3.8 pyqt5 on ubuntu focal 20.04

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 803, in fileitemDoubleClicked
      File "", line 1256, in loadFile
        self.fileListWidget.setItemSelected(fileWidgetItem, True)
    AttributeError: 'QListWidget' object has no attribute 'setItemSelected'
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 803, in fileitemDoubleClicked
      File "", line 1256, in loadFile
        self.fileListWidget.setItemSelected(fileWidgetItem, True)
    AttributeError: 'QListWidget' object has no attribute 'setItemSelected'
    opened by danielTobon43 0
  • IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:

    hello, I'm afraid that line 1035( and line 1047( cause the issue of IOError mentioned on the title.

    To solve them, line 1035 should be replaced by result_path = os.path.join(self.defaultSaveDir,os.path.splitext(imgFileName)[0]) result_path += '_mask.png' and line 1047 should be replaced by savefilename = os.path.join(self.defaultSaveDir,os.path.splitext(imgFileName)[0]) # the mask image will be save as file_mask.jpg etc. savefilename += '.xml'.

    opened by zhiweichen0012 1
  • XML fiels generated by DET mode is not supported by the YOLO

    XML fiels generated by DET mode is not supported by the YOLO

    Do we have a YOLO that supports DET mode?

    the XML files does not have (xmin,ymin,height,widrth)

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 138, in main(args) File "", line 124, in main relative_w = (float(obj['xmax']) - float(obj['xmin']))/cell_w KeyError: 'xmax'

    opened by sharmarochan 0
  • Change code to select multipe boxes

    Change code to select multipe boxes

    Say i want to delete multiple boxes at once, without clicking each box and deleting separately. What changes would i make to the source code to either a) select multiple boxes with the mouse (overlapping them with a mouse box) or b) select multiple boxes by clicking each, and then pressing delete once.

    opened by JadBatmobile 1
  • Can't save markup data

    Can't save markup data

    I'm trying to run labelImgPlus under Windows using anaconda python 2.

    But seems it can't save polygon markup data:

    color map [u'0,0,0\n', u'255,0,0,128\n', u'0,255,0,128\n', u'0,0,255,128\n', u'1
    39,0,139,128\n', u'0,139,139,128\n', u'137,104,205,128\n', u'104,34,139\n', u'22
    4,102,255\n', u'255,187,255\n', u'238,58,140\n', u'205,41,144\n', u'0,191,255\n'
    , u'139,125,123\n', u'240,255,240\n', u'205,179,139\n', u'34,139,34\n', u'127,25
    5,0\n', u'0,100,0\n', u'240,255,240\n', u'255,246,143\n']
    [<PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x000000000429BDD8>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object a
    t 0x00000000044BD278>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD128>, <PyQt4
    .QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD0B8>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x000
    00000044BD2E8>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD358>, <PyQt4.QtGui.
    QColor object at 0x00000000044BD3C8>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x0000000004
    4BD438>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD4A8>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor
    object at 0x00000000044BD518>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD588>
    , <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD5F8>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object
    at 0x00000000044BD668>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD6D8>, <PyQt
    4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD748>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00
    000000044BD7B8>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD828>, <PyQt4.QtGui
    .QColor object at 0x00000000044BD898>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x000000000
    44BD908>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor object at 0x00000000044BD978>, <PyQt4.QtGui.QColor
     object at 0x00000000044BD9E8>]
    change mode to {'enable_color_map': False, 'mode': 1}
    app mode 1
    {u'01-hair': 0, u'None': 0, u'02-skin': 0, u'03-body': 0}
    shape type POLYGON
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 1555, in saveFileAs
      File "", line 1573, in _saveFile
        if filename and self.saveLabels(filename):
      File "", line 1030, in saveLabels
        with open(self.defaultSaveDir + 'label_num_dic.json', 'w') as label_num_file
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str'
    opened by mrgloom 1
This project aim to create multi-label classification annotation tool to boost annotation speed and make it more easier.

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