A watch dog providing a piece in mind that your Chia farm is running smoothly 24/7.


Photo by Zoltan Tukacs on Unsplash

Watchdog for your Chia farm

So you've become a Chia farmer and want to maximize the probability of getting a reward? Chiadog helps with automated monitoring and sends you a mobile notification in case something appears to malfunction.

Supported Notifications

Subsystem Notification (example values) Priority
Harvester Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 400 seconds. HIGH
Harvester Disconnected HDD? The total plot count decreased from 100 to 40. HIGH
Harvester Experiencing networking issues? Harvester did not participate in any challenge for 120 seconds. It's now working again. NORMAL
Harvester Seeking plots took too long: 40 seconds! NORMAL
Harvester Found 1 proof(s)! LOW
Full Node Experiencing networking issues? Skipped some signage points! Last 12/64, current 43/64. NORMAL

How it works?

It parses the debug.log generated by the chia process and runs various checks to determine the health of your farmer. Among others, it can detect if your node has lost sync and the farmer is no longer participating in challenges, or if one of your external HDDs disconnected and your harvester doesn't have access to the full amount of plots you have.

Supported Integrations for Notifications


Pushover is available for both Android and iOS. High priority notifications can be configured from the Pushover app to overwrite any Silence or Do-Not-Disturb modes on your phone and sound a loud alarm at any time of the day to make you aware of any issues in a timely manner.

Slack, WhatsApp, E-Mail, ...?

These integrations can be easily added. Contributions are welcome!

Getting started


  • UNIX-based OS (Linux/Mac) - contributions to support Windows are welcome!
  • Python 3.7+
  • Enabled INFO logs on your chia farmer

How to enable INFO logs on chia farmer?

First configure the log level to INFO. This ensures that all logs necessary for chiadog to operate are available under ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log.

chia configure -log-level=INFO

Then restart your farmer to apply the changes:

chia start --restart farmer

Check that logs are coming in:

cat ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log


For updating from previous version, see section below.

  1. Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/martomi/chiadog.git
cd chiadog
  1. Create virtual env (Recommended)
python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
  1. Install the dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Copy the example config file
cp config-example.yaml config.yaml
  1. Open up config.yaml in your editor and configure Pushover.
    • Enable Pushover Notifier
    • Set your Pushover API token
    • Set your Pushover user key

Updating to the latest release

Skip this if you followed above section.

cd chiadog
. ./venv/bin/activate

git fetch
git checkout main
git pull

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Important: Automated migration of config is not supported. Please check that your config.yaml has all new fields introduced in config-example.yaml and add anything missing.

Monitoring a local harvester / farmer

  1. Open config.yaml and configure file_log_consumer:

    • You need to enable the file log consumer to read local chia log files
    • Double-check that the path to your chia logs is correct
  2. Start the watchdog

python3 main.py --config config.yaml
  1. Verify that your plots are detected. Within a few seconds you should see INFO log:
Detected new plots. Farming with 42 plots.

Remote monitoring of multiple harvesters

You can run multiple instances of chiadog on a single machine and monitor all your harvesters remotely. The logs on remote machines are accessed through SSH, so you'll have to setup ssh-key based authentication with your harvesters.

Setting up SSH keys

This step only takes a minute, follow Github's guide on Generating a new SSH key . If you specify password for your key, you'll also need to follow the second step in the guide and add your SSH key to the ssh-agent. The ssh-agent should remember and manage your password because chiadog doesn't know it.

Copy SSH key to all machines running a harvester

On Linux you can use ssh-copy-id:

ssh-copy-id @

which will take your default SSH key, or specify it explicitly:

ssh-copy-id -i "~/.ssh/id_ed25519" @

Prepare configs for each harvester

  1. Open config.yaml in your editor and enablenetwork_log_consumer.

    • Make sure that file_log_consumer is disabled (or delete that section)
    • Configure remote_user for your remote harvester machine
    • Configure remote_host for your remote harvester machine
    • Double check that remote_file_path exists on the remote machine
  2. Copy config.yaml into multiple configs for each remote harvester, e.g.:

  • cp config.yaml config-harvester-1.yaml
  • cp config.yaml config-harvester-2.yaml
  • cp config.yaml config-harvester-3.yaml
  1. Adjust the remote_user and remote_host for each machine.

    • You can also specify different notification_title_prefix so that you can more easily distinguish between notification from each of your harvesters.
  2. Start chiadog for each harvester in a separate terminal. I recommend tmux as it allows you to split your terminal in multiple windows and have a cockpit-like overview.

python3 main.py --config config-harvester-1.yaml
python3 main.py --config config-harvester-2.yaml
python3 main.py --config config-harvester-3.yaml


The best way to check that everything works on your system is to run the unit tests:


If your Pushover API token and user key are correctly set in the snippet above, you should receive notifications on your phone and the tests should complete with an OK status:

You can also enable more verbose logging from config.yaml by changing INFO to DEBUG. Then you'll be able to see logs for every keep-alive event from the harvester.


Contributions are always welcome! Please refer to CONTRIBUTING documentation.

  • Pool Support: Correct handling of partial proofs

    Pool Support: Correct handling of partial proofs

    When farming for a pool using the new pool protocol, chiadog triggers hundreds of "found proof" notifications per day, because your farmer finds proofs for partials (low difficulty solutions for a pool) all the time. This gets you a lot of messages by a telegram bot for example. ;)

    Suggestion: Teach chiadog to differentiate "normal" proofs from partial proofs and disable partial proof notifications. Daily notifications about partial proofs should be sufficient. Or just make proof notification deactivatale.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by djdookie 25
  • Feature: notification for disappearing remote harvester

    Feature: notification for disappearing remote harvester

    I added the feature #65 Let me know what you think. I'll upload this to my farmer for long term testing

    It parses the log for farmer_server entries that indicate incoming data from harvesters. It saves the last timestamp, the peer hash and the ip address in a list. If one harvester doesnt send any data for more than 300s, it sends a notification and removes the harvester from the list.

    opened by mahaupt 20
  • Windows: False

    Windows: False "Harvester appears offline" notifications when farm is fine

    Describe the bug

    I'm running the Windows version of chiadog. Every now and then I'll get the "Your harvester appears offline! No events for the past xxxx seconds" notification, and I will continue getting this notification until I restart chiadog. When I check my farm (using chia farm summary) everything is fine. I actually won a block during one of these fake outages.

    Looking at timestamps, these outages seem to always coincide with a log rotation, but not every rotation. My log rotates every 40-50 minutes, but this only happens around once a day or so - so it's definitely not with every rotation.

    It was suggested I turn off any other processes tailing (using get-content) debug.log, which I've done, but it didn't help.


    • OS: Windows 10
    • Python version: 3.9.4
    • PIP version: 21.1
    • Chia version: 1.1.3
    bug windows 
    opened by suckatlife 20
  • Support for Windows

    Support for Windows

    I personally don't have Windows to test and am not familiar with how the chia environment there is setup but can provide guidance on the steps necessary to add such support.

    Here are some jumping off points if someone wants to take over:

    • We need a WIndowsLogConsumer that is analogous to the UNIX implementation in FileLogConsumer. It needs to replace the tail -F command with the analogous command for PowerShell.
      • Possibly something like Get-Content <log-file> -Tail <#-of-rows> -Wait
    • Add windows_log_consumer config. See here for an example. It needs to point to default path on Windows where debug.log is stored.
    • The project is using pathlib for handling the file paths. I believe this is compatible with Windows paths but needs to be tested.

    I suggest doing a quick test by directly modifying the FileLogConsumer and changing the path in the config to see if there are any other showstoppers to make this work on Windows. That will already be very valuable feedback.

    opened by martomi 17
  • [Question] Chia FULL_NODE warning

    [Question] Chia FULL_NODE warning

    I got this telegram alerts : ⚠️ Chia FULL_NODE Experiencing networking issues? Skipped some signage points! Last 20/64, current 22/64.

    1. What is the actual log for above WARNING? I want to trace it.
    2. How to solve it? Is it normal to get 2-3 warning like above every 1 hour?
    3. Will is affect my chia WIN rate?


    opened by Handri-Kosada 12
  • Signage points out of order are considered skips

    Signage points out of order are considered skips

    Describe the bug If signage points are logged out of order, skip alerts are triggered.

    Chia debug log:

    2021-05-19T13:14:51.592 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 9/64: 99dc2878cd36e748f35caf8b48fc3e048dc1d2306c6e5675a51f5a6beaaf8826
    2021-05-19T13:14:52.165 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 10/64: fbd8a6cbfd9ceb973842b998f9e221791495bb0b95bb594078ff9022dd0c64c4
    2021-05-19T13:15:24.908 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 12/64: 3e0f1d609eef221f21a5bb8f5c5290380563d265da219f49fca47c4cb1b8392d
    2021-05-19T13:15:24.912 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 11/64: 2855217036e581b98e22e8776b41e61495751a7b2a9da27976120fef39c65e5a
    2021-05-19T13:15:24.914 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 13/64: a5b4b7c0456eea6711776dd7781a828bac626e49f8f5f3083e031e456ffea0c7
    2021-05-19T13:15:25.875 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 14/64: 2971d057ac883958a8e873d06d507ff66c13b58b30bc7a20e08014e2fb4dce10
    2021-05-19T13:15:34.107 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 15/64: 520b8c1cc85449fc82351528e63e232f8d6bd85dc58a6a1abb11d486ea3b3f8f
    2021-05-19T13:15:43.902 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 16/64: a0aa4580f66ee139c222297acd04f618bc1f5cfaa7aab75d76f63237a2ecdb7f

    Chiadog log from same time:

    [2021-05-19 13:15:24] [    INFO] --- Detected 1 skipped signage point. (non_skipped_signage_points.py:46)
    [2021-05-19 13:15:24] [ WARNING] --- Experiencing networking issues? Skipped 2+ signage points in the last hour (non_skipped_signage_points.py:53)
    [2021-05-19 13:15:25] [    INFO] --- Last farming event was 32 seconds ago. This is unusual (time_since_last_farm_event.py:47)

    Notice signage point 12 that is logged before 11 completes.


    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Python version: 3.8.5
    • PIP version: 20.0.2 for Chia, latest for chiadog (installed via install.sh)
    • Chia version: 1.1.5
    • Chiadog revision: 67328d7960
    bug question 
    opened by Artanicus 11
  • "tail -F" sometime fail to follow new log file

    On Linux it looks like tail -F may not reliably follow new log files. When this happens, chiadog will report "Your harvester appears to be offline", and inspecting the /proc file system shows that the tail process is still opening the old log file, eg. .chia/mainnet/log/debug.log.11.


    • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Python version: 3.8.5
    opened by bhy 10
  • Appears to be offline when it's not

    Appears to be offline when it's not

    Fresh install of all software (OS, Chia and all requirements for this program). After about 21 hours of it running, it suddenly started to report "Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 417 seconds. (keep_alive_monitor.py:83)". It kept sending these reports every 5 minutes with the seconds reported climbing accordingly. The issue is that the harvester is not offline. The Chia software shows it is still farming and if I check the logs everything looks fine. I stopped chiadog and started it again and it is all fine now. Screenshot 2021-05-16 130832


    • OS: Windows 10 Pro
    • Python version: 3.9.5 (64-bit)
    • PIP version: 21.1.1
    • Chia version: 1.1.5
    bug windows 
    opened by Gregwolf3030 8
  • Shuffled signage points not correctly handled

    Shuffled signage points not correctly handled

    Describe the bug

    There are still cases when shuffled signage points during forks are not correctly handled.

    The following sequence of events generates 61 skipped SP event.

    2021-05-13T22:12:25.148 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 60/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:12:35.081 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 61/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:12:41.911 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 62/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:12:49.784 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 63/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:12:58.453 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished sub slot, SP 64/64, 
    2021-05-13T22:13:07.659 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 1/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:13:14.053 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 2/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:13:42.341 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished sub slot, SP 64/64, 
    2021-05-13T22:13:50.884 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 1/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:13:58.247 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 2/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:14:06.288 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 3/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:14:14.181 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 4/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:14:22.166 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 5/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:14:30.104 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 6/64: 
    2021-05-13T22:14:38.398 full_node chia.full_node.full_node: INFO     ⏲️  Finished signage point 7/64: 

    One way to fix would be comparing expected time for 61 SP (61 times 8-9 seconds) with actual time difference to previous SP.


    • Chia version: 1.1.5
    opened by martomi 8
  • use pythonic way to read log

    use pythonic way to read log

    I was trying to run this with WSL to see if that would work. It seems like there is an issue where you can't follow a file in WSL without the ---disable-inotify flag on tail. I tested this and added that option in the log consumer and it does work after that. I noticed there have been issues with Windows as well during log rotations. I'm not sure if switching over to a pythonic way of reading the debug file will solve this, but it seems like it would be better since you don't need differentiate between OSes either.

    Not sure if remote would work with this either, so it would require a bit of testing.


    Maybe something like: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12523044/how-can-i-tail-a-log-file-in-python/53121178#53121178


    Initially something like this appears to work with little resources:

        def _consume_loop(self):
            expanded_user_log_path = self._log_path.expanduser()
            logging.info(f"Consuming log file from {expanded_user_log_path}")
                fp = open(expanded_user_log_path, "r")
                st_results = os.stat(expanded_user_log_path)
                st_size = st_results[6]
                while self._is_running:
                    where = fp.tell()
                    line = fp.readline()
                    if not line:
                    elif fp.tell() > os.path.getsize(expanded_user_log_path):
                        logging.info("Log rotated, opening latest log file")
                        fp = open(expanded_user_log_path, "r")
            except Exception as e:
                logging.critical(f"Error consuming log file: {e}")

    I can run it for a bit and see what happens during rotations as well. This seems to work the same for windows.

    opened by kungfoome 8
  • How to finfd those plots that took longer than 5 sec.?

    How to finfd those plots that took longer than 5 sec.?


    thansk for proviging this nice tool. Really like it.

    Just need some hints how to improve my setup -

    • average: 1.12s over 2999 searches
    • over 5s: 63 occasions (2.1%)
    • over 15s: 43 occasions (1.4%) Plots 🌱: 1781, new: 16 Eligible plots 🥇: 3.47 average Skipped SPs ⚠️: 1 (0.03%)

    I get lots of those alerts >5 sec, normally in the range of 20 - 30 sec., how can I see which plot is responsible for that?

    Also - those numbers above, are they in general ok? Have not got any chia so far, just wondering if this is bad luck or the setup is weak.

    Any feedback?

    Regards Joerg

    opened by jkoenig72 7
  • Docker Documentation

    Docker Documentation

    I'm trying to spin up a new instance via docker-compose. There doesn't seem to be much documentation.

    Have tried the following:

    version: "3.7"
        image: "ghcr.io/martomi/chiadog:latest"
        container_name: "chiadog"
          - ~/chiadog/config:/root/.chiadog
          - TZ=$TZ

    I've put a config.yaml into the config folder but I am getting this error:

    /chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/paramiko/transport.py:236: CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Blowfish has been deprecated
      "class": algorithms.Blowfish,
    [2022-08-02 19:24:25] [    INFO] --- Starting Chiadog (unknown) (main.py:54)
    [2022-08-02 19:24:25] [    INFO] --- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_8.9p1) (transport.py:1873)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/chiadog/main.py", line 113, in <module>
      File "/chiadog/main.py", line 58, in init
        log_consumer = create_log_consumer_from_config(chia_logs_config)
      File "/chiadog/src/chia_log/log_consumer.py", line 234, in create_log_consumer_from_config
        platform, path = get_host_info(
      File "/chiadog/src/chia_log/log_consumer.py", line 187, in get_host_info
        client.connect(hostname=host, username=user, port=port)
      File "/chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 415, in connect
      File "/chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 825, in missing_host_key
        raise SSHException(
    paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Server 'x.x.xx.xx' not found in known_hosts

    Which suggests I need to feed the docker some SSH keys?

    opened by unintended-consequences 3
  • UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: unexpected end of data

    UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: unexpected end of data

    Chiadog was working fine for days, then it started reporting that my harvester was offline, but that was not the case. This is what I found in the chiadog logs:

    [2022-07-14 04:26:00] [    INFO] --- Detected 1 skipped signage point.This is expected to happen occasionally and not a reason for concern. (non_skipped_signage_points.py:39)
    Exception in thread Thread-1 (_consume_loop):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/threading.py", line 953, in run
        self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
      File "/chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/decorator.py", line 232, in fun
        return caller(func, *(extras + args), **kw)
      File "/chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retry/api.py", line 73, in retry_decorator
        return __retry_internal(partial(f, *args, **kwargs), exceptions, tries, delay, max_delay, backoff, jitter,
      File "/chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/retry/api.py", line 33, in __retry_internal
        return f()
      File "/chiadog/src/chia_log/log_consumer.py", line 83, in _consume_loop
        for log_line in Pygtail(self._expanded_log_path, read_from_end=True, offset_file=self._offset_path):
      File "/chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygtail/core.py", line 136, in __next__
        return self.next()
      File "/chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygtail/core.py", line 108, in next
        line = self._get_next_line()
      File "/chiadog/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pygtail/core.py", line 280, in _get_next_line
        line = self._filehandle().readline()
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/codecs.py", line 322, in decode
        (result, consumed) = self._buffer_decode(data, self.errors, final)
    UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode bytes in position 0-1: unexpected end of data
    [2022-07-14 06:16:37] [ WARNING] --- Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 511 seconds. (keep_alive_monitor.py:83)
    [2022-07-14 06:21:38] [ WARNING] --- Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 812 seconds. (keep_alive_monitor.py:83)
    [2022-07-14 06:26:39] [ WARNING] --- Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 1112 seconds. (keep_alive_monitor.py:83)
    [2022-07-14 06:31:39] [ WARNING] --- Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 1413 seconds. (keep_alive_monitor.py:83)
    [2022-07-14 06:36:40] [ WARNING] --- Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 1714 seconds. (keep_alive_monitor.py:83)
    [2022-07-14 06:41:40] [ WARNING] --- Your harvester appears to be offline! No events for the past 2014 seconds. (keep_alive_monitor.py:83)

    I restarted chiadog's container and it started functioning properly again.

    • OS: Linux Manjaro, kernel 5.19.0-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Jun 6 15:12:01 CEST 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    • Python version: 3.10
    • PIP version: 21.0
    • Chia version: 1.4.0
    • Chiadog version: 0.7.2, docker container
    • Harvester: local
    bug duplicate good first issue 
    opened by Nitrooo 1
  • errors in log

    errors in log


    I have just upgraded to the 0.7.2 (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS + Chia 1.4). I am using it to monitor the local node / harvester + a remote harvester.

    I have edited the config-example.yaml file with the few parameters I needed then renamed it as config.yaml.

    in the output04.log I get the following [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Starting Chiadog (v0.7.2) (main.py:54) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_8.2p1) (transport.py:1873) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Authentication (publickey) successful! (transport.py:1873) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled Posix network log consumer. (log_consumer.py:128) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_8.2p1) (transport.py:1873) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Authentication (publickey) successful! (transport.py:1873) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Consuming remote log file ~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log from 192.xxx.xxx.xxx:22 (OS.LINUX) (log_consumer.py:116) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Keep-alive check period: 300 seconds (keep_alive_monitor.py:45) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Initializing Telegram notifier. (telegram_notifier.py:13) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled stats for daily notifications (stats_manager.py:48) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Summary notifications will be sent out every 24 hours starting from 21:00 (stats_manager.py:61) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ ERROR] --- Invalid config.yaml. Missing key: 'harvester_activity_handler' (log_handler.py:22) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Initializing handler: harvester_activity_handler (init.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled parser for harvester activity - eligible plot events. (harvester_activity_parser.py:32) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled check for farming events. (time_since_last_farm_event.py:22) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled check for non-decreasing total plot count. (non_decreasing_plots.py:18) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled check for time taken to respond to challenges. (quick_plot_search_time.py:18) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ ERROR] --- Invalid config.yaml. Missing key: 'partial_handler' (log_handler.py:22) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Initializing handler: partial_handler (init.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled parser for partial submitting stats. (partial_parser.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ ERROR] --- Invalid config.yaml. Missing key: 'block_handler' (log_handler.py:22) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Initializing handler: block_handler (init.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled parser for block found stats. (block_parser.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled check for found blocks. (found_blocks.py:15) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ ERROR] --- Invalid config.yaml. Missing key: 'finished_signage_point_handler' (log_handler.py:22) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Initializing handler: finished_signage_point_handler (init.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled parser for finished signage points. (finished_signage_point_parser.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled check for finished signage points. (non_skipped_signage_points.py:19) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ ERROR] --- Invalid config.yaml. Missing key: 'wallet_added_coin_handler' (log_handler.py:22) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Initializing handler: wallet_added_coin_handler (init.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Enabled parser for wallet activity - added coins. (wallet_added_coin_parser.py:26) [2022-07-14 10:19:05] [ INFO] --- Filtering transaction with mojos less than 0 (wallet_added_coin_handler.py:26) [2022-07-14 10:19:06] [ INFO] --- Detected new plots. Farming with 969 plots. (non_decreasing_plots.py:28) [2022-07-14 10:19:06] [ INFO] --- Connected HDD? The total plot count increased from 0 to 969. (non_decreasing_plots.py:33)

    Did I miss something ?

    Best regards,

    bug good first issue 
    opened by ZwaZo22 3
  • Docker packages missing

    Docker packages missing

    In https://github.com/martomi/chiadog/commit/99cf0bb73ab3d944105f0c83509c9713b5ba07d4, The Docker image should be built and available in the "Packages" section, however there is no such section on this repo. Does this Action need to be enabled somehow, or is it waiting for a trigger like a commit to be made?

    The previous maintainer has archived their repo so this official repo is now the only way to get up-to-date docker builds.


    help wanted good first issue question 
    opened by daverof 2
  • Pytail exception cause thread exit

    Pytail exception cause thread exit


    If there is some non-utf8(like GBK) character, here will throw exception, then make thread exit. I want to make a pr, but I am not good at pyhon, can't fix it. Thx

    bug good first issue 
    opened by Sagittarius 2
  • Notification on new Chia version

    Notification on new Chia version

    I just saw a nice feature idea on Reddit and wanted to add it here.

    It'd be nice if Chiadog could send an alert when a new Chia version became available.


    It would especially be helpful for people whose farms run passively in the background and don't pay attention unless the Chiadog barks 🐶

    enhancement good first issue low prio 
    opened by greimela 0
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