Experiments for Neural Flows paper


Neural Flows: Efficient Alternative to Neural ODEs [arxiv]

TL;DR: We directly model the neural ODE solutions with neural flows, which is much faster and achieves better results on time series applications, since it avoids using expensive numerical solvers.


Marin Biloš, Johanna Sommer, Syama Sundar Rangapuram, Tim Januschowski, Stephan Günnemann

Abstract: Neural ordinary differential equations describe how values change in time. This is the reason why they gained importance in modeling sequential data, especially when the observations are made at irregular intervals. In this paper we propose an alternative by directly modeling the solution curves - the flow of an ODE - with a neural network. This immediately eliminates the need for expensive numerical solvers while still maintaining the modeling capability of neural ODEs. We propose several flow architectures suitable for different applications by establishing precise conditions on when a function defines a valid flow. Apart from computational efficiency, we also provide empirical evidence of favorable generalization performance via applications in time series modeling, forecasting, and density estimation.

This repository acts as a supplementary material which implements the models and experiments as described in the main paper. The definition of models relies on the stribor package for normalizing and neural flows. The baselines use torchdiffeq package for differentiable ODE solvers.


Install the local package nfe (which will also install all the dependencies):

pip install -e .

Download data

Download and preprocess real-world data and generate synthetic data (or run commands in download_all.sh manually):

. scripts/download_all.sh

Many experiments will automatically download data if it's not already downloaded so this step is optional.

Note: MIMIC-III and IV have to be downloaded manually. Use notebooks in data_preproc to preprocess data.

After downloading everything, your directory tree should look like this:

├── nfe
│   ├── experiments
│   │   ├── base_experiment.py
│   │   ├── data
│   │   │   ├── activity
│   │   │   ├── hopper
│   │   │   ├── mimic3
│   │   │   ├── mimic4
│   │   │   ├── physionet
│   │   │   ├── stpp
│   │   │   ├── synth
│   │   │   └── tpp
│   │   ├── gru_ode_bayes
│   │   ├── latent_ode
│   │   ├── stpp
│   │   ├── synthetic
│   │   └── tpp
│   ├── models
│   └── train.py
├── scripts
│   ├── download_all.sh
│   └── run_all.sh
└── setup.py


Models are located in nfe/models. It contains the implementation of CouplingFlow and ResNetFlow. The ODE models and continuous (ODE or flow-based) GRU and LSTM layers can be found in the same directory.

Example: Coupling flow

import torch
from nfe import CouplingFlow

dim = 4
model = CouplingFlow(
    n_layers=2, # Number of flow layers
    hidden_dims=[32, 32], # Hidden layers in single flow
    time_net='TimeLinear', # Time embedding network

t = torch.rand(3, 10, 1) # Time points at which IVP is evaluated
x0 = torch.randn(3, 1, dim) # Initial conditions at t=0

xt = model(x0, t) # IVP solutions at t given x0
xt.shape # torch.Size([3, 10, 4])

Example: GRU flow

import torch
from nfe import GRUFlow

dim = 4
model = GRUFlow(
    n_layers=2, # Number of flow layers
    hidden_dims=[32, 32], # Hidden layers in single flow
    time_net='TimeTanh', # Time embedding network

t = torch.rand(3, 10, 1) # Time points at which IVP is evaluated
x = torch.randn(3, 10, dim) # Initial conditions, RNN inputs

xt = model(x, t) # IVP solutions at t_i given x_{1:i}
xt.shape # torch.Size([3, 10, 4])


Run all experiments: . scripts/run_all.sh. Or run individual commands manually.



python -m nfe.train --experiment synthetic --data [ellipse|sawtooth|sink|square|triangle] --model [ode|flow] --flow-model [coupling|resnet] --solver [rk4|dopri5]



python -m nfe.train --experiment latent_ode --data [activity|hopper|physionet] --classify [0|1] --model [ode|flow] --flow-model [coupling|resnet]


  • Yulia Rubanova, Ricky Chen, David Duvenaud. "Latent ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series" (2019) [paper]. We adapted the code from here.


Request MIMIC-III and IV data, and download locally. Use notebooks to preprocess data.


python -m nfe.train --experiment gru_ode_bayes --data [mimic3|mimic4] --model [ode|flow] --odenet gru --flow-model [gru|resnet]


  • Edward De Brouwer, Jaak Simm, Adam Arany, Yves Moreau. "GRU-ODE-Bayes: Continuous modeling of sporadically-observed time series" (2019) [paper]. We adapted the code from here.

Temporal point process


python -m nfe.train --experiment tpp --data [poisson|renewal|hawkes1|hawkes2|mooc|reddit|wiki] --model [rnn|ode|flow] --flow-model [coupling|resnet] --decoder [continuous|mixture] --rnn [gru|lstm] --marks [0|1]


  • Junteng Jia, Austin R. Benson. "Neural Jump Stochastic Differential Equations" (2019) [paper]. We adapted the code from here.



python -m nfe.train --experiment stpp --data [bike|covid|earthquake] --model [ode|flow] --density-model [independent|attention]


  • Ricky T. Q. Chen, Brandon Amos, Maximilian Nickel. "Neural Spatio-Temporal Point Processes" (2021) [paper]. We adapted the code from here.


  title={{N}eural Flows: {E}fficient Alternative to Neural {ODE}s},
  author={Bilo{\v{s}}, Marin and Sommer, Johanna and Rangapuram, Syama Sundar and Januschowski, Tim and G{\"u}nnemann, Stephan},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
  • times variable

    times variable

    Hi Authors,

    Thanks for sharing the code. When I printed the input variable "times", it always gave me an increasing order. As you mentioned in your paper, you used the inter-event time as the input. So, "times" should not be in a strictly increasing order. Could you please confirm what the input "times" stand for? the inter-event time or the arrival time of an event?

    BTW, when I transformed "times" into inter-event time by getting the time difference between nearby events, I got 3.43 on using Marked TPP on Wiki. Could you please also elaborate on the improvement here?

    Huge thanks in advance for your help!

    opened by JingWang18 2
  • why the

    why the "times" data was transformed by "torch.log" before being sent to the model

    Dear author,

    In file experiments/tpp/experiment.py, line 34, the "times" data was transformed by a logfunction.

    times = torch.log(times + 1)

    Would you like to give some insights on this?

    Based on my knowledge, the logtransformation itself would change the data distribution. For example, If the data follows a log-normal distribution. After the logtransformation, it would follow a normal distribution. Would the transformation affect the model's performance? Can we drop the logtransformation in other applications?

    opened by jingge326 2
  • Please add a license

    Please add a license

    Hey, I'd like to re-use some of the pre-processing scripts. Can you please add a LICENSE? https://academia.stackexchange.com/questions/142393/use-of-of-unlicensed-github-code-in-research-paper

    opened by randolf-scholz 1
  • Normalization of NLL in TPP

    Normalization of NLL in TPP


    I have a question about this line of code (https://github.com/mbilos/neural-flows-experiments/blob/bd19f7c92461e83521e268c1a235ef845a3dd963/nfe/experiments/tpp/experiment.py#L50) where NLL is normalized with the number of batches instead of the number of samples. Is this a bug? Or Am I missing something here? Thank you.

    opened by won-bae 1
  • Some severe issues with the MIMIC-IV preprocessing

    Some severe issues with the MIMIC-IV preprocessing

    I was reproducing the preprocessing and I noticed a few severe issues with the preprocessing provided.

    datamerging.ipynb - Prescriptions are accidentally dropped completely

    presc_df = presc_df.drop((presc_df['valuenum']=='3-10').index)

    afterwards, the table is empty.

    outputs.ipynb - Wrong labels!

    outputs_label_list contains the entries "Chest Tube" and "Jackson Pratt", but these never appear as labels, the correct labels are "Chest Tube #1" and "Jackson Pratt #1"

    prescriptions.ipynb - missing required filtering

    • rows with non-float dose_val_rx are not dropped
    • rows with NaT entries in starttime are not dropped


    The code for adding repeats does in some cases not add enough repeats due to a rounding issue. This can be tested via

    min_diff = (pd.to_datetime(df_new1["endtime"])-df_new1["charttime"]).groupby(level=0).min()
    assert all(min_diff < pd.Timedelta("30min")), f"Did not add enough steps!"


    • rows with NaN valued valuenum are not dropped


    We filter for patients with a single admission, however later in the other dataframes hadm_id is used as filter instead of subject_id. The issue is that there appears to be corrupted data in at least one table that gives rise to hadm_id with multiple subject_id associated with it. We can test it in datamerging via

    assert all(merged_df.groupby("subject_id")["hadm_id"].nunique() == 1)
    assert all(merged_df.groupby("hadm_id")["subject_id"].nunique() == 1)

    Further, the hospital stay is limited to patients with 2-29 days stay. However, the charttime does not agree with this data. Sometimes, charttime starts before admittime. The longest charttime is over 52 years.

    opened by randolf-scholz 1
  • Question about LogNormal distribution for TPP

    Question about LogNormal distribution for TPP

    Hi authors, As a followup question for #2, I am confused with log transformation. Here, you (and intensity-free paper) assume that input times follows MixLogNormal. Then, by definition, np.log(times) follows MixNormal. But then, I am not sure why each mixture component of times = torch.log(times + 1) follows LogNormal instead of Normal in https://github.com/mbilos/neural-flows-experiments/blob/bd19f7c92461e83521e268c1a235ef845a3dd963/nfe/experiments/tpp/model.py#L153 given that intensity-free repo also uses MixNormal for the log transformed input (also normalized) in https://github.com/shchur/ifl-tpp/blob/e7ebab1ceab56cee440bd8e99b5c1bd42d6ada07/code/dpp/models/log_norm_mix.py#L40. Could you elaborate it?

    opened by won-bae 2
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