Allele-specific pipeline for unbiased read mapping(WIP), QTL discovery(WIP), and allelic-imbalance analysis

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Deep Learning WASP2

WASP2 (Currently in pre-development): Allele-specific pipeline for unbiased read mapping(WIP), QTL discovery(WIP), and allelic-imbalance analysis



  • Python >= 3.7
  • numpy
  • pandas
  • scipy
  • pysam
  • pybedtools



Recommended installation through conda, and given environment

conda env create -f environment.yml


Allelic Imbalance Analysis

Analysis pipeline currently consists of two tools (Count and Analysis)


Count Tool

Counts alleles in ATAC peaks that overlap heterozygous SNP's


python count -a [BAM] -g [VCF] -s [VCF Sample] -r [Peaks] {OPTIONS}

Required Arguments

  • -a/--alignment: BAM file containing alignments.
  • -g/--genotypes: VCF file with genotypes.
  • -s/--sample: Sample name in VCF file.
  • -r/--regions: Regions of interest in narrowPeak, GTF, or BED format. (ONLY narrowPeak support implemented)

Single-Cell Additional Requirements

  • -sc/--singlecell: Flag that denotes data is single-cell.
  • -b/--barcodes: 2 Column TSV that contains barcodes and their group/cell mapping.

Optional Arguments

  • -o/--output: Directory to output counts. (Default. CWD)
  • --nofilt: Skip step that pre-filters reads that overlap regions of interest
  • --keeptemps: Keep intermediary files during preprocessing step, outputs to directory if given with flag, otherwise outputs to CWD.


Analysis Tool

Analyzes Allelic Imbalance per ATAC peak given allelic count data


python analysis [COUNTS] {OPTIONS}

Required Arguments

  • COUNTS: first positional argument, output data from count tool

Single-Cell Additional Requirements

  • -sc/--singlecell: Flag that denotes data is single-cell

Optional Arguments

  • --min: Minimum allele count needed for analysis. (Default. 10)
  • -o/--output: Directory to output counts. Defaults to CWD if not given. (Default. CWD)
  • -m/--model: Model used for measuring imbalance. Choice of "single", "linear", or "binomial". (Default. "single")



  • Unbiased Read Mapping Curently in development

Allelic Imbalance Pipeline

  • Counts

    • Need to implement RNA-Seq and Gene support
    • More robust for different inputs for bulk and single-cell data
  • Analysis

    • More specific implementations for single-cell data
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  • Testing allelic analysis

    Testing allelic analysis


    Thanks for sharing the new version for testing allelic imbalance. I'm starting to try to port over our WASP AI testing to WASP2. I thought I would start from .merge.bam files and recount those.

    As background, I have VCF files which represent a simulated diploid genome. Previously the chr-separated VCF worked fine with WASP pipeline all the way to CHT, but there may be some issues with those VCF, where I need to add additional fields or tags.

    As a side question, can I use the AI test in WASP2 with counts from WASP? E.g. these:


    If not, with the WASP2 counting script, I am now getting this error:

    python count --rna -ft data/Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.28.100.chr.gtf.gz \
      -a wasp_mapping/sample_A_1.merge.bam -g data/drosophila_wg.vcf -s sample \
      -r data/Drosophila_melanogaster.BDGP6.28.100.chr.gtf.gz -o testai
    Namespace(command='count', stype='rna', singlecell=False, 
    genotypes='data/drosophila_wg.vcf', sample='sample', 
    barcodes=None, output='testai', nofilt=False, keeptemps=None)
    Bulk Analysis
    GTF filtered by feature
    Filtering reads that overlap regions of interest
    Bam file filtered!
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/proj/milovelab/bin/WASP2/src/analysis/", line 273, in <module>
      File "/proj/milovelab/bin/WASP2/src/analysis/", line 266, in main
        parse_counting(args.alignment, args.genotypes, args.regions, 
    args.sample, args.output, args.stype, nofilt=args.nofilt, temp_loc=args.keeptemps, features=args.features)
      File "/proj/milovelab/bin/WASP2/src/analysis/", line 53, in parse_counting
        intersect_df = preprocess_data(in_bam, in_vcf, in_region, in_sample, stype, nofilt, tmpdir, features)
      File "/proj/milovelab/bin/WASP2/src/analysis/", line 34, in preprocess_data
        write_sample_snp(in_vcf, in_sample, out_dir)
      File "/proj/milovelab/bin/WASP2/src/analysis/", line 24, in write_sample_snp
        vcf = VariantFile(in_file)
      File "pysam/libcbcf.pyx", line 4054, in pysam.libcbcf.VariantFile.__init__
      File "pysam/libcbcf.pyx", line 4284, in
    ValueError: invalid file `b'data/drosophila_wg.vcf'` (mode=`b'r'`) - is it VCF/BCF format?

    The VCF in question has some non-required fields missing but it appears valid:

    vcf-validator data/drosophila_wg.vcf
    Could not parse the fileformat version string [#CHROM	POS	ID	REF	ALT	QUAL	FILTER	INFO	FORMAT	sample], assuming VCFv4.2
    The header tag 'reference' not present. (Not required but highly recommended.)
    The "fileformat" field not present in the header, assuming VCFv4.2
    The header tag 'contig' not present for CHROM=2L. (Not required but highly recommended.)
    column sample at 2L:10591 .. FORMAT tag [GL] not listed in the header,FORMAT tag [GT] not listed in the header
    The header tag 'contig' not present for CHROM=2R. (Not required but highly recommended.)
    The header tag 'contig' not present for CHROM=3L. (Not required but highly recommended.)
    The header tag 'contig' not present for CHROM=3R. (Not required but highly recommended.)
    The header tag 'contig' not present for CHROM=4. (Not required but highly recommended.)
    The header tag 'contig' not present for CHROM=X. (Not required but highly recommended.)

    The VCF file looks like:

    2L	10591	rs1	T	A	.	PASS	.	GT:GL	0|1:-100,0,-100
    2L	11464	rs2	A	T	.	PASS	.	GT:GL	0|1:-100,0,-100
    opened by mikelove 14
  • Example for barcodes files.

    Example for barcodes files.


    Thanks for your great tool.

    I want to perform ASE calling from 10X scRNA-seq data. Is there an example file for barcodes file(barcodes and their group/cell mapping) so that I can follow the tutorial? Many thanks.


    opened by fanyue322 1
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