Pytorch implementation of our method for regularizing nerual radiance fields for few-shot neural volume rendering.


InfoNeRF: Ray Entropy Minimization for Few-Shot Neural Volume Rendering

Pytorch implementation of our method for regularizing nerual radiance fields for few-shot neural volume rendering.

Project | Paper

Mijeong Kim, Seonguk Seo, Bohyung Han

Seoul National University

arXiv 2112.15399, 2021

We present an information-theoretic regularization technique for few-shot novel view synthesis based on neural implicit representation. The proposed approach minimizes potential reconstruction inconsistency that happens due to insufficient viewpoints by imposing the entropy constraint of the density in each ray. In addition, to alleviate the potential degenerate issue when all training images are acquired from almost redundant viewpoints, we further incorporate the spatially smoothness constraint into the estimated images by restricting information gains from a pair of rays with slightly different viewpoints. The main idea of our algorithm is to make reconstructed scenes compact along individual rays and consistent across rays in the neighborhood. The proposed regularizers can be plugged into most of existing neural volume rendering techniques based on NeRF in a straightforward way. Despite its simplicity, we achieve consistently improved performance compared to existing neural view synthesis methods by large margins on multiple standard benchmarks.


If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:

            title = {InfoNeRF: Ray Entropy Minimization for Few-Shot Neural Volume Rendering},
            author = {Mijeong Kim and Seonguk Seo and Bohyung Han},
            journal = {}
            year = {2021},


This code borrows heavily from nerf-pytorch.

  • about the ray for calculating entropy loss

    about the ray for calculating entropy loss

    In paper, "where R s denotes a set of rays from training images, Ru denotes a set of rays from randomly sampled unseen images, and ⊙ indicates element-wise multiplication.", you have mentioned that the entropy loss is calculated within the union of seen and unseen rays. However, in the lego code, the entropy loss is only down on unseen rays. acc = acc[self.N_samples:] sigma = sigma[self.N_samples:] why only use later 1024 rays for this loss? image

    opened by chensjtu 2
  • Unable to reproduce results on Realistic Synthetic 360 scenes

    Unable to reproduce results on Realistic Synthetic 360 scenes


    I am trying to reproduce the results on Realistic Synthetic 360 - lego scene. I tried the configs released in this GitHub repo as well as the configs mentioned in issue-2. But I was not able to get anywhere close to the reported performance with either of the configs. Any suggestions on how to figure out what is happening? I've attached both the configs below for reference. Kindly let me know if you need any other information.

    Configs from this GitHub repo:

    datadir = ../Data/Databases/NeRF_Synthetic/Data1/lego
    expname = lego
    basedir = ../Runs/Training/Train0034
    dataset_type = blender
    train_scene = [26, 86, 2, 55]
    factor = 1
    N_rand = 1024
    N_samples = 64
    N_importance = 128
    use_viewdirs = True
    no_batching = True
    lrate_decay = 500
    white_bkgd = True
    precrop_iters = 500
    precrop_frac = 0.5
    entropy = True
    N_entropy = 1024
    entropy_ray_zvals_lambda = 0.001
    fewshot = 4
    wandb = False
    i_wandb = 10
    N_iters = 50000
    i_weights = 25000

    Configs from issue-2:

    datadir = ../Data/Databases/NeRF_Synthetic/Data1/lego
    expname = lego
    basedir = ../Runs/Training/Train0034
    dataset_type = blender
    train_scene = [26, 86, 2, 55]
    factor = 1
    N_rand = 1024
    N_samples = 64
    N_importance = 128
    use_viewdirs = True
    no_batching = True
    lrate_decay = 500
    white_bkgd = True
    precrop_iters = 500
    precrop_frac = 0.5
    entropy = True
    N_entropy = 1024
    entropy_ray_zvals_lambda = 0.001
    fewshot = 4
    smooth_sampling_method = near_pixel
    smooth_pixel_range = 1
    smoothing_activation = softmax
    smoothing_lambda = 0.00001
    smoothing_step = 2500
    wandb = False
    i_wandb = 10
    N_iters = 50000
    i_weights = 25000
    opened by NagabhushanSN95 0
  • Performance is very bad on LLFF dataset with 2 input views

    Performance is very bad on LLFF dataset with 2 input views


    I tried your model on LLFF dataset with 2 input views. But the reconstruction of novel views is very bad. I've attached the images below (train viewpoints are reconstructed reasonably well). Is this expected with such fewer views or do you think something is going wrong?

    I'm trying the fern scene. I used images 6 and 8 as train frames and images 5,7,9 as test frames.

    Image 5 (test frame) 0005

    Image 6 (train frame) 0006

    Image 7 (test frame) 0007

    Image 8 (train frame) 0008

    Image 9 (test frame) 0009

    Configs: args.txt

    N_entropy = 1024
    N_importance = 128
    N_iters = 50000
    N_rand = 1024
    N_samples = 64
    alpha_model_path = None
    basedir = ../Runs/Training/Train0011
    chunk = 32768
    ckpt_render_iter = None
    computing_entropy_all = False
    config = None
    datadir = ../Data/Databases/NeRF_LLFF/Data
    dataset_type = NeRF_LLFF
    debug = False
    entropy = True
    entropy_acc_threshold = 0.1
    entropy_end_iter = None
    entropy_ignore_smoothing = False
    entropy_log_scaling = False
    entropy_ray_lambda = 1
    entropy_ray_zvals_lambda = 0.001
    entropy_type = log2
    eval_only = False
    expname = fern
    factor = 4
    fewshot = 2
    fewshot_seed = 0
    ft_path = None
    half_res = False
    i_embed = 0
    i_img = 500
    i_print = 100
    i_testset = 50000
    i_video = 50000
    i_wandb = 100
    i_weights = 25000
    lindisp = False
    llffhold = 8
    lrate = 0.0005
    lrate_decay = 500
    maskdir = None
    multires = 10
    multires_views = 4
    near_c2w_rot = 5
    near_c2w_trans = 0.1
    near_c2w_type = rot_from_origin
    netchunk = 65536
    netdepth = 8
    netdepth_fine = 8
    netwidth = 256
    netwidth_fine = 256
    no_batching = True
    no_coarse = False
    no_ndc = False
    no_reload = False
    num_interpolation_poses = 3
    perturb = 1.0
    precrop_frac = 0.5
    precrop_iters = 0
    raw_noise_std = 0.0
    render_factor = 0
    render_mypath = False
    render_only = False
    render_pass = False
    render_test = False
    render_test_full = False
    render_test_ray = False
    render_train = False
    shape = greek
    smooth_pixel_range = None
    smooth_sampling_method = near_pose
    smoothing = False
    smoothing_activation = norm
    smoothing_end_iter = None
    smoothing_lambda = 1
    smoothing_rate = 1
    smoothing_step_size = 5000
    spherify = False
    test_scene = None
    testskip = 8
    train_scene = None
    train_set_num = 1
    use_viewdirs = True
    wandb = False
    wandb_group = None
    white_bkgd = False
    opened by NagabhushanSN95 3
  • Use of test camera poses during training

    Use of test camera poses during training


    In the code here, you are using test camera poses during training. Instead of this, is it possible to somehow generate new poses from the train poses and use them?

    opened by NagabhushanSN95 0
  • how to implement DTU

    how to implement DTU

    Hi, how to implement the dtu dataset? The official DTU dataset is not consistent with the file. For example, how to get dtu masks and how to compute the camera.npz? Thank you.

    opened by Wanggcong 1
  • Regarding the reproduction of the results

    Regarding the reproduction of the results

    Thanks for your great work.

    Regarding reproduction of the lego dataset , training does not converge if I use both entropy and KL loss. I used the default config file, which is at "config/infonerf/synthetic/lego.txt". Although I expected to have similar results as mentioned in the paper, but I failed to train the model. In order to turn on KL loss, I just added "Smoothing=True" and used default parameters for the rest.

    parser.add_argument("--smooth_sampling_method", type=str, default='near_pose', 
        help='how to sample the near rays, near_pose: modifying camera pose, near_pixel: sample near pixel', 
                    choices=['near_pose', 'near_pixel'])
    # 1) sampling by rotating camera pose
    parser.add_argument("--near_c2w_type", type=str, default='rot_from_origin', 
                        help='random augmentation method')
    parser.add_argument("--near_c2w_rot", type=float, default=5, 
                        help='random augmentation rotate: degree')
    parser.add_argument("--near_c2w_trans", type=float, default=0.1, 
                        help='random augmentation translation')

    Could you please guide me if there are some important hyper-parameters missing in the default config file? Just for your information, the default config file(w/o KL loss), I succeeded in training and results seem to be reasonable.

    In addition, you mentioned the role of KL loss in the appendix. I would like to reproduce the result with narrow-baseline dataset as well. Would you please tell me which indexes of images you used for narrow-baseline 4-views?

    Thank you for your feedback in advance.

    Best regards,

    opened by ayclove 2
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