A library to access OpenStreetMap related services



The python package OSMPythonTools provides easy access to OpenStreetMap (OSM) related services, among them an Overpass endpoint, Nominatim, and the OSM API.


To install OSMPythonTools, you will need python3 and pip (How to install pip). Then execute:

pip install OSMPythonTools

On some operating systems, pip for python3 is named pip3:

pip3 install OSMPythonTools

Example 1

Which object does the way with the ID 5887599 represent?

We can use the OSM API to answer this question:

from OSMPythonTools.api import Api
api = Api()
way = api.query('way/5887599')

The resulting object contains information about the way, which can easily be accessed:

# 'castle'
# 'Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt'
# 'http://www.belvedere.at'

Example 2

What is the English name of the church called ‘Stephansdom’, what address does it have, and which of which denomination is the church?

We use the Overpass API to query the corresponding data:

from OSMPythonTools.overpass import Overpass
overpass = Overpass()
result = overpass.query('way["name"="Stephansdom"]; out body;')

This time, the result is a number of objects, which can be accessed by result.elements(). We just pick the first one:

stephansdom = result.elements()[0]

Information about the church can now easily be accessed:

# "Saint Stephen's Cathedral"
'%s %s, %s %s' % (stephansdom.tag('addr:street'), stephansdom.tag('addr:housenumber'), stephansdom.tag('addr:postcode'), stephansdom.tag('addr:city'))
# 'Stephansplatz 3, 1010 Wien'
# 'cathedral'
# 'catholic'

Example 3

How many trees are in the OSM data of Vienna? And how many trees have there been in 2013?

This time, we have to first resolve the name ‘Vienna’ to an area ID:

from OSMPythonTools.nominatim import Nominatim
nominatim = Nominatim()
areaId = nominatim.query('Vienna, Austria').areaId()

This area ID can now be used to build the corresponding query:

from OSMPythonTools.overpass import overpassQueryBuilder, Overpass
overpass = Overpass()
query = overpassQueryBuilder(area=areaId, elementType='node', selector='"natural"="tree"', out='count')
result = overpass.query(query)
# 137830

There are 134520 trees in the current OSM data of Vienna. How many have there been in 2013?

result = overpass.query(query, date='2013-01-01T00:00:00Z', timeout=60)
# 127689

Example 4

Where are waterbodies located in Vienna?

Again, we have to resolve the name ‘Vienna’ before running the query:

from OSMPythonTools.nominatim import Nominatim
nominatim = Nominatim()
areaId = nominatim.query('Vienna, Austria').areaId()

The query can be built like in the examples before. This time, however, the argument includeGeometry=True is provided to the overpassQueryBuilder in order to let him generate a query that downloads the geometry data.

from OSMPythonTools.overpass import overpassQueryBuilder, Overpass
overpass = Overpass()
query = overpassQueryBuilder(area=areaId, elementType=['way', 'relation'], selector='"natural"="water"', includeGeometry=True)
result = overpass.query(query)

Next, we can exemplarily choose one random waterbody (the first one of the download ones) and compute its geometry like follows:

firstElement = result.elements()[0]
# {"coordinates": [[[16.498671, 48.27628], [16.4991, 48.276345], ... ]], "type": "Polygon"}

Observe that the resulting geometry is provided in the GeoJSON format.

Example 5

How did the number of trees in Berlin, Paris, and Vienna change over time?

Before we can answer the question, we have to import some modules:

from collections import OrderedDict
from OSMPythonTools.data import Data, dictRangeYears, ALL
from OSMPythonTools.overpass import overpassQueryBuilder, Overpass

The question has two ‘dimensions’: the dimension of time, and the dimension of different cities:

dimensions = OrderedDict([
    ('year', dictRangeYears(2013, 2017.5, 1)),
    ('city', OrderedDict({
        'berlin': 'Berlin, Germany',
        'paris': 'Paris, France',
        'vienna': 'Vienna, Austria',

We have to define how we fetch the data. We again use Nominatim and the Overpass API to query the data (it can take some time to perform this query the first time!):

overpass = Overpass()
def fetch(year, city):
    areaId = nominatim.query(city).areaId()
    query = overpassQueryBuilder(area=areaId, elementType='node', selector='"natural"="tree"', out='count')
    return overpass.query(query, date=year, timeout=60).countElements()
data = Data(fetch, dimensions)

We can now easily generate a plot from the result:

data.plot(city=ALL, filename='example4.png')

data.plot(city=ALL, filename='example4.png')

Alternatively, we can generate a table from the result

# year,berlin,paris,vienna
# 2013.0,10180,1936,127689
# 2014.0,17971,26905,128905
# 2015.0,28277,90599,130278
# 2016.0,86769,103172,132293
# 2017.0,108432,103246,134616

More examples can be found inside the documentation of the modules.


The following modules are available (please click on their names to access further documentation):

Please refer to the general remarks page if you have further questions related to OSMPythonTools in general or functionality that the several modules have in common.

Observe the breaking changes as included in the version history.


This library is a little bit more verbose than other Python libraries. The good reason behind is that the OpenStreetMap, the Nominatim, and the Overpass servers experience a heavy load already and their resources should be used carefully. In order to make you, the user of this library, aware of when OSMPythonTools accesses these servers, corresponding information is logged by default. In case you want to suppress these messages, you have to insert the following lines after the import of OSMPythonTools:

import logging

Please note that suppressing the messages means that you have to ensure on your own that you do not overuse the provided services and that you stick to their fair policy guidelines.


You can test the package by running

pytest --verbose

Please note that the tests might run very long (several minutes) because the overpass server will most likely defer the downloads.


This application is written and maintained by Franz-Benjamin Mocnik, [email protected].

(c) by Franz-Benjamin Mocnik, 2017-2021.

The code is licensed under the GPL-3.

  • overpass.py - _waitForReady - Hardcoded Status String Positions

    overpass.py - _waitForReady - Hardcoded Status String Positions

    Hi there,

    first of all, great library, it's been really useful to me!

    Now my issue, after experiementing with the public endpoints I've setup a personal overpass endpoint to escape the wait times and not over utilize public goods. I've followed along the instructions on: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Overpass_API/Installation Installing Release 0.7.58

    Pointing the library to my endpoint via: Overpass(endpoint='<MyEndpoint>')

    I ended up with the following error (happy to share a more detailed trace if needed): Exception: [overpass] could not fetch or interpret status of the endpoint

    After some analysis it seems I'm failing in the libraries _waitForReady function because my status response has more rows and therefore the statusString[] indexes are off.

    Status Response Connected as: 3232235754 Current time: 2022-06-01T15:19:28Z Announced endpoint: none Rate limit: 0 Currently running queries (pid, space limit, time limit, start time):

    Can the function be changed to work line independent and detect required infos smarter? I'm just starting out so I don't want to mess with the libraries code.


    opened by e-bock 16
  • Nominatim in Jupyter Notebook

    Nominatim in Jupyter Notebook

    Hi there,

    I am new to OSM and wanted to play around with it in a Jupiter Notebook.

    I checked out the readme and wanted to implement the example. But somehow it does not do what it is supposed to. Please check out the error messages in the attachment.

    Any suggestion is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks Pascal

    opened by reuschp 13
  • Errors in cached results

    Errors in cached results

    If a query results in an error (e.g., a timeout) even re-running the query with changed parameters (e.g., a different timeout value) immediately bails out. I have not checked if timeouts are the only problem but in general the cache should be invalidated in those cases.

    (I am building the query strings manually; using 0.3.0 via pip)

    opened by stefanct 9
  • Update overpassQueryBuilder's area parameter to handle way or relation ids

    Update overpassQueryBuilder's area parameter to handle way or relation ids

    This would make querying within features with known ids/without names simpler by including logic to calculate the feature's corresponding area id.

    Example usage:

    • How many footways are in a given park polygon? from OSMPythonTools.overpass import overpassQueryBuilder, Overpass overpass = Overpass() query = overpassQueryBuilder(area='w290617734', elementType='way', selector='highway=footway', out='body') result = overpass.query(query) result.countElements() #16
    opened by tyhranac 9
  • Test dependencies in `setup.py`

    Test dependencies in `setup.py`

    Hi, first of all thank you very much for all your work on this package.

    While insalling this package, I realised that it introduces a dependency on pytest and pytest-sugar (see this line and this line).

    Are those dependencies needed for end users, or should they be distributed somewhere else for developer of this library only? I'm asking this question because installing the package produces a side-effect for me which is modifying my pytest interface.

    Thank you for your time.

    opened by simonTurintech 6
  • Throwing generic exceptions makes handling them differently impossible

    Throwing generic exceptions makes handling them differently impossible

    The library often handles exception itself, e.g., cacheObject's __query(), by excepting, logging, and then raising a newly created generic Exception object. For example very specific exceptions raised by urllib get converted into this generic type. It thus becomes impossible to differentiate between different errors on the user side, e.g., it one cannot even react differently if the user hits ctrl+c while a transfer is in progress. As is it is completely impossible to do meaningful error handling without inspection or other tricks AFAICT.

    It would be much better to leave the respective error handling to the library user instead. You can still add useful information to the exception (and log stuff if you like), cf. https://wiki.python.org/moin/HandlingExceptions

    opened by stefanct 5
  • Cannot build geometry for a relation.

    Cannot build geometry for a relation.

    With the following:

    from OSMPythonTools.overpass import Overpass

    op = Overpass() q = 'relation(110796); out body;' r = op.query(q) e = r.elements()[0] e.geometry()

    I get the following:

    Exception: [OSMPythonTools.Element] Cannot build geometry: cannot find outer ring for inner ring. (relation/110796)

    opened by johnaschmidt 5
  • Recursive query

    Recursive query

    Is there a way to download all nodes of requested ways during the overpass query?

    I have this query: query = f'''area({area_id})->.searchArea; ( rel(area.searchArea); way(area.searchArea); node(area.searchArea); )->.result; .result out meta; .result >->.recurseresult; .recurseresult out meta;'''

    result = overpass.query(query) In my understanding, even if all nodes of a way w are in results, the first time I call w.nodes() it will download all of the nodes.

    I would like:

    1. query() to download all data so that no other http request are made.
    2. nodeRefs() or similar to receive node ids only (currently this info is buried into _json)

    Is there such functionality or is planned?

    Thanks, Angelo

    opened by moscati 5
  • pass arbitrary params to Nominatim API

    pass arbitrary params to Nominatim API

    This may not be a feature desired by the authors, but I thought it might be helpful to pass other parameters when querying the nominatim API (Nominatim search API docs).

    opened by ad2476 5
  • Missing recently edited ways in results

    Missing recently edited ways in results


    query = overpassQueryBuilder(area=3600007407, elementType='way',    selector='"railway"="rail"', out='body')
    Out[30]: 751
    Out[28]: 751

    but doing on http://overpass-api.de/query_form.html way(area:3600007407)[railway=rail]; out count;

    <count id="0">
        <tag k="nodes" v="0"/>
        <tag k="ways" v="764"/>
        <tag k="relations" v="0"/>
        <tag k="areas" v="0"/>
        <tag k="total" v="764"/>

    overpy also gives 764 elements.

    It seems that missing ways were recently modified like 852538015: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/852538015 edited 3 month ago

    Do you have any idea ?

    opened by masfaraud 4
  • [overpass] error in result (cache/overpass...)

    [overpass] error in result (cache/overpass...)


    I am trying to query for objects (nodes and ways) that are around some location represented as a (lat, lon) pair. My query is

    query_obj = '(node(around:10000,{0},{1});way(around:10000,{0},{1});); out body;'.format(lat, lon)
    overpass.query(query_obj, timeout=5)

    And while it works fine with some (lat, lon) pairs, e.g. (52.6851, -0.470191), it throws an exception with others, e.g. (54.59298,-1.48307).

    This is what I am getting image

    What could be the reason? And do you have any idea how to avoid that?

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by sonniki 4
  • Significantly reduced performance since version 0.3.3

    Significantly reduced performance since version 0.3.3

    I recently updated from version 0.2.8 to 0.3.5 and noticed a significant increase in querying time for overpass queries with the new version. Testing around with different longer queries showed an increase in time by a factor of 100-150x. Dug a bit in the source code and it seems to be an issue with the ApiResult class (in api.py) - and how it was rewritten since version 0.3.3. More specifically, how BeautifulSoup and the souphistory is handled now is decreasing OSMPythonTools performance significantly.

    For reference:

    new, slow version (>=0.3.3)

    class ApiResult(Element):
        def __init__(self, xml, queryString, params, cacheMetadata=None, shallow=False, history=False):
            self._isValid = (xml != {} and xml is not None)
            self._xml = xml
            self._soup2 = None
            soup = None
            soupHistory = None
            if self._isValid:
                self._soup2 = BeautifulSoup(xml, 'xml').find('osm')
                soupHistory = self._soup2.find_all(['node', 'way', 'relation'])
                if len(soupHistory) > 0:
                    soup = soupHistory[-1]
            super().__init__(cacheMetadata, soup=soup, soupHistory=soupHistory if history else None, shallow=shallow)
            self._queryString = queryString
            self._params = params

    older, more efficient version (<0.3.3)

    class ApiResult(Element):
        def __init__(self, xml, queryString, shallow=False):
            self._isValid = (xml != {} and xml is not None)
            self._xml = xml
            self._soup = None
            soupElement = None
            if self._isValid:
                self._soup = BeautifulSoup(xml, 'xml')
                if len(self._soup.find_all('node')) > 0:
                    soupElement = self._soup.node
                if len(self._soup.find_all('way')) > 0:
                    soupElement = self._soup.way
                if len(self._soup.find_all('relation')) > 0:
                    soupElement = self._soup.relation
            super().__init__(soup=soupElement, shallow=shallow)
            self._queryString = queryString
    opened by sb-stefan 0
  • Could we get (perhaps computed) center coordinates for all elements?

    Could we get (perhaps computed) center coordinates for all elements?

    For example:

    from OSMPythonTools.api import Api
    api = Api()
    way = api.query('relation/3629242')

    I understand that it is probably not trivial and some computation would have to be done in the background, but either remove those methods when they cannot be filled with some meaningful data or compute the result?

    opened by mcepl 1
  • It does not work on m1 macbook

    It does not work on m1 macbook

    When i import the Api by this command:

    from OSMPythonTools.api import Api

    I have this exception:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/Users/evblinov/Desktop/Projects/candidates_gateway/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/OSMPythonTools/api.py", line 4, in <module>
        from OSMPythonTools.internal.cacheObject import CacheObject
      File "/Users/evblinov/Desktop/Projects/candidates_gateway/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/OSMPythonTools/internal/cacheObject.py", line 5, in <module>
        import ujson
    ImportError: dlopen(/Users/evblinov/Desktop/Projects/candidates_gateway/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ujson.cpython-310-darwin.so, 0x0002): tried: '/Users/evblinov/Desktop/Projects/candidates_gateway/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ujson.cpython-310-darwin.so' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have (x86_64), need (arm64e)))
    opened by pomponchik 0
  • Overpass shallow query results in an error

    Overpass shallow query results in an error

    Having shallow parameter on True for overpass results in passing just a boolean as dict to _rawToResult function and ends up with

    File .../.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/OSMPythonTools/overpass.py:144, in OverpassResult.__get(self, prop)
        143 def __get(self, prop):
    --> 144     return self._json[prop] if prop in self._json else None





    opened by RaczeQ 0
  • OSMPythonTools.nominatim output preferred language

    OSMPythonTools.nominatim output preferred language

    Maybe I didn't understand how to do it, but it would be very useful to be able to pass a language-related parameter in Nominatim. Something similar to: loc = nominatim.query(*coordinates, reverse=True, wkt=True, language='en' )

    opened by pankus 0
  • Overpass returns every way twice

    Overpass returns every way twice

    I was trying to find all runways within a bounding box, and noticed that I get every runway (mapped as a way with aeroway=runway) twice. Here's a test code:

    from OSMPythonTools import overpass
    query = overpass.overpassQueryBuilder(bbox=[-6.05, 144.95, -6, 145], elementType="way",
                                                                     selector='"aeroway"="runway"', out="body", includeCenter=True)
    result = overpass.Overpass().query(query).ways()
    for e in result:
        print(e, e.tags())

    which prints:

    [overpass] downloading data: [timeout:25][out:json];(way["aeroway"="runway"](-6.05,144.95,-6,145);); out center; out body;
    <OSMPythonTools.element.Element object at 0x7fb7a11704c0> {'aeroway': 'runway', 'ele': '1516', 'length': '1015', 'name': '03/21', 'source': 'Bing', 'surface': 'paved'}
    <OSMPythonTools.element.Element object at 0x7fb7a11700d0> {'aeroway': 'runway', 'ele': '1516', 'length': '1015', 'name': '03/21', 'source': 'Bing', 'surface': 'paved'}

    You can see that I got two different Elements holding the exact same data. Here's the test area in OSM And Overpass-turbo shows that there is in fact only one way tagged ´aeroway=runway´ in that area.

    opened by TheFGFSEagle 6
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