My capstone project for Udacity's Machine Learning Nanodegree



My capstone project for Udacity's Machine Learning Nanodegree

Lane Detection with Deep Learning

In this project, I use a deep learning-based approach to improve upon lane detection. My final model uses a fully convolutional neural network to output an image of a predicted lane.

Please see my final Capstone Project Report here.

Also, see my original capstone proposal here.

Lastly, check out the wiki page in this repository to see some more of my steps along the way. The separate "early_steps" branch contains earlier code for previous versions of the neural network as well as files that can extract data for training and perform some automatic labeling.

See an early version of the model detecting lane lines with perspective transformed images here. An early version of my model trained without perspective transformed images, i.e. regular road images, can be seen here!

Lastly, with the finalized fully convolutional model, there are a couple additional videos I made. The first, which is the same video from the above two, has between 10-20% of the frames fed into the mode, as can be seen here. Additionally, a video made from the Challenge Video from Udacity's Advanced Lane Lines project in the SDCND, where the neural network had never seen the video before, can be seen here. The model performs fairly robustly on the never-before-seen video, with the only hitch due to the large light difference as it goes under the overpass.

An additional video can be seen at this Dropbox link.


For fully convolutional network

You can download the full training set of images I used here and the full set of 'labels' (which are just the 'G' channel from an RGB image of a re-drawn lane with an extra dimension added to make use in Keras easier) here (157 MB).

Images with coefficient labels

If you just want the original training images with no flips or rotations (downsized to 80x160x3) you can find them here. You can also find the related coefficient labels (i.e. not the drawn lane labels, but the cofficients for a polynomial line) here.

Software Requirements

You can use this conda environment file. In the command line, use conda env create -f lane_environment.yml and then source activate lane_environment (or just activate with the environment name on Windows) to use the environment.

Key Files

Although I have included many of the python files I created to help process my images and various prototype neural networks in the "early_steps" branch, the key files are:

  • - Assuming you have downloaded the training images and labels above, this is the fully convolutional neural network to train using that data.
  • full_CNN_model.h5 - These are the final outputs from the above CNN. Note that if you train the file above the originals here will be overwritten! These get fed into the below.
  • - Using the trained model and an input video, this predicts the lane, averages across 5 frames, and returns the original video with predicted lane lines drawn onto it. Note that it is currently set up to use the basic video from Udacity's SDCND Advanced Lane Lines project here, but the code at the end can be changed to accept different input videos.

Training Image Statistics

  • 21,054 total images gathered from 12 videos (a mix of different times of day, weather, traffic, and road curvatures)
  • 17.4% were clear night driving, 16.4% were rainy morning driving, and 66.2% were cloudy afternoon driving
  • 26.5% were straight or mostly straight roads, 30.2% were a mix or moderate curves, and 43.3% were very curvy roads
  • The roads also contain difficult areas such as construction and intersections
  • 14,235 of the total that were usable of those gathered (mainly due to blurriness, hidden lines, etc.)
  • 1,420 total images originally extracted from those to account for time series (1 in every 10)
  • 227 of the 1,420 unusable due to the limits of the CV-based model used to label (down from 446 due to various improvements made to the original model) for a total of 1,193 images
  • Another 568 images (of 1,636 pulled in) gathered from more curvy lines to assist in gaining a wider distribution of labels (1 in every 5 from the more curved-lane videos; from 8,187 frames)
  • In total, 1,761 original images
  • I pulled in the easier project video from Udacity's Advanced Lane Lines project (to help the model learn an additional camera's distortion) - of 1,252 frames, I used 1 in 5 for 250 total, 217 of which were usable for training
  • A total of 1,978 actual images used between my collections and the one Udacity video
  • After checking histograms for each coefficient of each label for distribution, I created an additional 4,404 images using small rotations of the images outside the very center of the original distribution of images. This was done in three rounds of slowly moving outward from the center of the data (so those further out from the center of the distribution were done multiple times). 6,382 images existed at this point.
  • Finally, I added horizontal flips of each and every road image and its corresponding label, which doubled the total images. All in all, there were a total of 12,764 images for training.
  • No matching ActionLib Distribution

    No matching ActionLib Distribution

    When I run conda env create -f lane_environment.yml I get the following error: Collecting actionlib==1.11.7 Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement actionlib==1.11.7

    If actionlib is required for this, can you maybe update the environment file with another compatible version?


    opened by corlinp 6
  • Return offset

    Return offset

    Hi Michael. Thank you so much for this intensive work! I wonder in your final method, is there any way that could calculate the offset of the car from lanes, comparing with the method that uses perspective transformation?

    opened by yanzhang0417 4
  • Any Idea for the use DC motors or etc for that?

    Any Idea for the use DC motors or etc for that?

    Hello. First, cong. Awesome project, I was wanting to learn deep learning with making lane detection. I can learn now but how can I control the motors sir? How we can calculate the lanes? I have idea with using Tan90=Sin90/Cos90 like that.

    Have a nice day!

    opened by mustafamerttunali 4
  • Dataset and Labels

    Dataset and Labels

    Hi, Iam facing following issues:

    1.I am not able to open the full_CNN_train.p and CNN_label.p in Matlab. 2.How can I train and label my own dataset using this code?

    Please can you guide where I am doing wrong

    opened by mrinaliniP 3
  • Cannot find scaler.p

    Cannot find scaler.p

    I tried to run this and got the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 26, in label_scaler = pickle.load(open( "scaler.p", "rb" )) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'scaler.p'

    opened by prodigystd 3
  • Where is the file: full_CNN_train.p ? File Not Found error. Thanks:)

    Where is the file: full_CNN_train.p ? File Not Found error. Thanks:)

    Dear @mvirgo , Thanks for creating such an amazing project! I am sure that I will learn from it. For now, I am using this as a benchmark for my new PC and I was wandering where the file 'Full_CNN_train.p' is as it is giving me a File Not Found error.

    I simply cloned the github repo. by .p, do you mean .py? Many thanks 👍

    Clement Secondary School Student :)

    opened by tongclement 2
  • ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes

    ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes

    when i run the in line 36 the issue is ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes and one more question what is list index out of range. Can you help me pls?

    opened by raflialhamdi 2
  • why I don't get the same output with the same input and same model?

    why I don't get the same output with the same input and same model?

    I use this code to get output file which is a road with detected path according to detected lines:

    from os.path import splitext, basename

    import numpy as np import cv2

    from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip from keras.models import load_model

    model = load_model('full_CNN_model.h5')

    class Lanes(): def init(self): self.recent_fit = [] self.avg_fit = []

    lanes = Lanes() vid_in = "line_1.mp4" vid_output = 'line_1_out.mp4'

    video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture() fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') name, extension = splitext(basename(vid_in)) output = name + '.avi'

    if property_id = int(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) total_frames = int(cv2.VideoCapture.get(video_capture, property_id)) frame_no = 1 width, height = int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)),
    int(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)) fps = video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)

    video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(output, fourcc, fps, (width, height))
    while video_capture.isOpened():
        ret, frame =
        if not ret:
        small_img = np.array(np.resize(frame, (80, 160, 3)))
        small_img = small_img[None,:,:,:]
        prediction = model.predict(small_img)[0] * 255
        if len(lanes.recent_fit) > 5:
            lanes.recent_fit = lanes.recent_fit[1:]
        lanes.avg_fit = np.mean(np.array([i for i in lanes.recent_fit]), axis = 0)
        blanks = np.zeros_like(lanes.avg_fit).astype(np.uint8)
        lane_drawn = np.dstack((blanks, lanes.avg_fit, blanks))
        lane_image = np.resize(lane_drawn, (720, 1280, 3))
        result = cv2.addWeighted(lane_image, 1, lane_image, 1, 0)
        if frame_no % 20 == 0:
            print('# {}/{} frames processed!'.format(frame_no, total_frames))
        frame_no += 1

    I also used the code in the original repository, but I did not get the same output in repository, Although I use the same steps.

    Do I have to train another model now?

    opened by masouduut94 2
  • Training and validation loss graphs

    Training and validation loss graphs

    Please post the training loss graph and validation loss graph for your trained model. I am using as a reference for my dissertation. It will be very helpful.

    opened by sahrudaibond 2
  • labels and output

    labels and output

    how to make labels without that redrawn lanes ? or how to get those redrawn lanes can we change the final output to be a convolution and not a deconv and what should the output be

    opened by imaneelhg 2
  • OSError: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'full_CNN_model.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)

    OSError: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'full_CNN_model.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)

    I got an error after i had run python3 MLND-Capstone/

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "MLND-Capstone/", line 9, in model = load_model('full_CNN_model.h5') File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/engine/", line 458, in load_wrapper return load_function(*args, **kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/engine/", line 549, in load_model with H5Dict(filepath, mode='r') as h5dict: File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/keras/utils/", line 191, in init = h5py.File(path, mode=mode) File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 394, in init swmr=swmr) File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 170, in make_fid fid =, flags, fapl=fapl) File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper File "h5py/h5f.pyx", line 85, in OSError: Unable to open file (unable to open file: name = 'full_CNN_model.h5', errno = 2, error message = 'No such file or directory', flags = 0, o_flags = 0)

    opened by mduccc 2
  • no output after changing output type of addweighted method

    no output after changing output type of addweighted method

    1# I got an error of different input types on add weighted method so I've to specify an output type

    before change: result = cv2.addWeighted(image, 1, lane_image, 1, 0) after change: result = cv2.addWeighted(image, 1, lane_image, 1, 0, dtype= cv2.CV_32F).astype(np.uint8)

    now there are no lanes on mn output video 2# and also I've used "from skimage.transform import resize as imresize" for image resize but I didn't change any other lines related to imresize is it ok? i.e lane_image = imresize(lane_drawn, (720, 1280, 3)) its same before and after

    opened by anees1998 2
  • About labels

    About labels

    Hello, I'm not understanding how you are creating labels and what's inside in labels.p file as you are dividing labels by 255.Why?

    Normalize labels - training images get normalized to start in the network

    labels = labels / 255 Please guide me in this. Thank You!

    opened by aansrajpoot 0
  • Dataset handling is very inefficient

    Dataset handling is very inefficient

    The current way the dataset is loaded for training is super inefficient and loads the whole dataset all at once. As such, I should consider changing the dataset from being stored as a pickle file, as well as whether to use flow_from_directory or similar techniques.

    opened by mvirgo 2
  • Use PIL over scipy's deprecated imresize

    Use PIL over scipy's deprecated imresize

    Scipy deprecated imresize as of 1.3.0 and now suggests using PIL to resize images. This will require both updating code as well as the environment file to eventually remove scipy and replace it with pillow.

    Can also consider using alternative image re-sizing functions from other libraries as well.

    opened by mvirgo 0
Michael Virgo
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Michael Virgo
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